Daily horoscopes for 13th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 13th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:30 pm


When you're put into an environment that involves delicate egos today, trust your own judgment. Be sure of what you do. You can handle this tricky situation without any missteps today, believe it or not. When you have conviction in your ideas, that faith gives you a strength that no one else can match. So if you think something is a bad idea, say so -- just make sure you're diplomatic about it, especially if it's your bosses idea! You are free to criticize right now, so take advantage of this.


If you want to loan a friend some of your money, that's your choice -- but make sure that you don't get caught up in giving them any kind of long term support. You could end up supporting their negative behavior without meaning to. But if you do give them some money, you must be tolerant of how they choose to use it. If you give it, you give it -- and there should be no strings attached. Telling someone how to use it will only come off as arrogance.


Friends, family members and others in your life are taking their health very seriously -- everyone seems to be on a diet or jogging or doing Pilates! This new phenomenon sweeping your circle should make you re-examine what you are or aren't doing to take better care of your own health, too. Have you been getting enough rest and eating well? Keeping yourself feeling strong is your responsibility -- no one else is going to tell you how to get healthy. Start exploring new ways to exercise.


Impulse buying might feed your desires for a minute or two, but the drain it creates on your wallet will be a pain you'll feel for a long, long time. You cannot opt for temporary joy when you could be looking at an even bigger debt. Start thinking more long term and pay attention to saving more money now. There are some unexpected bills and a few interesting investment opportunities coming up, and you need to have the money it takes to handle them they way you need to.


Smile today! When you greet the world with a smile, you inspire confidence and trust in what you are doing. If you want to win people over, you need to stop playing hard to get and start being more open to questions. Make it clear that you have nothing to hide and that you are more than happy to be working with other people. Just because you got off on the wrong foot doesn't mean that things can't get better. You simply have to show that you have good intentions.


Don't be too rigid about things today, especially social arrangements. You might have a specific idea about what you want to do for fun, but not everyone is going to agree with you -- and they won't be flexible about it. So you're going to have to be. It's a familiar pattern with you two, and one that might be starting to get on your nerves. Do it again this one last time. Then, make a mental note that if this happens again, you two need to have a long talk.


Follow the most logical path of reasoning today, and don't let anyone make you believe something that seems too good to be true -- no matter how much you might want to believe them. Your heart's desire can be tough to counter when you want things to be a certain way (and they can't be). But your brain has to the one in charge right now. Facing reality now is a lot better than being disappointed later on. Stop wasting your time trying to come up with answers that just don't make sense.


Goals that are too easy to attain are never very fulfilling. So today, you need to aim a little bit higher and choose a challenge that is tough. Few things are as rewarding to your ego and as educational as a hard-won victory, so take the more difficult route -- and don't be too rigid about what you are willing to do. Open up your mind and tell the universe that you are up for anything! Look for something that puts you outside of your comfort zone and intimidates you just a bit.


Today you should start removing your emotions from conversations you have with the people who have some power over your life. They need to see you as someone who follows their intellect more than someone who goes with their gut. So while your devotion to your job or your current project is passionate, that shouldn't be the first thing you talk about. Stick to numbers and facts. Later on, once you two have developed a stronger personal relationship, you can get more personal.


No matter whether it's in terms of friendship or romance, you deserve a relationship that is based on mutual respect -- is that what you have? Take a long, hard, honest look at your relationships, today. If you don't feel like you are getting what you need, it's okay for you to be more demanding. After all, others are demanding, too, from time to time, and you usually respond very favorably. Doesn't it stand to reason that they will be responsive to your needs as well?


Making a new discovery about someone you recently met will brighten your day. You're surprised by them in a way you didn't see coming, and suddenly you want them to play a different role in your life than you had planned! Whenever the road you're traveling on takes a sudden detour like this, it can be disconcerting -- but for you today it will be exhilarating. This is a new perspective that you have been waiting for. You will have a new chance at reaching an old goal.


If you've been living on a steady diet of coffee and stress for the past few days, you have got to get things back on track today! If you can't stomach the idea of going cold turkey and hitting the decaf right away, at least cut back -- and get some more rest. You need to take control over your schedule again, and make some more free time for yourself. There is no reason a deadline can't be changed. All you have to do is ask and you can get a little bit more breathing room.


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