ouija board

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ouija board

Post by wraithhurler » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:11 pm

It has been a good day so far until lunch during school. I hang out with fair enogh good type people at my school. but today as a sophmore in high school i had watch a freshman walk up to her freshman group next to our sophmores group with a ouija board. from that point on i was little scared for myself and the others around me. i was thinking maybe she was smart enogh not use it at school. Apparently i was wrong, the first thing she did was flash the ouija board around and use it rigth there. know my school has about around 3000 students and most of them took lunch at the same time.

my worrie is what is the chances of the ouija board getting a bad spirit today.
and does anyone know how to protect them self while using ouija or close to it.
and how to destroy ouija properly.

i my self did not use the ouija board but can someone tell a good prayer or something eles on how to get rid of bad spirit. i dont no if i have one but i was having a lot of fear when the ouija board was going on.

thank you,

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:41 pm

You may have sensitivities to others that opened the emotions to fear.  As an empath, it might be good to identify what is your own and what is others emotions.  

The ouija is just not a good tool in anyone's hands.  It tends to open portals to the 'stuck' spirit closest to the earth.  Sometimes this is evil spirit and sometimes just uneducated spirit that see a way to impress others on earth.  At any rate, they are all 'stuck' because they have not gone into the light.

There are many ideas around getting rid of boards.  As there are just as many ideas around using it.  But it is not a toy and you were wise to be wary of its affect on others.  

Once the spirit has come through it usually attaches to only those making a game of spirit contact and getting what they expect from an uneducated source.  You have nothing personally to fear - but fear itself.  That is the energy that can draw any unwanted spirit around you.

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Post by tourbi » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:58 pm

Well said.  Just like any tool, a shovel, or an ouija board, it has to be used appropriately.  A shovel misused can remove toes.  If you saw some one shoveling with no shoes on, I would hope you would stop the person, show them how they could cut off their toes, then show them how to protect themselves by having the appropriate shoes.  
Do the same with the ouija.  Show the people learning how to protect themselves, help explain what the benefits are and what the problems can be.  
Then all those people will have info to take care of themselves.  
Everything takes learning and understanding.  A car is a great tool and very very dangerous.  I would hope you would take the keys from someone who was going to drive drunk.  I would hope you will help people use the ouija in safe ways.  

Glad you shared.  ImageImageImage

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Post by fissionesque » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:42 am

The one thing I have a pretty good knowledge about is the Talking Board. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I can offer some advice...

First of all, stay away from the laypeople when they are using it. DON'T try to interfere with them once they have started, they don't know what they are doing and may put you at risk, even if you try to offer advice and help them. Help yourself first. But if they when you are not using it, try talking to them about it. Make sure that they know to NEVER EVER invite the spirit to show itself in anyway. The spirit will most likely take this as an invitation to wreak havoc. You must say goodbye after each session and ALWAYS make sure that the spirit has done the same (this happens ONLY when the spirit moved the planchette to "Goodbye"). You can really say any prayer you wish, it may or may not protect you, but is always a good idea anyways. Make sure not to burn any but a white candle, others will attract evil spirits. You should put a silver coin or something to that effect (must be pure silver) on the board to ward off bad spirits. Make sure that your friends know that the talking board is not a toy and is basically like phone for spirits, but you really don't know who you are talking to. If you find yourself haunted by something, it might be a good idea to talk to the spirit on the board and get him/her to say goodbye. Don't do anything the spirit says! Also, burning some sage may help as well. Make sure to talk when you are in a good mood, and don't show any fear.

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Post by fissionesque » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:46 am

Also, the best way to dispose of a talking board is to give it away or if it becomes a huge problem, just hide it somewhere so the wrong hands won't get a hold of it. We don't really know what will happen if you burn it or otherwise, so just don't destroy it. I don't believe spirits can posses it, but maybe they will get upset if you destroy their mode of communication.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:54 pm

Portals of energy can be formed around material objects.  That is the problem with the ouija.

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Post by Copper » Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:31 am

The Ouija board should not be sold as a game, or for entertainment. A friend of mine got deep into the Ouija while she was in college. She and her roommates would run home from class and head straight for the board - every day! Then one of them started allowing entrance, thinking she was just another person channeling. Things turned ugly for them one night, essentially an episode of possession, and my friend called me for help. All I knew to tell them was to go to a church. Even in the middle of the night, there's someone available at a rectory, I figured.

