Citrine - energy advice please

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Citrine - energy advice please

Post by CrystalPete » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:07 pm

Ive read a lot about citrine on the web, its properties etc. and felt I could do with some to help clear the stagnent negative energy collating in my area, and so house.

Tensions are always high in my house, my wife is a very argumentative, fiesty being (what initially attracted me) but now with two small kids doing what they like and usually the wrong thing, we end up with a lot of shouting and 'stress' energy left behind.

Anyway, back to the citrine, i purchased from two different sources, a small cluster and a single polished piece, of the non-home baked kind, lovely clear but smokey appearence, one has a geat phantom line.  Anyway, question about my expectations.  Since getting them, theres been more bad luck, stress and annoyances than good, Im hoping you can explain whats happening.

My observations:
My wife is super stressy,more than before, despite me being calm she gets wound up easily.
The kids have got coughs so kept us up all night, seemed to be worse the close the crystals got to them, moved them away for some rest.
Kids are being mischievious, loud, not listening to instruction, tiring us out
Bin bags breaking, dropping of food on the floor after just making it, missed an urgent delivery, got the delivery fromt he depot and it doesnt work, cant find things we put down, all in 2 days.
Had it close to the bed, had bad dreams of my wife considering going back to her first boyfriend.

Had the crystals two days, one smells heavily of cigarette smoke.

My thoughts then:
Can i still cleanse them, despite apparently not needing it?
Is it just the cleansing process, worse before it gets good, a bit like a detox program.
Is it something within my wife that is just resisting the good energies?
Is it something in the atmosphere thats causing grief before it leaves or in the hope the citrine goes away.
Should I keep a longer diary, its all in my head and Im just haveing a couple of rubbish days.

At the moment, I've placed them both side by side in case that one is healthy the other has an odd energy and so it cleanses it. Whether it helps I dont know.

Thanks, I hope I havent sounded too ignorant, my google searches only find generic info, i need views of experience now.


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Post by RoseRed » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:29 pm

From a crystal book I own:
Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator.
Carrying the power og the sun
It is warming, energizing and highly creative.
It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy and is therefore extremely protective for the environment.
Citrine energizes every level of life.
Cleanses the chakras, esp solar plexus and naval chakras.
It activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition.
Citrine cleanses and balances the subtle bodies aligning them with the physical.
Wealth corner of your house is the farthest back left point from your front door or the door into an individual room.
Citrine is a happy, generous stone and encourages sdharing what you have and yet helps you to hold on to your wealth.
It has the power to impart joy to all who behold it.
Gloom and negativity have no place around Citrine.
It is a useful stone for smoothing group or family discord.
Psychologically, Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence and removes destructive tendencies.
It enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression.
It releases negative traits, fears and feelings at the deepest of levels. It overcomes the fear of responsibility and stops anger.
It makes you less sensitive, esp to crit and encourages acting on constructive crit.
Encourages going with the flow instead of hanging on to the past.
Excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias.
Promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge – helps in digesting info, analysing situations and steering them in a positive direction.
Helps become more emotionally balanced.
It is a eliminator for the body.
As a elixir, it is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms.

I think you got it pretty spot on in my honest opinion!
Just going to let my thoughts flow out and take from it what you like :)

Keep it simple, things could just be ‘off’ at the moment.

Could be adjusting to the new energy, hence the dropping of food etc. Do a little grounding exercise or meditation and that should sort you out.

When you do release ‘negativity’ there is a period of unrest as you are used to having that energy around and when it goes it actually feels uncomfortable. I know that I can get quite emotional during this period. Hence maybe the reason why your wife might be reacting a little quicker to things. It's almost like premenstrual symptoms for myself.
And with Citrine also aligning those subtle bodies, well there is a lot of adjusting going on at the moment in your household and so could be a factor to the unrest.
With taking out any ‘negativity’ etc, that could make you a little ill. Def a detox period like you mentioned. Try getting everyone to drink more water that will def help.

When you are ill I find that the high vibration stones make me feel uncomfortable and I can feel worse. It's just too intense for me. So I stick to turquoise, rose quartz and Selenite. Lots of Selenite and rose quartz! lol in those times…actually in all times.

You can def cleanse the crystal if you want to, though it does not need to be cleared. One of the special ones like Selenite and kyanite etc
Just be careful, as Citrine does lose it's colour in sunlight.

If you are a little concerned about lagging stress energy, dedicate a day to a great little spring clean and open all the windows and doors while you do so. Call on an angel to help, Jophiel or Michael are good ones. Get lots of fresh air pumping in at all times and also let more sunlight into your house if you can.
Just as a side note: If there is something that is making you feel uncomfortable, walking into a room, while in a room, a thought etc then it has no right in being there. Tell it to leave and to never come back again, in the most stern parent voice you got.  I know you got one! jees all parents seem to have it! You can say it into your head too.

