Daily horoscopes for 8th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 8th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:30 pm


Your urge to protect someone is admirable, but you need to realize that there's a chance you could get dragged down with them. It's not too late to distance yourself from the mess they have created -- and you might want to do it. Sure, it might make you feel guilty, but do you think that this person would do the same for you? It's time to stop making things so hard for yourself, and start admitting that the easy way out isn't always the wrong way out.


Staying conservative and cautious is the right strategy for your finances right now, but when it comes your emotions, you need to liberally spread them around! Share your feelings to anyone who is willing to listen to them today. Even if you don't feel like you have much to say, you should just start talking. Once you start expressing yourself to others, they'll start expressing themselves more openly to you. Be happy about where you are and what you're doing!


When there are lots of things going on, you usually tend to clam up and get quiet. This is smart, because it enables you to check out the scene before diving in and getting involved. But today, when you are around a lot of people you should wear your emotions on your sleeve. Letting your true personality show right away will show people who you are and separate you from the rest of the crowd -- and making yourself stand apart will give you a huge advantage over others.


Emails may be efficient and convenient, but they are not the best way to get your message across today. Misinterpretations are bound to pop up when a person can't understand your tone of voice, so try to deliver all messages in person. Plus, if there is any confusion, it's much easier to clear it up when you are looking in someone's eyes as you explain yourself. Besides, it offers you another opportunity to connect with people on a deeper level.


Today your energy is much less erratic than it has been over the past few days, and you can count on having a consistent attitude about things all day long. But still, don't worry if you find your mind wandering a little during a boring conversation or routine meeting. Staying engaged could still be a problem for you, so it's not a great day for doing any research or working on solo projects. You are better suited for brainstorming in group settings with people who are your intellectual equals.


If you are charged with being a leader of a group today, there is one thing that you need to remember -- if you want everyone to like you, you're not going to get anyone to follow your instructions. Keeping everyone's needs satisfied might make you popular, but it's not going to help you make important decisions that help you all get the task at hand accomplished. You know what you are doing, and should trust that people are ready to follow your lead. Show them the way to go.


A two-faced person from your past is back on the scene, and they still are willing to say one thing to your face and do something completely different behind your back! This double-dealing person hasn't changed, but you sure have. Their old tricks are not going to work this time, and you will have an absolute ball proving that to them today. Be gentle when you give them their comeuppance, but don't hesitate to do it in front of a room full of people.


Take the risk of revealing yourself today, and you won't be disappointed. Gambling on the hope that people will like you for who you are is pretty much a sure thing right now. You are a lot more intriguing than you realize, and it's in your best interest to be more outgoing. You need to be more open about who you are and what you want to bring to the group. It can feel frightening to let yourself be vulnerable, but there is no better way of connecting with people.


You can create a positive outcome on a project you're working on -- if you stop putting out negative energy! Instead of focusing on the looming deadline or the obstacles still to overcome, focus on the progress you have made and the wonderful feeling you'll have when it's all done! Putting a positive spin on things and seeing the bright side is not as difficult as you may think. You can choose to be happy right now, so why don't you? Pretend your woes don't exist and, for a while, they won't.


Try to make sure that all of your verbal communication is concise and to the point -- don't just yak and beat around the bush about what you want to say. People simply don't have time to make small talk right now, there is too much going on. While you might want to chit chat and get social, it is probably just not going to be possible right now. So take a cue from the busy folks around you and keep it short! You might consider sending emails instead of talking, too.


Your brain has more creativity in it than you have been using lately, and today it might reach an explosive point! To ease the pressure, put a little bit of creative flair into everything you do. Dress with a little more color than you usually opt for. Make your salutations a little bit more remarkable than 'hello.' Spice up your emails to friends with sweet little rhymes or quotes from your favorite writers. Brightness has been missing from your life. So add some today!


Your busy lifestyle has been quite entertaining, but it has also kept you from spending more time with all your favorite people! So today, slow down. Cancel some appointments or reschedule them for another day. Make time to hang out with friends or family undisturbed. Send out some emails and find out when everyone is free for some fun times. Chances are, they could use an excuse to slow down their own busy lives and spend more time socializing, too.


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