Fortunately, that's what they did. I was not surprised that the priest they turned to for help was not surprised, either. My friend has worn a silver cross ever since, and will never forget her experience. It changed her life forever.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:18 pm

There are so many stories of this nature.  It is a very materially focused energy that uses (and abuses) our energies through the ouija board.  I agree, it is not a toy.  It is also not for the unenlightened.  Why do so many people think they can draw 'the highest and best' through such a tool?  

God bless, J

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novelty of ouija

Post by Copper » Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:55 am

When I was in high school, or younger, there was a common misconception that anyone could contact their 'guardian angel' through the Ouija board. That myth still persists, I think.

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:24 am

inre gards to Ouiji Boards.......

Ouiji Boards are not toys but tools to be used with pure love and light in communicate with Spirit Guides ................
There are several important things to remember......

Do NOt take any mind altering drugs including alcohol............

protect yourself with pure love...white and golden light.........

any colour candle can be used..... Blue for communicatiion, purple for Spiritual abilities, yellow for success, orange for courage, red for passion, pink for love, green for healing, black removes any negativity, discordent energies..........White is neutral and can be used to incluede all actions,,,,,,,

Connect with Higher Self, ask for your Spirit Guide to communicate with you with love........(open your heart Chakra).......

and when you have finished communicating with Spirit remember your manners, say thank you and farewell..........

I know and understand generally people think it is just a big joke and don't understand what danger they put themselves in when they  do not follow some simple commonsense........when EarthBound Spirits, Seperates, Discarnates etc attach themselves to someone with lower vibrations  if you keeo your vibraions at a Higher level, they can not attach themselves to you........ (Alcohol, drugs, anger, fear are all lower vibrations.......Love, clean, healthy bodies bring vibrations higher)....

Hope this allies some of your fears...
and brings through some understanding.....

Blessed Be!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:29 pm

And the thing is....all of the advice from Vesta can be used without the tools of attraction.  We can and do contact our spirit guides through exercises in meditation that do not use tools other than our own body, mind, spirit connection.

"when EarthBound Spirits, Seperates, Discarnates etc attach themselves to someone with lower vibrations  if you keeo your vibraions at a Higher level, they can not attach themselves to you........ (Alcohol, drugs, anger, fear are all lower vibrations.......Love, clean, healthy bodies bring vibrations higher)...."

It is certainly energy work.  But the simple exercise of opening a book as your mind opens on subjects of the paranormal or metaphysical can also open it to other things before you are prepared to understand and exercise protections and groundings.

There are very few human beings (if any) that vibrate with the energies of love and light all the time.  We tend to be living a material world that takes our thinking and actions into that energy.  The more we spiritualize our thinking the better, for sure.

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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:54 pm

I am not ouji board fan at all. I can't believe the number of people who use them and have no idea of the harm that can come
from it. Please don't use one if you are not familar with self protecion techniques and even if you are, it just seems like
you are hanging a shingle on your door inviting any spirit or entity out there to come on in.  Negative energies do exist, and
even though I do beilieve that light attracts light, I think that these negative spirits do take advantage of situations in which
they can come through easily. I don't look at spirit contact as something to do just for fun. If a spirit wants to make contact
with you I believe they will without you having to do much of anything. If you are looking for guidance I would look to your guides and angels for that. I about had a fit when I found out a relative was using one just for fun with a couple of girl friends one
night while they were drinking no less. It's that kind of not knowing that causes so much trouble and opportunity for those
lower energies to come through. I don't know if I believe all the stuff about getting rid of the board in any certain way, I say
just get rid of it someway.  

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:48 pm

My experience with the ouija was in getting rid of them.  (My hubby had 3 from his old house when we moved).  So maybe there is something to the rituals.

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Post by Copper » Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:30 pm

Although I realize that protection rituals are very personal and individual - are there any suggestions for people who insist on using the Ouija board anyway? I am a big fan of sage and cedar.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:43 pm

I have a daily routine on waking in the morning - affirmation and a protective bubble that keeps me protected and grounded during my day.  I can reaffirm at any time and replace the bubble as I feel stress has made a mark.  

I see my protective bubble as a filter of negativity from within or without.  In that way it is cleansed and renewed each and every time I visualize it.

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