Could do with some opinions please....

Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Could do with some opinions please....

Post by justmei » Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:12 pm


This is my fist post, so please be gentle with me!....

I could do with some of your opinions, however, I need to provide you some background, as it is relevant - Here are some bits of the jigsaw.

I am 41 years young. I started studying various systems of magick etc when I turned 18. To cut a long story short, the one I ended up with was Chaos (very misunderstood).

During my studies, I learnt to focus prana at will, firstly starting with the palms, and then anywhere I directed around the body - No visualisation, just focus.

During one meditation, it would seem that the name Antres was given to me. I stopped studying when I got married (21), but started my journey again 3 weeks ago.

One afternoon, having little to do, I decided to see if Antres actually meant anything. One Google later and, it turns out Antres means "cave - that which is hidden"....mmm I thought. So I dug deeper. I came across the Chakras, and then the alta major - interesting I thought since I have a birth mark, I continued to dig further. Turns out the Alta Major is one of 3 chakras for Ascension (ajna(third eye)alta major and the crown chakras). The 3 chakras combined, I found, have been referred to the "Crystal Cave"....and also the "Golden Triangle" with the cave in the middle.

So, for the next week, I focused prana on these 3 chakras. For those that know, focusing prana is not like visualization, as its direction and focusing  the attention of energy and very potent. This meant that the sensation I got was very strong - to the point that I can feel the glands inside the head. I have am currently experiencing these effects - itching like hell, thicker hair, no longer need glasses, flaky skin (face and hands)and change of perception.

I Dug deeper still (bear with me). I came across the use of frequencies, which lead me to Solfeggio. Yesterday, I was listening to the Solfeggio frequencies via headphones, and thought, well, not much going on here. So I turned the volume up a little, and started to focus prana on the golden triangle. What happen next scared the s***t out of me. At first, I felt the alta major chakra too intensely...then it felt like a swelling in my head, followed by what felt like something pushing against the back of my throat, the physical swelling got very intense, so I stopped. I grabbed some water, and then I felt like I was going to pass out, tunnel vision etc –over release of some chemical perhaps?

Anyway, relaxed for the rest of the day, slept well. This morning, I can still fell the back of my head, but just a very light sensation, and it feels as though the ajna and crown chakras are permanently on.

I could do with your views/input.



EDIT: Having read more on here, it maybe important to add that I did no work on any of the other chakras. I have also just taken the chakra test; results below:

Root: under-active (-38%)
Sacral: under-active (-13%)
Navel: open                 (19%)
Heart: under-active (-38%)
Throat: under-active (-6%)
Third Eye: open                (19%)
Crown: open                (25%)
Last edited by justmei on Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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I have found the answers I was looking for

Post by justmei » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:22 am

Hello again,

I have now found the answer I was looking for - just in case anyone was tempted to

The answer? Don't fly a kite in a thunderstorm with bare feet!


May you become what you are.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:03 pm

LOL to funny I love kites
and I am also chaotic..

and that is what I was going to tell you .. you jumped in the pool without
when you find a sensation to strong  release some of the energies using regular methods.

love and light Ravenuriel~

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Post by justmei » Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:07 pm

ravenuriel wrote:LOL to funny I love kites
and I am also chaotic..

and that is what I was going to tell you .. you jumped in the pool without
when you find a sensation to strong  release some of the energies using regular methods.

love and light Ravenuriel~
Jumped in the pool?...nearly drowned in

But seriously, what disturbed me (not an easy thing to do), is that the swelling was physical and not meta. As the chakras are linked mainly to glands, it is safe to assume that the gland at the back/base of the brain got way too much for it to handle in one go.

Should have read the label that said “before use, make sure you are properly grounded”….lesson 101.


May you become what you are

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:29 pm

but you are ok now?
and I think that your post will help show the importance of being grounded and being prepared. for the next person doing the same thing
or learning to do.

I hardly ever get a physical sensation when working with energy ( prana), well sometimes I get headaches but does that count as to what you went through? I dont think so

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Post by justmei » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:42 pm

ravenuriel wrote:but you are ok now?
and I think that your post will help show the importance of being grounded and being prepared. for the next person doing the same thing
or learning to do.

I hardly ever get a physical sensation when working with energy ( prana), well sometimes I get headaches but does that count as to what you went through? I dont think so
Ravenuriel, thank you for your concern - that was kind of you. But please, no need to worry about me.

Like I mentioned, I started working with Prana when I was about 18, and although my studies stopped, once Prana manipulation is learnt, it is not something than can be switched an example, if I put my hands together, and move them apart by about 1 inch, I can focus prana in the palms in about 5 seconds, to the degree that the palms move apart.  It's useful, but needs keen focus, otherwise, lets say you focus on your eye by accident, before you know, your eye is killing you! fact, I would go as far as to say, that I no longer need to focus, but simply be aware of any part of the you can imagine the challenges that brings!

But, as you said (and you are spot on), it is wise for anyone starting to spend enough time on the root and work upwards.


May you become what you are

PS - I wish someone would have told me that when I focused on the Root Chakra, that the insides of the soles of my feet would be on fire!...D'oh!!

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