Daily horoscopes for 18th February, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 18th February, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:31 pm


Do more today! More what, you might ask? It doesn't really matter. You just need to start busy and stay busy all day long. Being active will put a smile on your face and help you make a lot of progress in a big project. Action is your aim, and action is its own reward. There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when you ride a wave of momentum all day long -- you will feel like you are invincible among your friends and irreplaceable among your coworkers.


You're going to get to know a casual acquaintance a lot better today when the two of you accidentally get into a long and philosophical conversation. Their confessions and proclamations might reveal some shocking things about how they've lived their life, but you shouldn't let that negatively affect how you feel about them. This could be the beginning of a new phase for the two of you, when you'll see each other as more complicated and thus more interesting people.


The deep flexibility you'll have today doesn't come around very often, and it's here now for a very good reason -- you are going to need it! Don't be too dogmatic about your plans, no matter how long they took you to put together and how perfect you think they are. If other people are going to be involved, then other people need to have some input too. It might not make you overjoyed to have to modify your vision, but in the end you will be better off for it.


The good news is that any problems you have in your life right now will be so manageable that they could actually end up being fun! The problems are the same as they have always been, so what is the real reason for the change? The key is your newer, fresher perspective! In order to encourage this change in attitude, do a thorough inventory of your current projects and activities. Sort the bad from the good, and you will be able to check a lot of things off your list.


Today, combine your passion for travel with the huge burst of organizational energy that's buzzing in your brain. Get to planning your next adventure! Start doing some research and let your traveling companions know that you are kicking things into high gear. Get their input and ideas, too -- it's very important to keep this group outing a group effort! But there is no denying that you're the right person to be in charge. No one can wrangle up all the details as well as you can.


Your ability to be flexible and just go with the flow will come in extremely handy today! People aren't totally sure about their plans, and their confusion is something you have to be prepared for. You could be asked to make many more compromises than you usually like to. These people might be too demanding for your personal tastes today, but don't worry -- it's a very temporary situation. You've got to try to see things from other people's point of view. Cut them some slack.


Balance is the key to achieving more happiness in your life right now. You need to do everything in moderation and avoid getting too obsessed with reaching one goal or connecting with one person. Spread your attentions around and give everyone a chance to spend some quality time with you -- especially older family members. Getting back your equilibrium will help you regain confidence and prepare you to take on the bigger and better things that are right around the corner.


Whether you want to move forward in a job, a relationship or a personal goal, you won't go anywhere without formulating a plan first -- and today is a great day to do it. You're in a great phase of clarity, and you are ready to do what it takes to make big leaps forward. So think big, and accept the fact that there may be a certain level of risk involved. It won't be as bad as you fear, and it's sure to be much better than you hoped. This could be the start of a very busy and exciting time.


Today, a significant amount of praise will come your way from a surprising source. This person's admiration of you is flattering. But do be careful that they're not exerting all this energy building you up in order to knock you down, later. There is a strong streak of competitive energy around you now, and you need to be aware that some people will do whatever it takes to win -- even if that means stepping on other people. Be grateful for the praise, but don't trust its source unduly.


As tempting as it might be to go along with the crowd today, you simply cannot afford to let popular opinion shape even a single one of your decisions -- it may seem harmless to do something just to make everyone else happy, but in the end it will put you in uncomfortable, false situations. Being popular is not worth sacrificing your independent thinking or your goals. So do what you want to do -- push as hard as you want and ignore what other people think. You have to stay true to your idealistic nature.


New members in your social group bring new energy -- and that is sorely needed right now. So it's time to reach out and branch out. Who says you have to hang out with the same people all of the time? Now is the time to get to know that intriguing person a little bit better. You don't have to commit to an evening out on the town -- just ask them to coffee, or see if they wouldn't mind if you joined them for lunch. You could discover quite an exciting new connection.


Today, your bright energy could cause you some problems at work. You'll be moving fast while everyone else is on a much slower track. While this isn't necessarily something to be too worried about, you should definitely be careful not to step on anyone's toes or make anyone feel like they're not doing as good of a job as you. And office politics demand that you treat the leader like the leader -- even if you think you could do a better job. So be respectful.


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