pls. suggest any spells to break up my marriage

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pls. suggest any spells to break up my marriage

Post by 1234 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:27 am

can anyone suggest me the break up spell.
i dont try the spell to harm somebody else.
this is for myself. my parents arranged the
marriage. but i dont like that guy. i tried to
cancel the marriage. my parents not listening to me.
so, i really need to cast any spell to cancel this marriage.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:27 am

sry....but such a spell don't exist for other to give..only you two in the marriage have the power of happiness or despair.

I understand you are bound by Tradition, and I can fully understand your frustration, and I urge all to discuss and condemn such marriages, that are done against the will of one or both parts.
We live in year 2008, and we should all be more enlighten, and know that a human has a right, even as a woman,(we are all equal, regardless of what any Religion say), and a marriage is an important part of anyone's life, and should as such, at least had an agreement from both parts, based on free will before it takes place.

I am NOT talking about arranged marriages that build on Tradition , and accepted from both parts, those has a purpose and both might even get a rich life.

I see you are living in California.
I think most of Western Country has a law that prevent arranged marriages, against ones own will.
If you feel your life is a mess, and don't want to stay marriage, then you must evaluate your situation.

If you go to a woman shelter, you will get a lot of help, but you have to put this up against what you loose in family bond.
I assume that if you take such action, then you will loose your family, and that will cost you dearly.

You have to evaluate if the marriage with this guy cost you more or less.
If it cost you less, then try to make the best out of it.

The most important part in any marriage is Respect and care for each other.
In your situation you are so against the marriage, that you don't allow such feeling to grow, this will only make your marriage worse, without you knowing if your husband might be a very good partner after all.

We are all hit by love for another person, but love aren't always equal to a perfect partner, it is mostly up to how we adjust, and the will from both person to become "one", or at least respect and care for each other.

If you feel the marriage cost you more then your family, then go to a woman shelter , and get advices.

Good luck.

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Post by ammo » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:10 am

If you want your arranged marriage to end without ruffling too many feathers, there is a simple spell you can perform. Light a purple 7 day candle with a few drops of "expediting oil" (you can get it online fairly cheap). Write your name on a piece of parchment paper, a piece of a brown paper bag works just as well. Turn the paper upside down and write your husband's name on top of yours. Fold this piece of paper and put it under the purple candle. Allow it to burn through for the 7 days, do not turn out the flame. Each day the candle burns say a prayer for your amicable and peaceful departure. Hope that this helps you a bit. If you do not have the discretion to burn a candle for 7 days I can recommend something else. Just ask. :)

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suggest me some other spell plsssss

Post by 1234 » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:01 am

Hello Ammo,
First of all, thanx 4 ur response to my problem.

sorry, i wasn't able to get the oil and the paper that u suggested.
so, pls try to suggest me the different spell that really works.

Thank u.
Have a GOOD DAY.

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Post by ravenuriel » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:44 pm

I am not familiar with your culture.. can your spouse cancel the marriage and it be accepted?
if this is the case I might have something for you.

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