Crystals love having company so I like keeping mine close to one another, I will rotate them around and also crystals impart information to you and to one another. They also learn from us.

But I think the most NB thing is to try not to get too concerned, just try relaxing and keeping things simple. Sometimes we as humans tend to blow things out of proportion!
See how it goes after a few more days...

Oh and the angel associated with citrine is Gabriel.

(one of the two angels who strengthened and comforted Jesus on Gethsemane. The closest of all angels in dealing with Man. Helps you fearlessly tap into your God's power, helping to reassure you that its safe for you to be powerful and will protect you in all ways. Works with mothers and children during all phases.)

Hope that might help a little!  :smt004

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Post by GuardianFlash » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:34 am

The part about Citrine never need cleansing is wrong! At they say Citrine "will need to be cleansed from time to time".

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:28 am

In my opinion, I cleanse all my crystals.
But there are SO many opinions - GuardianFlash, you have only stated one source - who says that they are the only correct source out there?
Look around and research, find lots and lots of sites or books that say it. Then say whether some information is 'wrong' or 'right'.

Yet there are certain crystals that really do not need to be cleansed.
I just like to cleanse all my crystals as then I build up more of a relationship with my crystal. Its nice to do too. :)

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Post by CrystalPete » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:05 pm

Thanks for the response, it was good to hear a little outside info.  Must admit today seems a little more balanced, as if a blockage has been removed and the energy is floating around the house a bit better.  I'll keep you posted!

Seas salt for cleansing ok?  Everywhere on the web gives this as an ok but i think i saw a post i think on here advising against?
For me it seems les 'fluffy' and scientific, so fits well with me! like an ion exchange or something!


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Post by CrystalPete » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:09 pm

Oo forgot to mention I did my own little mini cleansing session last night, got both crystals in my hands while running water over them asking for the energies only beneficial to me and my family  remain and any conflicting energy be passed back to the earth with love, a bit of a 1 to 1 with the crystals, and also making aware my wishes/requirements. That may have helped things today, like we had a 'little chat' or something and now on the same page :D

Most around me would thik of me as crazy, but it felt right, to them the crystals are just ornaments, for me I got them to help everyone around me.

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Post by Xia » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:20 pm

Pete it sounds to me like your crystals are placed wrongly, try the west corner. I wouldn't use salt, it can really hurt crystals, just use plain running water, all crystals can store and hold energy and so they all will need cleansing and earthing from time to time.

Xia :o)

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Post by GuardianFlash » Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:52 am

Sunlight is really good way to cleanse crystals, but not Citrine cause Citrine fades in sunlight. I use sea salt to cleanse my gemstones and crystals.

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Post by Angelfish » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:58 am

Most around me would think of me as crazy, but it felt right, to them the crystals are just ornaments, for me I got them to help everyone around me.
I know what you mean  :)
My wife reacted a bit the same, looking at me and shaking her head in disbelieve like "what is this guy doing", but she did feel a huge change in my behaviour, being more grounded, softer, loving and the Love fire kind of showed up again if you know what I mean  :smt007  :smt008   :smt002

I became once again something she fell in love with when we first met!

I am happy to hear that things are improving in your home, good on ya mate!
It can be hard trying to make others around us believe in such "alternative" energies like crystals, etc... We should always be reminded that not all are "Ready" and that should be respected IMO. It will come to them, slowly but surely  :)
No one really enjoys stress, fear and worries and will when time is right follow the good energy in you and in stones or any other good energy surrounding them.

I would like to invite you to my Rose Quartz Experience thread; ... sc&start=0

Kind regards, Angelfish

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Cleansing is IMPORTANT!

Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:09 pm

Once one has selected one’s crystals, he or she should cleanse them.  This should be done before using them.  There are a variety of ways one can clear a crystal.  One way to cleanse a crystal is by soaking it in a solution of sea salt and distilled water (lavender oil is also often added to the solution due to its purification properties).  Another method involves holding the stone under running water or in a stream to be purified.  Yet another method to cleanse a stone is by smudging it.  To smudge a stone, one must pass the stone through the smoke of an herb or incense (white sage, juniper, palo santo, sweetgrass, cedar, and sandalwood are all commonly used smudging herbs).  Also, one may choose to bury a stone in the soil of the earth for a length of time in order to cleanse it.  The clearing process should be carried out until one intuitively feels that the stone has been cleansed, or by feeling the stone’s energy.  One should then charge the crystal in sunlight or moonlight (preferably that of a full or a new moon) for at least one full day or night.

CITRINE: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing creativity, for protection from negative energies, to activate the intuition, to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to encourage sharing, to promote joy, to increase self-esteem and confidence, to encourage a positive attitude, to enhance concentration, to overcome one's fears, to increase ease of communication, to balance the emotions, to instill inner-strength to diminish symptoms from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to help eye problems, to help with blood circulation, to relieve menstrual or digestive problems, and to balance the  thyroid.

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