A one pointed journey through energy,

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A one pointed journey through energy,

Post by Cody5202 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:05 am

Piercing through the maya of this Reality, through bringing emptiness into ourselves.  Is possible, from creating an aware self. While simultaneously staying focused on a central idea.  Naturally manifesting that beautiful balance with self and the universe; one pointedness.
 What ive just said, is my answer to the following question, but i would like to know your perspective on the madder.

  If one of us, is an emotional empath, as well as being born psychically open,  how do we reach the state in which the mystics call one pointedness?  Without being disconected from society all together, yet while also not becoming a ( one of the people ive talked to recently used this metaphore )  emotional garbage pale for others pain.  Although, i can see how becoming clear with ones authenticity and constantly reminding oneself of  "their" perception of being, can relinquish the thoughts absorbed from others, but im still bewildered about how this person can transcend the pain aspect.  Energetically speaking, pain, from my experience, Is a very subtle feeling that an emotional empath absorbs through their solar plexus. Without mental training, one could find it very hard to become conscious of it, let alone release it.  Borrowing energy from the universe, through the speaking of prayers, or mantras is a suggestion that i found helpfull, but again id like to hear your words on this.  

Thank you,
Last edited by Cody5202 on Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:24 pm

Dear Cody

“Piercing through the maya of reality”. I like this.

“Through bringing emptiness into us” Perfectly ok.

       but the question arises where and how to bring emptiness in ourselves.

This emptiness inside us can only be established by AWARENESS.
Being in the present is the key to awareness;

Stay in the present with whatever you are doing; when you take the next step; when you brush your teeth; when you smile at someone, try and concentrate on what you are doing at that particular moment in time.  

Awareness is the door that opens to bliss. To be in the present one needs to reach a 'no mind' state – without thoughts. Once we reach this point the seeming contradiction of being in the spiritual space while straddling the material space disappears.
Being in the 'here and now' helps to transcend barriers of time and space – one can become omnipresent. This is also the state of enlightenment as the ego or mind breaks down at this point. In Buddhism it is called the mindful state.

Many of us even while we are eating are actually not eating. We do everything else but concentrate on the task at hand – eating. We talk, watch TV, or read books but little attention to the food we consume. The food energy in turn pays very little attention to us. It turns into garbage and stays on our waist and hips instead of being the energy it should be.

Stay in the present with whatever you are doing; when you take the next step; when you brush your teeth; when you smile at someone, try and concentrate on what you are doing at that particular moment in time.

Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:34 pm

Post by Cody5202 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:46 am

thank you prabakaran,

 Very much appreciate your insights.

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