Learn Tarot - Practice your reading here (1)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Your Reading Sizi...

Post by deelitefullyme » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:36 pm

Okay, here are the three cards I dealt and your reading...

Card 1 - Two of Wands:
PAST: Choices.  You had a decision to make.  You knew that by trusting your instincts you would be able to make a wise decision.  With the two possibilities, both choices were appealing.  You chose the right one.  I feel partnership or a new home?

Card 2 - The Emperor:
PRESENT: Your decision has led you to a sturdy foundation.  You know what you want, what you need and how to achieve it.  Now, you must maintain and rule it wisely.  But, you must guard against becoming a tyrant.  Don't let this become a trap.  To have your empire is one thing, to take care of it is another.  This is about being in control.  You and you alone should be in control of your life at this time.  Realize your goals.

Card 3 - Four of Cups
FUTURE: You will be disappointed by somebody or something and will become emotionally stuck.  You will cut yourself off and turn inward.  What you have is still worth having if you'd only look but you've decided you want no part of it.  Through self absorption and boredom you won't be bothered to look any further than your anger.  That will be a shame because if you listen to the voice of wisdom, you will look up and see that what you need is not far away.

That's the reading.

I'm not sure why but I keep seeing real estate and a loss soon to come.

Hope this was close.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:57 am

Okay, here are the three cards I dealt and your reading...

Card 1 - Two of Wands:
PAST: Choices.  You had a decision to make.  You knew that by trusting your instincts you would be able to make a wise decision.  With the two possibilities, both choices were appealing.  You chose the right one.  I feel partnership or a new home?

Yeah when i made this decision it was a choice between moving to london and my career or moving in with my husband, i chose my husband.

Card 2 - The Emperor:
PRESENT: Your decision has led you to a sturdy foundation.  You know what you want, what you need and how to achieve it.  Now, you must maintain and rule it wisely.  But, you must guard against becoming a tyrant.  Don't let this become a trap.  To have your empire is one thing, to take care of it is another.  This is about being in control.  You and you alone should be in control of your life at this time.  Realize your goals.

lol I am seen as a woman who knows what she wants and on occaisions appear inflexible so I will guard against that.

Card 3 - Four of Cups
FUTURE: You will be disappointed by somebody or something and will become emotionally stuck.  You will cut yourself off and turn inward.  What you have is still worth having if you'd only look but you've decided you want no part of it.  Through self absorption and boredom you won't be bothered to look any further than your anger.  That will be a shame because if you listen to the voice of wisdom, you will look up and see that what you need is not far away.

I hope i remember this wise warning later in life.  Sometimes i forget to look up and smell the roses.
That's the reading.

I'm not sure why but I keep seeing real estate and a loss soon to come.

A relative has a terminal illness and is slipping away from us.
I am currently doing some improvements to the house and I am contemplating moving to another country in a few years time.

Hope this was close.

What a great reading and very accurate.  I am impressed at your succinct manner!  How did doing the reading feel to you?

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Post by deelitefullyme » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:20 pm

The reading felt good but I keep falling in the trap of second guessing myself.  I know how I feel when reading but if the feeling is bad (as in unhappy or unsettling in some way) it's hard for me to tell the person I am reading for.

Guess I just always want to give good news.  As an example, I did a reading on a friend and he was asking about possibly quitting his job and starting his own business.  The cards were clear, his job was coming to an end very soon and there was nothing he could do about it.  I found this hard to tell him so I waited a few days.

I did his reading on Saturday, waited until Monday to tell him and on Wednesday everyone in his office was called into a meeting and told the company had no more money or new jobs coming in (Structural Engineering Firm).  They were told that for now all would be receiving a 25% pay cut and layoff will be following shortly.

He said in the meeting, he had to smile because all he could do was think about what I had said when the 8 of swords and the wheel of fortune came out.  I'm getting better at giving bad news but I still don't like too.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:02 pm

I think you tackled my bad news with tact and diplomacy.  Sometimes what seems bad news to you is not to the other person, so never put a value judgement on unless the cards say so.

I remember doing a reading some time ago for a friend.  I told her that a a distant family member was going to pass over and was thinking about them and they would gain from their death.  They said no one was old or sick etc.  A week later a great aunt died that they had never heard of and they inherited her full estate.  They thought i was mad when i told them what the cards said and amazed when it happened.

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learn tarot

Post by AnaCaro » Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:37 pm

I would like to practice my tarot reading. Is this forum still going on?

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Post by pirbid » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:20 pm

:) Hi! I believe it is, but if you find it slow or get no answers, you might get a little more action on the Reading Exchange thread in the regular Tarot forum, although people posting there are usually quite proficient already. Since I do not know what your level is, I cannot tell which would suit you best. Have a look around and see!  :smt120

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Post by ec » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:04 pm

hello there Gem,
I have done a three card reading, past present and future with the rw pack.
For the past we have the Queen of wands...
For the present, the devil and for the future the king of wands.

What strikes me first overall, is that you have a very strong woman with a devil between her and a very strong man... the devil could represent temptation or carnal desire or simply a choice to be made.

The queen has a backdrop with lions rampart and sunflowers, she is holding a sunflower and her throne has two lions on it... I get the feeling that you have been or you have been involved with a really firey, proud woman, a woman in touch with herself and her own powers...in touch with her own emotions and maybe all that is magical and mystical (the wand and the black cat) I get the feeling that this lady knows her own mind.

The card for the present then is the devil.... there is a woman chained to the devil's throne on the left and a man on the right nearest the king... could you be struggling with your carnal desires or your more base desires...or are you tempted by somebody or something?? I feel that you have an internal struggle that you would like to resolve.

