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Post by hope999 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:06 pm

I am petrfied of black magic. not woing to hollywood films and their sensationalism, it is just something that has always frightened me. However,my friend says it changed his life (hex removal). I would like the same as i think i may be hexed as i experience the same negative patterns over and over and have tried all sorts of energy healing stuff over the past 8 years and nothing has helped, so a quick fix would be ideal.
Just wondering if anyone has any views.

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Post by ammo » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:35 pm

Quick fixes for hex removal (and no, they are not that creepy)

Always keep a black candle lit in your home, prefferably a reversible
Keep a medallion / talisman on always (neclace, bracelet, ring any jewelry with a natural stone). Don't let anyone choose this piece of jewelry for you, you should choose whichever "calls" to you.
In your mopping water, sprinkle a little bit of cayenne pepper (about 1 tsp) mop as usual
Burn garlic peel whenever you clean
keep your house tidy, for some reason malicious energy is drawn to cluttered / dirty areas

To recommend a spell I'd have to know what the exact source of negativity is.

Hope this helps! :)

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Post by hope999 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:00 pm

i am scared of carrying out spells myself. this whole thing pertfifies me to be honest.i just want things to be linear and happy in my life.
Men constantly leave me. I am 25 and have NEVER had a man love me. Each experience is more traumatic than the next,I am used, emotionall abused, rejected. This is happened to me over 50 times.
I have endless bizarre bad luck, like constantly meet horrible people in workplaces that try to destory me- try tyo get me sacked, bully me etc - are abusive and win over me if i complain. Despite being the victim, i have been sacked 4 times owing to someone else bullying me and the same thing happened in my recent job, except i managed to keep teh job, despite this they knew she had bullied me and i had told the turth, yet fate allowed her to stay.
I attract friends that use me, betray me that i cannot rely on. This has happened to me over 20 times.I canot take anymore, but i dont want to spell cast myself. this stuff scares me. I am only considering it as i have tried EVERYTHING else - the secret principles,. one comand, reiki shamanic healing, crystal healing, nlp,psycholgical therapy,a talisman,spells, and many more and the above still happens.
thanks so much for your advice- sorry for lengthy post.

p.s my current spirtual healr (who i trust very much) says if it scares me- I should just leave it.But at the same time i feel stupid ignoring somehting that could immediately help me. I have had 25 years of suffering,fighitng to just get what everyone else has a partner that loves me, good friends and not to meet abusive people friend wise or lvoer wise- yet i suffer EVERY TIME, each time worse than the last.

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Post by ammo » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:28 am

Oh dear, I'm afraid that if you cannot come to terms with your fears then I will not be able to help you. I'm sure that you do not want to pay a voodoo priest / priestess hundreds of dollars to do something that you can do for pennies? Magic is very powerful and is a great tool when you are in these types of situations . Only problem is that you really have to put in effort for it to have any effect. Maybe if you arm yourself with knowledge you can conquer your fear of voodoo. It is truly something that can only empower you.

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Post by ravenuriel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:05 am

Hello just my two cents..

very nice advice Ammo.. and I agree there isnt a need to be afraid of magic.. read.. learn and study.

Voodoo is based in love but with every path their are a few bad eggs.. and give it a bad name..
magic truly  knows no color.. its the intent of the person using  the magic that chooses its color.

With that being said. I will help you.
send me information about why you think your hexed .. what is happening

whats going on:

when did it start:

how often does it happen:

I need to know all the details in order to help you

send them to my messages. unless you want it here.
there are a lot of gifted ppl on this site.


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Post by p3ntacle » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:59 pm

hi, I feel that you are not hexed. u are more just having a run with bad luck. One thing that I learned is that you get out what you put in. I have learned that some objects in the house, items- which have been neglected or imbued with bad intent, can easily be jinxed or have strange influences on our lives and  how we perceive reality, I have had bouts with paralysis after obtaining a small celtic cross, the thing is- I don't want to believe it has any power but it seemed to, I guess I would say it seems to have an effect on me and caused some problems....when treading the Occult you must always be careful and take things with a grain of salt- meaning not to believe everything you hear or read.  

A hex would have to have a direct influence, like- I.E. a person hexing you which is just not likely, what's more likely is that your having some difficulties and feeding your own troubles and letting them manifest, so you must take control over them. Learn what you can from circumstances but do NOT carry the cross, you need to learn to be yourself and think for yourself without something influencing....I'd cleanse the home and check for unwanted things or anything that causes you pain if you see it or touch it this might mean you have a hexed item or a jinxed item. Jinxed items mean that an object has been imbued with negativity due to circumstances and so it continues to carry it. It is very real, so you need to learn on how to banish them and rid yourself of junk.

