Daily horoscopes for 20th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 20th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:32 am


All of your forward momentum is starting to slow down a bit, and it's not a moment too soon! This little breather in your week will finally give you a chance to take in the interesting view -- or get to know that fascinating person you've been missing out on for so long. Enjoy a more leisurely pace. You won't mind having to wait some more for the changes you've been dreaming about to come about. Everything will happen when it's meant to happen, which means you can stop worrying.


Powerful people are not always powerful for the right reasons -- and the chinks in someone's armor are beginning to show today. If you are good friends with this person, tell them that it's time to fess up to the fact that they don't know all of the answers. You'll be doing them a favor by being brutally honest. But if they aren't exactly winning any popularity contests with you, then do nothing. Just sit back and watch them do themselves in by being so smug.


If you want to affect someone else's life in a powerful and profound way, today brings you an opportunity to do just that. But in order to tap into this potential, you should be of service to anyone and everyone as soon as you're out and about today -- don't reserve your generous nature for just one person. Giving up good parking spots, loaning out small sums of money, or listening to a complaining coworker could be the opening to bigger and more fruitful connections.


Your compassionate nature is something others admire in you, but it could be putting you into a phase of emotional intensity and upheaval right now if you are not careful. It's simply not healthy to get too involved in other people's dramas! Today, try to take a more impersonal point of view about things. You are not responsible for making everyone happy all the time, so do not put that level of pressure on yourself. Do something by yourself that you enjoy today. Focus on you.


Your intuitive powers are starting to tell you that you might want to follow the leader for a while -- they seem to know the lay of the land a lot better than you do. Your passivity is an asset right now, so utilize it and do what you are told. Why put yourself in a risky situation when there are other people willing to do it for you? Sit back and let these folks do what they want to do. You will definitely benefit in the end. You don't always have to be in charge to gain something.


Try to get face to face with any of the people who can help you get where you want to be today. It's a great day for you to make some serious headway, but you need to do all your talking in person. Sending an email or calling someone up might be more convenient, but it's also less personal -- and therefore less effective. Words alone cannot communicate what you want right now. Your facial expression and body language will help your cause and help you reach your goal.


All of those light, flirty conversations you've been enjoying with a cute someone have been fun, but today you should be brave. Push things to the next level. Instead of skimming the surface, go deep down into the real substance of who they are. Find out what makes them tick and see what you come up with. This person is not quite who you think they are, and after a probing conversation, you might start to feel a lot differently about them -- and they might see you differently, too.


Your words have extra weight today, so be mindful of what you say. You can't just toss off whatever comes to your mind -- think through what you are about to say! And if you offer criticism today, give concrete examples. Help people understand what you mean, or else they could just get defensive and reject what you are saying out of hand. And don't forget to make it clear to them that you know they are capable of amazing things. They need to hear it.


It's the perfect day to give your creativity some exercise! Find something artistic to get busy with -- whether you want to redecorate your bedroom, paint the kitchen, plant a garden or just make someone a birthday card, you'll have tons of fun letting your mind go wild with someone who inspires you. Take advantage of all the ideas that are starting to blossom inside you and turn them into visual expressions --even if you never show what you create to another living soul.


Forget about the things you don't like about your life -- focus on the hopes and dreams you have for the future. The more you think about your problems or worries, the more power you are giving them over your life. So today, put a smile on your face and be confident about where you are headed. And if you can't feel confident, then just fake it until you do! If you can convince yourself of your value, then other people will be convinced of it, too.


In your career life, you should look for people to start giving you more of the kind of feedback that is difficult for you to hear. Look for feedback that is genuine and honest -- and therefore extremely valuable! Listen, don't get defensive, and have faith in your ability to grow from knowing how they feel. Whether you move forward in order to prove them wrong, or integrate their advice into what you are working on, their honesty will invigorate you and, ultimately, be very inspiring.


You'll have to navigate through some unfamiliar territory today, but this should not be a very scary experience for you. You have solid footing in your life, and a good sense of where you want to go -- but the same might not be able to be said of the people who are going along with you. They're in it for fun, and could distract you from getting serious stuff done. If you are wishy-washy about their involvement, then you have to let them know your concerns. Tell them to behave!


Posts: 152
Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:18 pm

Post by mahender_mehta » Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:19 pm

In my case now I can say...its true.

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