The future is the king of wands...the king for the queen... you will find your other half, the man who is your equal..or you will reconcile yourself to the masculin part of yourself and reslove your struggle by finding the balance you need. These two regal characters aren't filled with joy or exuberance but I do feel that that they are two halves of a whole and that they will rise above the carnal, or lust...all that is base...te  temptations or struggle you feel now.....and  together, or as two parts of one psyche, together they create a unity... of spirit...

Looking forward to your feedback...
Ec xx

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Post by suzisco » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:46 pm

Sadly Gem, no longer comes to the forum.  If you wish you can practice on myself.

Kind regards


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Post by ec » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:18 pm

Thankyou suzico...I shall do another reading for you then....cheers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But that might be tomorrow now as it's late and I have work tomorrow...Thanks again
Ec xxx

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here you go!

Post by ec » Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:00 am

Well here is my reading for you suzi.. done with the rider waite pack. I asked for a past present and future reading for you and this is what I got:
The past = the queen of pentacles
The present = star
the future = the four of wands.

My first reaction was what a wonderful set of cards.. so, The queen of Pentacles is a beautiful card - a queen sits on her throne, her head bent forward slightly as if listening or paying attention and she is holding a golden disc. She is surrounded by fecundity and fertility, her throne is made of wood and has fruits carved into it. She sits in the countryside with a bower of flowers overhead... I get the sense of a real "earth mother" the bounty, generosity and self-less giving of the earth. So in the past either a woman like this has greatly influenced you or, more likely this is  how you have intereacted with the world. In the past you have been strongly connected to this side of femininity.

The present is the card "star" this also a very femine card but the difference here is that this is feminity in action. The seven sisters in the sky and the creative waters that the woman in this card is nourishing the earth with remind us that women are not just passive receivers and mothers but forces in their own right. Thid woman is giving birth (the stork in the tree) maybe not literally but to ideas and to projects and she is feminity as mysterious and creative... so again either a woman of this kind is very important toyou or, rather, I would imagine you are developing this side of yourself...  the creative mysterious emotional side of womanhood.  You are giving birth to your ideas and projects.

The future card is also a wonderful card... in the four of wands we see an arch of flowers  - a marriage springs to mind and people are celebrating and dancing in the background. Two people are holding up flowers beneath the arch...one dressed in blue and  white and the other in red...water and light ...fertility ... I would suggest that if you are not actually having a baby and planning a wedding that the sucessful union of these two aspects of yourself as seen in card one and two will bring you great joy and sucess in your projects...I feel you will marry together very sucessfullly the earth mother you have always been and the mystic creative woman you are discovering at the moment....

Happily it was a very lovely
spread....can't wait for your feedback suzi....thankyou very much ...it is fantastic to be able to practise like this!

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Post by suzisco » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:09 pm

Thank you for the reading.  Most people consider me to the be the earth mother type and that does reflect in my taurean earth sign, certainly at the moment i am planning very family orientated activities with my daugher and her friends.  I am not planning marriage or children in the traditional sense so lets hope the spread is about my plans coming to fruition and me becoming more settled.  Thank you for that lovely spread its given me hope were the was none before.


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Post by ec » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:03 am

Thanks... do you have an ideas for improving the reading?...it's the first I have done for someone I don't know? Would you read these cards in the same way for yourself?? And I get the feeling that past present future is a little vague....??? Thankyou for taking the time to check it out and....what should I try now? the pyramid spread on the next link... is there a theme you want to place on the reading?
Thanks again
Ec xx

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Post by suzisco » Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:53 pm

I favour the 3 card spread for internet readings because its less lengthy and takes less out of me.  Celtic cross is my favourite for face to face readings as i can add to each individual card when i am a bit stuck as to what the card actually means in terms of the client.

I would have interpretated the cards in much the same way, its about my role in life and about me reaffirming who i am.  These cards do describe me pretty accurately and they are reflective of some of the concerns i have in relation to my family and my role there, I kind of have taken over in the nurturing role from my mother and am the one who runs around making sure the family is well and happy and provided for. I am also the wise one and others come to me for comfort and advice.  

I am debating about a new job which will again be a very nurturing post looking after people in crisis so i am hoping that this spread was telling me I have made a good decision.

You could try the pyramid spread and place the emphasis on career.  It will be interesting to see the change in cards.
Hope this helps?


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Post by Mandimedea » Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:47 am

I hope it is ok to post my reading of you here.  I have been following the courses according to the way map and want to finish before moving on to regular threads.  I did a reading for Gem and decided to read a little more before posting and realized she is no longer here so I did a new reading.  

My reading for you

Past - Knight of pents      You are stubborn and hardworking and in the process of working so hard for your goals somehow forgot what you were working for and lost sight of who you really are and what you really want
this is sign of taurus which is you are determined, practical, stable, simple

Present - Knight of cups       You as a result of this conclusion have become dreamy and pursuing your thoughts and fantasies.  Trying to find your true self and what makes you happy

Future - Star       If you are true to yourself and follow your path you will realize that you are pure and hones and have the  opportunity to achieve your true calling which is healing in some way.

This is my first reading, hope i did ok.  I know this is kind of an old thread, so I realize it may take time to get a response if one at all, but would greatly appreciate any. Thanks

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Post by suzisco » Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:26 pm

Thank you for the reading, it was very kind of you.  I thought you did alot with the cards and read them very intuitively.

You are very right about the spread.  I worked very hard until i got sick.  Now a days my priorities are very different and i am not so work orientated.

I am a nurse so your right about the healing,


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