opening the door

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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opening the door

Post by Isoniahtar » Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:46 pm

I am aware of my psychic abilities, I KNOW my spiritual guide (though I do prefer to call him my angel - he called himself that way actually), I am pretty sure he's my unborn brother (should have been 2 years older than me) and that he's quite strict about things. I'm actually quite annoying myself, and I know I piss him off sometimes. Also, the the women from my mom's side have this strong connection, though my maternal grandpa also has abilities (he is also a priest, so he did know what his path was), and I've always felt my great-grandma, and possibly other relatives I never got the chance to meet being by my side. When I am really depressed or worried, I sometimes feel them sitting near me on the bed giving me warmth. But I've never seen spirits (as far as I remember). When I was little I was afraid to look outside my window at night, like I knew there were bad things out there, but at the same time I knew they could not get into my room. I've lost that feeling nowadays, though I've managed to lessen my night fear.
I started re-learning when I was in highschool, but I soon learned I was in more than I could handle and I shouldn't play with things I don't fully master, so I stopped. A couple of years ago, I decided to continue my path, and I chose a safer way to communicate with the spirits, I bought myself my first Tarot deck. At the beginning I was afraid of the cards, especially because my first deck is really agressive and keeps falling around when it's got something to say. It cooled down now, because we kind of reached a common ground.
What I need, now that I've scattered my fear of the cards, is to go beyond and try direct communication and to open the door I closed. I know I'm afraid of myself and that I am the only one that can really cause harm to myself (even by letting somebody else do that), and it's up to me what I see or don't see. I usually communicate through feelings, I am an emotional sponge to humans, animals and spirits. Right now the communication I have with my angel(s) is through emotions and symbols. I want to hear them, to see them, even to argue with them directly (they must have a sense of humour, after all, what would the world be without laughing). I've read somewhere that some people are better receivers, others do better broadcasting, and what I want is to be able to do both things. I would need a teacher, a master to help me through that path, or at least advices of what to do or what not to do.
I have to add that I feel most confort protecting myself with Christian symbols and prayers (I've grown up with that, and I'm most familiar with them), and I wear a lot of eclectic amulets (like the Turkish blue eye, Egyptian symbols, etc...), but the first thing I do when I feel threated is make a cross and pray for protection. Is this a good enough shield?

Can't wait to read what you guys think and hopefully I will find someone here to help me open my door. :-D



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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:36 pm

There is a lot of information in all the lessons posted in this course for study.  So many subjects that relate to mediumship and the fears we go through because of lack of knowledge.  The more we know, the less we fear.  

Under spirit guides it will cover the different strata of spirit realms:  angels, spirit guides, loved ones.  Each has a purpose and can and does communicate.  Each is available for us as input to our best good.  The ones that are not there for our best good are the ones we dismiss and raise our vibrations higher to eliminate any interference in our lives.

Attunement is about raising your vibration to meet/greet your own personal spirit guide through a process of meditation and symbols.  Clearing your own spirituality is the first step to realizing your at-onement with spirit realms.  We are body, mind, spirit while yet in this physical/material vibration and body.

Please read through the notes and then form any questions you may have to discuss.

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