Do you think it was a spirit or who......?

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Do you think it was a spirit or who......?

Post by believer » Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:47 am

Hi there,

I am looking for insight on what happened last night.  I was upstairs, just put my boys to bed, all the lights were out except for one of the bedrooms where my computer is located.  Needed a tissue went into the bathroom and was exiting when right across from the doorway of the lit bedroom, I saw a person standing there, he was short and I jumped and stopped dead in my tracks just about was to yell at my son to get back into bed when he disappeared and I stood there frowned, shook my head as to what did I just see.  Half thinking I'm crazy :smt017 , but it was enough to make me jump and make my heart race.

So I ask for those who see spirits, is this how you see them?  This image was pretty short and I know no one who has passed on that short.  I was not thinking about anything as I entered the bathroom except to get that tissue.   Thanks for any thoughts!


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Post by ShadowWolf » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:04 am

Hi, Believer

 My name is Jessie. I was born with second sight or was cursed with second sight. I can thank my grandmother. This is normally how I see them. Sometimes I can see them as plain as day just like you and me and other times it is a little more faded. I think what you are dealing with is your spirit guide who I am seeing as a male figure a little overweight and a smoker. But somehow not the cause of his death. I am seeing a death around 1980-1989. Please let me know if you sometimes smell ciggarete smoke or unusual smells of calogne. I believe this is your spirit guide but I could be wrong. I will be first to admit that I am not always at the top of my game and I do make mistakes no doubt. I would suggest asking your children if they have an imaginary friend or something like that nothing to scare them. See what name you come up with form them. If this spirit bothes you try burning a smudging stick made with sage or make your own by rolling broom sage in a peice of brown paper sack and tying it with string. Please keep me informed.

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Post by believer » Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:27 am

Hi ShadowWolf,

Thanks for your reply.  I was wondering..Do Spirit Guides ever pull your hair touch you?  Do you have more than one Spirit Guide?  How funny that he used to smoke, because I am dead against -  almost a rebel against cigarettes.

I have had a lot of activity in the house within the past year or so or maybe I am more aware of it.  I live by a cemetary that I pass by everyday and have seen two different images when I wasn't thinking about anything at all.

How cool to have the gift at a early age, at least the scary part is over with and you can control things better.  Imagine starting to see things at my age  :smt003 .

I would love to know more.


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:41 pm


          I am getting the name Sam or Sammy with this, I would also look not into recent deaths in the family but some a few generations back, We don't always have to know the people who come to check in on us, sometimes they are just more able to do things. That or they have a great sense of family. I know that I used to be visited by some of my grandfather's family who I never knew. (My grandfather passed before I was born, and I never met anyone from his family in real life) Sometimes knowing that you are not alone is hard to deal with, Perhaps you are developing t where you can see them and this was a way of helpin to easy you into it. *shrugs* could be many things. Just adding some thoughts so you can find the answers you are seeking.


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Was it a spirit....

Post by believer » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:40 am

Hello Nyteshadecreed,

It's been a while since I've seen your postings, nice to have you back.  I love reading your replies.  Since that night, he has not shown his image to me.  However, I have felt a blaten touch on top of my head, like squishing down your hair, but not all the way touching your scalp.  The little kids voice that used to call for Mommy has also quit.  Maybe they just wanted acknowledgement.  

I'll have to find my family tree and see if there are any Sam's.  I know that on My Dad's Mom's side, it dates back to President Monroe.  My Mother's side all came from Ireland.  

It would be nice to put a name with a face.   He had very piercing eyes.  

Thank you again for your help,

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:56 am

Hey believer it is very nice to be back here again... Sometimes life just gets so hectic that I have very time to do all the things that I would like to be able to. *hugz*


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greetings Believer !

Post by LittleSalt » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:25 am

i agree with all the other replies as well. Spirit Helper/Guides are always present, but not always to the naked eye. One of my teachers has spoke to me that they only show themselves (to the naked eye ), as we are prepared and ready to see them. It is my own experiences that they come in many forms. some as figures, some as sparks of light, and some so clear that they appear to be physically standing there. and not always are they human, as some i have seen are animals. something that was shared with me, i share with you..... it is not what we see when we are looking that is truth, but what we see when we are not looking. when we have a clear mind and heart , they appear more easily, as we are not caught up in worldly thoughts. this has proven to be true for myself on many occasions. and the harder i try to see them, the less they tend to be visable to the eye.

i also felt this is a distant relative that is trying to make contact with you, to share something with you ......
maybe something that you have been pondering in your heart.

just my thoughts to add to the hat !


