Shamballa MDH

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Shamballa MDH

Post by astrologer50 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:26 pm

Baba, who is known as John Armitage, Hari Das, Dr. Das, Hari Baba, and Ashtar Melchizedek, spent 9 years as a young man wandering with the sadhus in India. He is one of the five light beings from the Melchizedek Consciousness on Earth who are present at this time to aid the Ascension of Mother Earth and all humanity through Unconditional Love. He is both a Brahmin priest and a free spirit. He has dedicated his life to helping to heal Mother Earth and her people.

Hari Baba is a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine, a Shamballa Master, a healer and teacher. He also works with Feng Shui, gem remedies, flower essences, crystals, and music to activate the Heart Chakra. He is an Earth healer who works with planetary grids and stargates. He facilitates workshops around the planet. All workshops are channeled from Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other beings of Light from the higher dimensions.

Germaine, (known by some as Saint Germaine) is the sponsor of Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing. Together with the Chairman of the Association and founder, John Armitage, he has been working to ground in these energies here on Earth at this time.

In a period of about 15 years things have developed from John Armitage refusing to have anything to do with it at all, to him agreeing to start giving initiations to groups, to the present situation of a couple of million people internationally working with and sharing these energies. This is a truly amazing and explosive growth.

Germaine regularly speaks in channelings of the Violet Tribe, or the Shamballa Family. This is how he refers to this large group of people who have felt drawn to receive and work with these energies. Violet is the colour of the energy of the 7th ray of energies. Germaine tells us that most who are drawn to Shamballa are people who function in this energy. Shamballa is the energy of love, the energy of freedom. It supports all in developing to stand in their own power. In love. In freedom.
Think what it could mean to each person alive to recognise their freedom and love, to stand in their power!

Sharing this was the original dream shared by Germaine and John Armitage. And the question to each one that has received these energies is: will you share the dream? Will you share the energies, will you share the love, will you share the freedom, and will you share the power you have found with the rest of our human family? Will you support each other in doing this?

Some share this simply by being a loving presence, some give workshops or healings, some travel to other countries and give initiations to people who are very poor, some give money or time. There are many ways of sharing what has been received. Giving support to others who are actively sharing Shamballa is another way. What is your way?

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

Shamballa is a gift from God. It is not only a system of energy healing, it is a way of accelerating your spiritual development. It works faster than the well known Reiki- a standard healing session continues for 20 minutes or so.

What is the legend
In ancient Atlantis a high priest at the Temple of Healing created a healing system. He is now known as the Ascended Master Germain. When the continent was destroyed, he journeyed with several of his fellow brothers to ancient Tibet. They tried to continue the practice of raising spiritual consciousness in this place. In order to see how this practice would ensure, they gave three sacred symbols to a number of individuals, who were in close proximity to the Atlantic landing. Many of them used the symbols and the spiritual evolution that brought as well. Others, however, used this power in a dark, negative and baneful way. Germain and his fellows decided at this time not to give the full twenty- two symbols to any individual, in order to keep the full power that they thought would corrupt these individual’s minds from their grasp.

As the Inspirers traveled through India, they gave out a few symbols, which eventually made their way into Sanskrit scriptures. This is probably where Dr. Usui encountered the symbols which he used to found the system Reiki.

The Reiki as it is practiced today is an incomplete system, comprised of many symbols, some which are drawn directly from the Akashic Records and have been given to the mankind by Germain. Others are been invented, created and drawn upon a different type of energy.

Shamballa is a blend of several different types of energy:

Universal Life Force - Reiki is the energy that runs through all beings, including the ‘objects’ all around you. It is the energy that creates and gives life. Everyone and everything is made up energy, so we can heal via energy.

Mahatma energy is also known as the I AM presence. It is the awareness of the Self, as the Universal Source. That does not mean that you are disconnected from everyone else, as a matter of fact it is saying that the key to Oneness is inside of you. It is a recognition of who you truly are your Wholeness. This is the most powerful energy- Pure, Unconditional Love.

The energy of Ascended masters. They are beings who have completed their reincarnation cycles and now exit in spirit form as teachers of humanity. Their purpose is to assist others in their spiritual evolution and the evolution of the planet as a whole.

What is meant by Multi - Dimensional?
Shamballa is referred to Multidimensional because it focuses on Wholeness. We all have various aspects of ourselves that, as we work with Shamballa come up for us to work through as we so choose. Some of these are familiar such as physical pain we have been carrying around for a long time. Other times things may come up and we do not know why they are happening. We do not know why we have such a hard time letting go of a relationship that is not working. We feel so drawn to someone or a way of being that is hurting us and we cannot understand why, after we have done so much healing, it is not helping. This is when many of us start to look for help, for answers, and discover via synchronicities whole new ways of looking at things, whole new understandings.

How is Shamballa different from Reiki?
Many people call shamballa multi dimensional healing (Shamballa MDH) the next step of Reiki. This is not intended, to mean that shamballa is better than any other Reiki lineage. What it means is that Shamballa MDH is a blend of energies that allow a focus healing via the interconnectedness of all life, starting with yourself.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:02 pm

no comments dear.

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