reading please

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reading please

Post by lstar33 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:44 am

I have been in an on and off relationship for about two years now. We have seen other people and keep getting back together and then we stop and settle into a close and intense friendship then i need more and he runs away. Help! I need to move on. Could someone give me a reading and tell me if this man will grow up or should i just walk away? Or should i try to put my feelings aside and keep him in my life as a friend?

Thank you

my b day is 11-25-82 his is 11-30-79

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Walk away from him, but only when you feel that it is safe to do so

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:15 pm

Yours must easily qualify as being one of the most straight forward readings which I have ever been requested to give through the internet, in terms of how clear the answer to your question is to me.  

At least on this occasion I do not need to give you a Life Path reading using numerology and both your dates of birth to tell me that although you obviously still have genuine feelings for him, basically I sense he is using or abusing your kind and loving nature and womanly feelings as a type of temporary on off convenience (and not as a person whom he truly loves).

Honestly while I recognise that this is exactly the opposite of what you probably wanted me to tell you, you would I feel on the basis of this reading be far better off without him either now and in the future.

I really do not see that there is any possibility of him growing up or in coming to realise that he is the main source of his own problems in learning how to treat the woman he says he loves at that moment (who could change at any time if it is felt that she is getting too close and is looking for some sense of longer term commitment) and I feel that by wanting to remain just good friends with him instead of him giving you the love and respect you so richly deserve you would only be effectively pouring salt on your already deeply opened wounds.

My advice would be therefore to not put your own feelings or sanity aside by pursuing someone who does not return your affections, but throws them back rudely in your face time and time again in order to feed his already highly inflated male ego.

Without being able to read him directly and to determine exactly what is going through his head at the moment (this would require me to give you a third party reading, which is not permitted on this site), I can feel strongly enough from your own energies or aura that you should turn and walk away from any relationship with him, as soon as you feel that it is safe to do so.

I emphasised this using red print because I do not know precisely what he will do and what he is capable of when he suddenly becomes aware that you are no longer willing to play his little game of emotional blackmail any longer.

In other words I would not wish to offer you well intended advice through this reading which could unknowingly to me potentially place you in physical danger. Your safety and welfare are my primary concerns here in advising you to be cautious in how you choose to leave him, as he will always remain for the both of us the biggest unknown factor in this equation.

Wishing you all the love and happiness you can find, with a man who is more deserving of being loved by you than this one will ever be,

eye_of_tiger     Image

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Post by lstar33 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:11 am

thank you, I know.....and i know i needed to hear it..... sometimes it just help having a stranger validate what you already know......

thank you again


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A reader's job is not always a happy one

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:25 am

Lstar,  Image

You are very welcome for the reading. Image

Even readers themselves at times need to get confirmation from other readers, since they are further from and far less emotionally involved with the outcome, and are therefore often more able to read the situation objectively.

But at times like these I almost wish I was wrong about what I am feeling, as I do not enjoy being the bringer of bad news and do not like to see my friend's feelings being hurt (even if I recognise beforehand as I did in your case that you already knew he was no good for you).

Thanking you kindly for being so understanding of my own difficult balancing act between being entirely honest about what insights I am getting on your behalf, while at the same time feeling a deep sense of empathy for you as both a valued member and above all a friend.

Love, Light and Healing,

eye_of_tiger Image

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