Daily horoscopes for 8th February, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 8th February, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:31 pm


Today you will have a great chance to turn up the heat in your romantic relationship and make things sizzle like they have never sizzled before! All you have to do is think about what will make your partner smile and then do it ten times bigger than you normally would. If you are not in a romantic relationship right now, you can still make a few changes. Surprise the people who are closest to you with your big gestures and elaborate presentations. Whatever you do today, do it big!


It's time for you to flex your muscles and insert yourself into a long-standing conflict between coworkers or friends. Two people you like have been going through a power struggle that will do nothing but drain their energy and waste a lot of time. Tell them to stop the insanity today -- and do it with your characteristic good humor. They need a reality check from someone who doesn't have a vested interest in how their fight ends. Make it your good deed for the day.


Your mind is still ready to learn a lot more about the world, and you are feeling eager to hear different points of view. Seeking out conflict is a very healthy thing, so don't worry about taking a more adversarial or skeptical point of view today. Have fun debating people on issues significant and minor -- everyone knows that words are just words, and no one is going to take things too personally. Soaking up new philosophies is very exciting, and can be somewhat dramatic.


You've got to keep your options open and be ready for anything right now -- even a quiet night in might turn into a crazy adventure if you open your mind wide enough to see an opportunity when it lands in your lap. Your social life is about to move from the back seat to the driver's seat, and if you let it, it can take you to some amazing places. It's time to be more game. Be up for a spontaneous outing with people -- even those you might not know very well.


If you get into a disagreement today, you can get out of it pretty easily. Just use your charm and creativity. You can come up with a funny or amusing way to switch the focus away from what you two disagree about -- and toward the places where you have common ground. Creativity is also going to help you entertain yourself during a boring meeting or date. Just think about how you want to spend next weekend. Make your plans while you bide your time.


A surprise is coming your way this afternoon, and it's going to push a few of your plans for the day way off track. This disruption isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. It could be just the thing to mix up your life and infuse some exciting new energy into it! You need to learn to be less rigid about things anyway -- and this is the first day of your lessons. If you can gain appreciation for the unknown and the unexpected, you will find more opportunities in life.


If you are feeling a bit down in the dumps right now, be active with people and you'll start feeling better fast. Helping solve other people's problems will help take your mind off of your own, and it will help you see that answers come when there is enough brain power to make them happen! Teamwork and collaboration can move mountains and it's time for you to see that for yourself. Going off on your own and wallowing in misery is just a waste of time.


You'll be given quite a bit of power today, but be careful with how you wield it. Keep your wits about you and try not to get caught up in all the things that you have the ability to do. Think instead about what you need to do. Your ego needs to stay grounded, and you need to stay humble. And if you are leading other people, don't push them into groups -- challenge them to form their own teams for their own reasons. If you trust people more, they will trust you more.


Today, someone you care a lot about will burst into your life and ask you for help that you are uncomfortable giving -- whether it's too much money, too much time, or too much personal involvement. But any hesitation you feel is caused more by your own fears than reality. So despite your misgivings, you should open your heart and make time to do what they need you to do. You cannot let your own issues block you from being the generous and helpful person that your friends know you to be.


Sometimes you are unaware things are happening while they are happening -- it's only in looking back that you see what was really going on. But today, you need to be extra vigilant about being in the moment. Try to keep your emotional sensors turned to 'extra high' today. Otherwise you could miss out on some exciting opportunities. Or, even worse, you might believe in a few people or things that appear to something they are not. You can always see the truth if you look hard enough.


There have been a lot of contradictions between what a good friend is promising and what they are delivering. Today, when you have the opportunity to talk to them alone, you should follow up on a few promises that you feel they did not fulfill. You might be frustrated, and you have every right to show them your temper is running out. But if you are gentle and compassionate with them, you'll get a far more effective reaction. And you will pave the way for real progress


If you're starting to feel disheartened about the way a close friend's attitude has been changing around you, you can find a fresh way of seeing their activity today -- it all starts with listening. Pay closer attention to what they say they need from you, and you'll start to see how their needs are affecting the way they are acting towards you. Talking less and listening more is always the first step toward making partnerships work better in your life.


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