Hope this helps!! :)

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Post by ammo » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:30 pm

Hun, helping your situation can be just as easy as lighting a candle :D I don't really think that is all too creepy.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:29 am

Thats what I was going to .. burn a candle for her. and offer some advice on house cleansing.

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Post by ammo » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:47 am

ravenuriel, I have a question, this still puzzles me. Every 7 day candle I bring into my home burns in 2-3 days. Doesn't matter what the candle may be for, anything from love to money and cleansing. It's getting kind of expensive :D any idea what it may be?

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:15 am

it can a few things ..

when you do your rites.. you are very focused and your intent is very clear.. most ppl no matter how much they try . still have a hint of cloudiness around their operations..
what I see is this...

your rites that you use the 7 day candle doesnt take a full 7 days for you as it would for someone else..
you have a very strong connection and so there is less time needed to get your intent out there.

You dont need a 7 day candle you can use the smaller tappers and get the same results. You are a very focused individual.. you know that dont you?
Does that make sense to you?

where are you getting your 7 day candles.. are they always from the same store?
but I stand with what I stated earlier... about your connection.

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Post by ammo » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:26 am

no, the stores vary. Thanks so much for your reply, I tend to pour myself (my energy rather) into the candles so that makes alot of sense to me. I'll definitely start using the smaller candles it could save me a bundle :D

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Post by hope999 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:30 pm

dear all,
thanks for the advice.sorry to have missed out. I feel that i am hexed slightly. still scared by black magic. not owing to film perceptions of over dramatised stuff...just a feeling. I feel that it may be a run of bad luck (alebit 15 years worth). I am movingout of a house with negative energy soon...maybe this will shift things. if it doesn,t i am just wondering if anyone knows of any santeria preists i can trust to remove my hex in london. I am very scared,do not want to be taken advatnage of, or worse still have my luck worsen
Thanks in advance for your kind advice, and apologies again for teh delay in response. had more drama where i met my soulmate, but he was mentally ill so couldn't engage in a relationship. we had a profound connection.anyway, enough drama, hopefully with hex removal.
p.s thx to those that carried out readings etc for me, i really appreciate the concern.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:26 pm

hope999 wrote:dear all,
thanks for the advice.sorry to have missed out. I feel that i am hexed slightly. still scared by black magic. not owing to film perceptions of over dramatised stuff...just a feeling. I feel that it may be a run of bad luck (alebit 15 years worth). I am movingout of a house with negative energy soon...maybe this will shift things. if it doesn,t i am just wondering if anyone knows of any santeria preists i can trust to remove my hex in london. I am very scared,do not want to be taken advatnage of, or worse still have my luck worsen
Thanks in advance for your kind advice, and apologies again for teh delay in response. had more drama where i met my soulmate, but he was mentally ill so couldn't engage in a relationship. we had a profound connection.anyway, enough drama, hopefully with hex removal.
p.s thx to those that carried out readings etc for me, i really appreciate the concern.

Why do you want a santeria priest?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:40 pm

After reading this posting... I wanted to say that I know when things start to go wrong in someone's life they can easily get 'stuck in a rut' Well I honestly believe that this can happen with energy too... sometimes when we expect something bad to happen it will... *not saying that this is what IS happening* but perhaps a new way of looking at life would make things seem to go better... when you wake up just think I am going to have a good day and not let people use or abuse me.... (affirmations are something that many place swear by) and really what could it hurt to change the out look abit when things have been so bleak lately for you... When I was reading your post, it was like all hope was gone... and it made me sad for you... life to me is about hope and being able to see the good things to come, no matter what is happening at the moment....

*shrugs* I have some feelings about the magic thing and being scared of it, and still wanting to find someone else to do something for/to you... but they are not really helpful and just opinions... so I will keep them to myself....

Just try the affirmation thing... and not for just a day... do it for like a week or two, and really put yourself behind it... going through the motions of saying words isn't what helps, believing in what you say and yourself is what does...

Light, love, and Blessings,

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Post by ammo » Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:09 pm

That's really good advice for someone who is afraid of magick. Sometimes it can all be in your perspective. Hope all works out well for you. Much love and light.


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