Gemini Compatibilities

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Post by spyke2 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:02 am

I had a Girlfriend that was a Gemini, and let me tell you that was some crazy stuff. At most times it was like there were at least 6 differant people in the room when it was just us two..

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gemini and a leo

Post by cazwix » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:58 pm

im a gemini and  i was with a loe for 9 yrs love of my life but since weve split he plays with my heart knowing how i feel about him

men arrr :smt010

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Post by victoria-ayumi » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:37 am

I've dated two Leo's and an Aries.
The Aries was cool, and one of the Leo's....argh, that was a big...mess.  I guess we were attracted to each other, but it just didn't work out because e had horrible communication.  The other one acts like the description of a Leo and likes me a lot, but we've had our ups and downs.
Cancers are always attracted to me, but I just...can't do it!  I get annoyed by Cancer males often.  I have two female friends who are Cancer's though.

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Post by karisma » Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:32 pm

I am a Gemini and been living with my Taurus BF for 8 years.  Things arent going well actually, the reason I am still with him is because we have 2 children together.
We only have 1 thing in common, we eat the same kind of food, but the rest nothing.  I am more of ambitious and intellectual person and he's just lazy, stubborn, selfish and extremely immature.
As you all know, Gemini's are very talkative, we like to communicate and whenever I talk to him, he just bores the hell out of me.
I dated a Leo, and the one thinkg I dont like about Leo is that they are too nice, treated me like a saint or something there was no fun yes no arguments but perfect is boring.
I never dated a Libra, and when I see a chance I am definitely open to a new relationship.  I mean I deserve better than this :P

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Post by CoffeeShark » Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:44 pm

Gemini`s and Pisces don`t get along....My Bestfriend is a pisces and i`m a actually get along quite well with geminis

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you gotta be kidding Gemini and Scorpio

Post by boondoggy » Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:50 pm

Male Gemini and Female Scorpio are the worst match in the zodiac.

These exact polar opposites are commonly a fatal attraction ending in irreparable differences.

Scorpio females attract the Gemini male with their quick witted banter, their pure physicality, a hint of menace and their wild unrelenting passion for verbal engagement.
This is mistaken by the Gemini male as intellectual engagement on all levels, and thus subject to certain restraints of objectivity.
The Scorpio is blissfully free of such concerns and this creates an uneven playing field.

The arguments that provided the initial rush in the relationship soon dissolve into pure verbal jousting on a mundane level and  the bubble bursts degenerating into name calling as each attempts to assert their individual realities. These relationships ultimately become acrimonious and rarely last long.

In nature, when a scorpion is cornered it will sting itself to death rather than be killed and this is mirrored in scorpio behaviour. This self-destructive tendency can prove too much to handle for the clear cut reasoning of the gemini mind.

Don't get me wrong, the fault lies in the match-up not the individuals, who for most part are often unaware of the reasons that things fell apart.

or at least.......... that's what mine was like... and I know of at least six other similar stories.

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Post by paulineowen2006 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:19 am

i am married to a sagittarious, we are constantly
fighting and butting heads, tempers collide, love/hate thing, but gotta be together, he is not loyal, understanding, he just dont get it, he thinks im bipolar as with most gems, but again cant live with him cant live without him, i also dated a leo that was similar to my sag. and dated an aquarius that seemed to be 'the one' we never fought and always had a blast but i couldnt commit? so im confused! who is the right one!

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Post by boondoggy » Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:09 am

Sagittarious is the sign that contains the most beautiful people in the zodiac. They look great, are very accommodating, are exhilarating to be with and can leave a Gemini breathless. They are loyal to their desires but not to others. They will most likely explain that at the outset of a relationship but not in the way a Gemini can immediately understand. Their disclosure of their real nature is generally seen as relating to purely physical issues. They are highly sensual and can cloud the Gemini mind with many delights. I believe they love deeply but are always prepared for instant gratification with others. They are drawn by Gemini depth of thought and often feel that their Gemini partner provides a steadying influence on their lives. I don't  believe they view relationships as necessarily exclusive, moreover they consider their physical morality has no bearing on their partnership's integrity at all.  
A good test is to place a bag of lollies in front of a Sagittarian and watch how many they eat. Sometimes they will offer them round quickly returning the bag to its original position and then eat the rest but most times they will eat them all without noticing. often when there are a small number left they will laughingly notice and draw everyones' attention by jokingly stating that "you've gotta be on the ball if you wanna eat".  
I don't think they ever intend to eat "everything offered" but, as they see themselves as a totally free spirit in the cosmos, they can't resist the temptation to indulge in the moment.
Sagittarius in many ways is the eternal teenager.

Leos on the other hand will always share food around often going hungry themselves. Their need is regally subjugated to provide for their immediate subjects. The trouble is they expect the same level of consideration from those around them and may become critical in their efforts to enforce their standards on others. They are totally loyal and expect the same in return.
They are born rulers and as such can be difficult to satisfy. When satisfied however they are benevolent, generous and love with their entire being.

My longest and most satisfying, while most demanding relationship has been with my darling Leo wife (for the last 20years).  It has been a great learning curve for me.
To truly understand relationships Sunsigns are not enough. You need to consider each persons ascendant sign for further insight.
Even greater depths can be investigated by a complete Astrological birth chart.

