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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:20 am

Ty ammo... but I think it is good advice for someone who isn't afraid of magic too lol... I am not and sometimes I just need to remind myself to look at the other side and not focus on the negative.... something my mom used to say about like minded things... *shrugs* she is smart... and I try to listen to her lol most the time


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Post by hope999 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:58 am

thanks for your advice. I have tried positive affirmations i.e 'the secret' and something called one command that encourages all thoughts to be positive and then your life will reflect this. Nothing really got better,but i guess i did notice there were less things going wrong. I know it sounds like i am generally really negative, but beleieve me i HAVE tried to help myself with any sort opf healing /postive thought pattern possible.  I have tried white magic (someoneelse doing spells on my behalf),shamanic healing ritual, crystal healing, healing in general, cleansing spells, positive thinking, carrying talismans. Chaos still ensues. I have noticed of recent that my the good things in my life are a "mixed bag".

i met my soulmate and he loved me back, but fate did not allow us to be togther as he has mental issues and cannot have a girlfriend until he sorts his stuff out (if ever). helping him woul have made it worse as my interest would have been partly selfish- which is not fair. he had to get there himself. i was/am greatful for experieicing love in its' purest form, and having it reciporcated. But again, as amaazing as this is, is as awful as it is to be denied it.

I have my dream job- with awful circumstances. A horrible woman with issues that is trying to sabotage my career out of hatred.hmm, so there are good things- but always a 'yingyang' effect where the 'good' is twinned with an almost as awful 'bad'. I know noones life is 'perfect', but i am just a little tired of fighting just to get it stable. i am always fighting someone at work or being left by a guy or betrayed by supposed friends. all 3 at teh same time, or when things are good for me, just one. And before you say it- no i don't beleive i dont chase drama. i find these contentious situations uncomfortable, and hate them. I certainly dont enjoy them conciously or subconciously.I have fought with this stuff for half my life. am tried now as have tried so hard.i feel black magic will provide a quick fix as i can only undertsand 15 years of the stuff i have mentioned above continuing despite my copious attempts to end it as a hex- does anyone disagree. this is surely more than just a run of bad luck?

anyway- all advice welcome.

thanks so much in advance

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:06 pm


           Trust me I have been there myself... where everything seems against you and there is no way to fix it.... there is a very wise soul on here whom I have befriended who has explained very eloquently in the past that when you allow negative energies to influence your life and focus on them, then you will attract more negative energies.... and that the like is also true.... when you focus on the positive and take control of your life, then you will attract more of the things that you want.

I understand who this can not sound like great advice for someone who has issues with magic.... and I neglected to say this before as I did not want to come across as anything but helpful... and I am meaning this in a helpful way, and I apologize in advance if what i am about to say offends or upsets you. However, I feel like it needs to be said.

If you are looking for a 'quick fix' then you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed.... magic even what people term 'black magic' Isn't there to fix your problems for you.... it is up to you to make your life what you want it.... Magic is a tool to use.... much like a car.... I mean you can walk somewhere but use the car to go someplace that is far faster.... But you can't just drive a car... you have to learn how... you have to trust that you know what you are doing... and the more you do it the better you get at it.... You say that you have issues with magic, and therefore you don't really trust it (Yes I am assuming this, but am doing so from past experiences with people who have not liked magic) Magic is like hope, it can be fragile... and the more you believe the more power it has...

This of course these are my views... I hope that you understand that I am on your side and that I would like to hear and soon that things are better for you.

Light, Love, and Blessings,

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Post by hope999 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:25 pm

Thank you for your response. i apprecaite your advice, and can see and understand how i come across as negative or victimising or marginalising myself- however i have thought positive for 15 years, done things such as one command/the secret and my life is still ardorous. if i have tried postiive thinking for prolonged amounts of time and still lose jobs, men leave me etc over and over, then not sure what more to do- hence why i hav reached this point of despair. it not a quick fix i am after as such- just a path tot take after 15 years of 'positive thinking' and suffering regardless.
i am interested in magic- however have so much else goping on in my life (i.e trying to keep my job in the face of bullying) that time does not allow.hence why it may seem am looking for 'quick fix' as to be hones tlife isnt allowing me any other choice

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:25 pm


          Well I am not sure what else to tell you... but in previous posts you had expressed that you were not comfortable with magic... and until you are then I honestly don't think that it will help you out... this is my opinion...  If u are interested in learning more about it then I would suggest reading around the forum and asking questions... if you have time to get on here and post responses to this then you can instead use the time to read around the board and learn... I would be happy to answer any questions you have... But yet again not sure about what else to tell you.