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:53 pm


              I found myself nodding at you while reading your post... SO very very true... when I am alone is when I try to do most of my readings on here, it tends to make it clearer and easier for me to connect... and I am not getting fussed at for telling my b/f 'Shhhhhh' every two mins. LOL He trys to understand... ALso when I am in the other room he tends to hear me thinking things.... He thinks I am talking to him, and is now more ok with me telling him I didn't say anything. (use to cause arguments) But I am kinda digressing, the point of all that was yes, when you are less involved in the worldly things that we often focus on, we are more open to getting messages from the spiritual


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was it a spirit..

Post by believer » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:50 am


Thanks for making it clearer.  I have not thought of animals as an option.  I have so much heaviness of the heart dealing with dealing and disposing of my Mom's estate.  So many of her things that were dear to her that I cannot keep and had to sell cheap at an estate sale or that my siblings tossed into a dumpster without a single thought.  I've been told and I realize that they are just material things, but it is still hard.  

Do you or Nyteshadecreed know who has been touching my hair?  

I do seem to feel or see when I'm not thinking about anything, which doesn't happen often enough :).

Thanks Again,

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Dearest Believer

Post by LittleSalt » Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:34 am

i do not know who this is that is touching you. i have had this experience myself though. i am a believer, through my experiences, that any spirit who comes to us... we ask if they are there for the highest highest good, and if not , demand that they go. you can also go into the quiet ( no thoughts ) and ask them who they are. this can be recieved quickly sometimes, or maybe will take awhile, depending on where you are mind/body/spirit at the time. when i do this ..... i sit quiet, and eventually there is a feeling, or a old thought of someone , for me this is the clues, that help me to understand. a share of one of my experiences to help you understand.....
my husbands grandmother was never ill, and his grandfather had been battleing throat cancer about 3 yrs.... all the sudden gramma was sick with flu symptoms and had gone to hospital, within 48 hrs she passed on. about 8 months later i was sitting in my front room, all by myself, and above me, on each side of the room, were 2 lights, both wired together on one switch....
all of the sudden one of them ( and remember, they are wired together, the switch turns both on and off together with one switch) the one became bright and dim( this happened a couple of times) and the other remained normal. i stopped what i was doing, and sat and meditated, and asked... who is this ? as i meditated I could see my husbands grandmother in my minds eye ( 3rd eye ) i asked is this you gramma ? and the vision of her became more clear, and it felt like it was her. i asked her.... what is it ?why have you come ? and then i could see his grandfather like i had seen her. and the feeling of his passing was there, and then she was gone. the next morning when my husband had awoke,i talked to him about it, and told him of what it was i had experienced, he thought i was crazy, later that evening we got the phone call that grandpa had passed.
maybe this can help you with options to try.
i am compassionate to your situation, for i went thru the same type of things in my grandmother, and mothers case, and all happened in 3 months time, it was hard, but it has made me so much stronger, and now i know my mothers passing , it was a right of passage for me, so many things have taken place since that time space. things do get better when we find the peace in our hearts. i am not a believer in time heals , for i believe time is only an illusion of a system program. when we find and
embrace the things we encounter (create) everything becomes more simple. is only a matter of making that spiritual dance within ourselves, a place where we choose what perspective we wish to be standing in. how much we choose to embrace or resist is the dance. i hope this is making some since... lol
many dont get what i am speaking, but it is who i am , and is how i have found peace in my life.
it is hard to part with many things, for they remind us of the past, and old experiences, i go thru boxes every year, and sometimes 2 times a year, parting with more and more, as i am able to hold the love of the family in my heart, and not in the physical objects they possesed, it was a big growing process i went thru before i could do that though, i had held resentment for family members that come in like vultures took what they could make money on , and threw out so many treasures, most of what i kept from my grandma was what i took from the trash it was a crazy time back then , and oh my gosh, today..... well i feel so blessed and so loved, and i found myself in the process !!! isnt that beautiful ? i am hopeful this is of some help for you. may you find all the answers to the questions you have in your heart.

many blessings to you ,

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Post by LittleSalt » Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:49 am

as i just went back and re read your post, it does feel like a female that is touching your hair. when you feel this again, try to sit quiet and clear your thoughts, and just ask , i think you will find the answer you are seeking.

good luck hun, and enjoy the adventure... and i read in this site somehwere, ( i would credit the person who said it if i could remember) but it was so powerful...... " if everything is not ok , it is not over" in the end all things are and will be ok.


blessings and hugs to you

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was it a spirit..

Post by believer » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:52 pm


Your writing has brought tears to my eyes.  I understand exactly what you are saying.  Without sounding condensending, you are very wise at such a young age.  By the end of the month, the house should be emptied and sold and then I feel that the healing will have a chance to start.  I have so many questions that I hope down the road. the answers will come.  

Thank you for your time and compassion.  "hugz"

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