From my experience, a Numerology (Birth and Name) chart provides the greatest insight into personalities and their behavior. Study your own first and then your partners and you will immediately see the correspondences and the differences.
With this Knowledge you can plan how to overcome any issues that do arise from a balanced perspective. (This stuff works!)   Full understanding can be achieved by using Astrology and Numerology together. This also helps you consider the health aspects of your lives together.

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Gemini Compatibilities

Post by kilntec » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:14 am

I have been with my Scorpio wife since 1976. We still hold hands, go out on dates, etc. Of course she never forgets anything, even if I do. She is on the cusp, libra/scorpio.

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Post by tauragem297 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 pm

I am gemini sun sign and husband is taurus..till now we are doing awesome..I guess it is not necessarily limited.

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Geminis and......

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:00 am

Well, I have dated a couple Scorpios and they do NOT mesh easily at all. Not that it's impossible for them to blend, it's just constant work re-weaving the TAPESTRY of a relationship that's constantly fraying along the edges.

Another thing I've noticed is that there have been a couple requests regarding a double Gemini relationship. Both me and my husband are Gemini's. Just as there are two sides (personalities if you will) to a Gemini, there are two schools of thought on this combination. One says that Gemini's will get along famously - one will always pick up where the other leaves off in most aspects of the relationship (opposites attracting and such) - thus a double Gemini is a symbiotic coupling. The other school of thought feels that this is a cataclysmic combination - that the mercurial nature of a Gemini will undermine any efforts at building a firm foundation.

I find that it's actually somewhere in the middle. Most of the time my relationship with my husband is a "no brainer". We just "click" together and lead a contented lifestyle most of the time. The flip side of the coin is that when tension (and tempers) do run high, it can get explosive.

Getting back to the discussion of Gemini's and Scorpio's, my husband I definately have our work cut out with TWIN BOYS who were born on All Souls Day. (Nov. 1st, - Scopio's)


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Post by dawnearth » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:00 pm

I'm an oddball - almost perfect Gemini/Cancer cusp (born at 9:57 pm).

My favorite friends are almost all Aries, Gemini and Leo. I don't have any "best friends" - is this just me or another example of the noncomittal Gemini?

I've noticed that there is hardly any mention of what happens in Gemini + Taurus... I've been with my Taurus since 1996 and oi has it been bumpy... we tend to have a 2 year cycle of great to "i hate you" and back again... As we've gotten older I've discovered that I love his mind and friendship more than anything else... the marriage not so much. I used to like taking care of him but now he wants a mother more than a wife. He's overly dependant and way too set in his ways. And I know I frustrate the heck out of him because I generally see all sides of an issue and have major problems choosing one thing over another because of it, whereas he is very "this is this and that is that". But his mind is so amazing to me that I always used to be able to ignore the lack of physical compatibility - which is apparently all on my side anyways.

What do you do when you are married to a Taurus for his mind and ability to make you really think about things, half in love with a Leo for his passion and soul and ability to make you feel, and tempted by an Aries for no apparent reason whatsoever other than he wants you as you are and is spirited and fun? I know what modern society says but I really can't shake the wish of "why not balance it and have a bit of each?" Sometimes I feel like I almost have to have more than one mate just to satisfy the different people inside me, yet who but another gemini can really understand that... certainly not my Taurus.

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Post by Lovelife » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:40 am

@dawnearth  I totally understand u!  I am plagued by Taurus' lol.  I have dated way too many and the love of my life so far was a taurus.  Tho my moon is taurus so I think that is why I instantly have an affinity with them.  But I am trying to stay away for now they never work out as with my own gemini/taurus internal struggles having a taurus partner too is just too much lol.  I haven't known many aries and the ones I have I don't usually enjoy their company.  I seem to have quite a few Sag and Leo friends and lovers tho.  I don't like Scorpios tendencies towards jealousy and possessiveness.  I also have come to the conclusion that one mate isn't what I want.  I am for polyamory and hope to have open and loving relationships with multiple partners. :)  I also have the problem with seeing all sides to everything and not being able to choose things... I just see truth in every side so it frustrates A LOT of people lol.  I would love to date a Libra again I enjoyed them.  I sadly haven't been with/friends with many Gemini's.  All I seem to attract are Taurus', Cancer, and Virgo.  I think I find Cancer's very interesting so that is how they real me in... with their secrecy.. I always know that no matter how long I've known them I have only scratched the surface which as we know .. anything that intrigues a Gemini's mind will keep their interest for at least a minute longer than most other people lol.  :smt002

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Geminis and...

Post by Lisebeth » Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:15 pm

I am a Gemini and my boyfriend is Scorpio. We have great feelings, but lack trust and respect sometimes - when we fight. I really love him, most of all in the world. But wish we could both be better persons - together. Thing is he says he dont regret anything - kinda sad. I analyze, regret when find I did wrong and apologize... It looks impossible to make him do so (although it's obvious he analyzes - somehow "he is always right"):P
But in a good mood, he is fantastic and we spend a great time together. :)

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