Light, love, and blessings,

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Post by Suleiman » Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:27 am

[quote="ammo"]Quick fixes for hex removal (and no, they are not that creepy)

Always keep a black candle lit in your home, prefferably a reversible
Keep a medallion / talisman on always (neclace, bracelet, ring any jewelry with a natural stone). Don't let anyone choose this piece of jewelry for you, you should choose whichever "calls" to you.
In your mopping water, sprinkle a little bit of cayenne pepper (about 1 tsp) mop as usual
Burn garlic peel whenever you clean
keep your house tidy, for some reason malicious energy is drawn to cluttered / dirty areas

To recommend a spell I'd have to know what the exact source of negativity is.

Hope this helps! :)[/quote]

I don't know about the rest but you got one thing right, malicious spirit usually like to inhabit dirty places in ones home. Toilets are always a good candidate.

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:54 pm


Bullying at work... Some advice.

Try and strike up a general conversation with a boss higher up the ladder than those bullying you, and after talking about the weather or whatever it is you used to start the conversation move onto something like "I heard their a many new rules and what not that affect the office enviroment around all sorts of issues from minimum wage, racial and bullying soon to be redrafted in accordance to EU law (Since your in England)... have you heard anything ?"... You boss may have heard something... They will answer, after they do, say something like "I see a fair amount of bullying in our office, sometimes I can end up being on the worst end of it, or a brunt of an office joke, I hope the change in the law stops this childish sort of atmostpher in our office, it would make coming to work a joy, this is my dream job, but some people can make it a nightmere"... Then finish your conversation, if they try and probe you like asking who is doing it, just say "Oh, I am sure it will pass, I wouldn't worry, I am not", try and use body language that suggests otherwise...

The boss will then pay close attention to you... and the office your in... And gradually things should change and nobody will know you said anything.

If the person upsetting you is the boss... Then ask to speak alone to them, go into a seperate room, and tell them how you feel.

Bottling things up never solves anything you have to let people know if your being hurt, sometimes just speaking about it can help... Those who are upsetting you may not know that they are, espeically if you just smile it off... you may have become an easy target that people are letting out their fustrations on, they need to know your not happy with the way they treat you.

If speaking to the boss doesn't help, try talking to those that are upsetting you one at a time, start with the worst offender first, that way they may even stick up for you if another starts upsetting you.

Remain proffesional... Act your age, show respect, giving respect and treating others how you wish to be treated also helps. Your job funds for your life, make sure that out of work you do something with your life, find something that makes you happy, something that when you think back to it you feel like you have done something good.  Like painting or drawing... Any thing an escape... I would say see your friends outside of work, but from previous posts you not having much luck there.

Saddly people use one and another... That's a whole other kettle of fish...

Users normally be-friend you to gain something from you, then leave... These people you don't want or need as a friend, unless you are getting something in return, I know that sounds bad, but that is just the way things are sometimes.

You need to know your own strengths and weakness... You will find when your helping people with their weakness they love you to bits... Once they have what they want they move on.  Get someone to help you with your weakness, yet when the time comes when that whole is plugged rather than moving on, thank them, tell them how they have helped you and try and build on that and help them, that's what friends do... Tell them thanks for WHATEVER, the say if I can ever do anything in return just let me know... Just offer support in return if you get support.

If you give support to someone, you can always say now I have helped you with such and such, would you mind helping me with such and such...

People are people... some are nice and some aren't, it sounds like you have met your fair share of the later.

I wish you all the luck in the world for your future.

Take care


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Post by hope999 » Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:25 pm

thank you for your advice!

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Post by hope999 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:10 pm

dear all
Would really like to thank you all. I carried out spells to perturb negativity and any sort of hex. With very cheap materials and a real determination to stop negative thinking and in turn negative envets in my life going forward.It worked!Things have improved- not perfect, but definately better than they were.

It perturbed the bullies at work - made it harder for them to bully me. I got over meeting my supposed soulmate and keep attracting unexpected money from nowehere. I trust that it will last.I am now in a space (litreally and metaphorically) that allows me to have peace, think more positively and work on my low self eseteem.

Anyway,t hanks so much for your kind help. I am also carrying out your advice and lighting black candles etc.

thanks again!

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no "quick fix"

Post by Curious Curandera » Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:45 pm

There are things you can do to protect yourself but if you are truly hexed or cursed there is no “quick fix”.  In this case the hex (curse or spell) needs to be broken and removed.  Without taking the measures to remove the hex you will continue to experience the effects from it.

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no "quick fix"

Post by Curious Curandera » Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:46 pm

There are things you can do to protect yourself but if you are truly hexed or cursed there is no “quick fix”.  In this case the hex (curse or spell) needs to be broken and removed.  Without taking the measures to remove the hex you will continue to experience the effects from it.

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