Daily horoscopes for 27th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 27th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:01 am


Your resources are feeling a bit pinched lately. But your creativity is still fully fleshed out. And powerful! So if you're feeling strapped for cash, simply apply your ingenuity to the situation. Why not barter if you don't have the money? Talk them into giving it to you for free? You can think of a new way to get what you want without giving up more than you have. People are willing to work with you on this, so ask them how you can make it work.


You might have to perform a tricky negotiation with someone who rubs you the wrong way today, but you'll do well with it -- and your confidence will send a very powerful signal to some very powerful people! Being more compromising will put you in a much more powerful position than you'd ever be in if you pushed and pushed to get your own way. You're starting to understand how to get more of what you want out of life by giving up something to other people every once in a while.


There is nothing to fear from trying something that you have never tried before -- foreign influences are having a very strong and very positive impact on your life right now, so be open to them. It's a wonderful day for exploring a culture that is strange or unusual to you. Learn about its customs, foods, traditions and music. Get an education on how another type of people live. This education will inspire you to continue to move beyond your comfort zone and take more risk.


You will get a lot further if you connect with other people today than if you stick to yourself. Do not be aloof, because it could give you a reputation for being difficult to work with or even rude -- and that's not you. Open yourself up to other people as much as you can and don't be afraid to give your honest opinion about things, even if you think it will create a ruckus. You need to realize that sometimes, people like a rabble-rouser who tells it like it is.


You are feeling more open to new things than ever before, so this is a great day to explore a new physical exercise like Pilates, yoga or even swing dancing. You'll be able to get the hang of any new physical actions in no time, and you just might find the next great obsession in your life. You are moving toward a more movement-oriented phase of life, when the greatest joy you'll experience comes from getting your blood pumping and your body sweating!


People are going to be extra sensitive to whatever you say today, so do your best to offer constructive criticism instead of being just plain critical. While you don't relish the idea of walking around on eggshells all day long, you will be glad you did. The extra effort will prevent them from getting bent out of shape and creating some drama that you just don't need right now. Give these touchy people lots of space throughout the day. Avoid interacting with them altogether if you can.


Today you'll have an unexpected hole punched into the middle of your day -- these free hours will offer you a very good excuse for deep thought and contemplation about a recent conflict you had with a friend or coworker. Your subconscious has been mulling this conversation over for a while, but today you should get your conscious mind involved. Think it through and examine where you may have gone wrong. Be prepared to make an apology -- or ask for one, depending on what you discover.


It's time to finish up some unfinished business with one of your old relatives. Whether you forgot someone's birthday, still need to buy someone a wedding gift, or have left a conversation unfinished, today is the day to make up for it. Whoever is waiting to hear from you has a longer memory than you do, but they also have a huge heart. So don't worry about anger or hurt feelings. There's no need to be embarrassed because everyone procrastinates.


You need to start celebrating your uniqueness and stop comparing yourself to others! You have your own personality and it's wonderful -- so what if it prevents you from clicking with every single person you meet? It's no fun to always get along with everyone, anyway. Conflict is part of life, and having a preference for who you want to spend time with shows that you have taste. And the people who are in your circle of friends know how special they are. That's what matters.


Changing your daily routine sounds a lot easier than it is, there is no doubt about that! But the efforts you are putting forth to find a better way of doing things will definitely be worth it. Not only will they make your life more interesting, but they will also keep a certain someone more interested in finding out what your next move might be! Every once in a while you have to do something to ensure that you are not getting stuck in a rut, and right now is a perfect time to do it!


As happy as you are to be going where you are going right now, not everyone is right there on the same page with you. While you must be aware of it and make adjustments accordingly, you don't have to completely change your path -- that will only cause you to feel resentment. Just tone things down a bit. Spend and act more modestly, and don't be too outgoing with your energy. You could end up overwhelming those folks who still need some time to catch up with you.


Your analytical side and your intuitive side are in conflict right now -- and right now you have to balance the two or else you won't be able to get anything done today! So acknowledge that while you really do feel strongly about something you have no evidence for, you need to get the facts before you can make any kind of commitment. It's not wise to make choices based on your feelings right now. You need cold, hard facts or else it will be too hard to focus clearly.


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