Daily horoscopes for 20th February, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 20th February, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:31 pm


It can be hard to stay grounded and keep your hopes high at the same time, but if anyone can pull off this type of emotional gymnastics today, it's you! Cautious optimism is the goal of the day, and it's a goal you can reach easily. You know how to keep yourself from getting your heart too set on a certain outcome, so trust that. You know that perfection is impossible, so if you are getting excited, let yourself get excited! It would be a shame to waste an opportunity to be so hopeful.


While having a little more discipline in your life doesn't sound like fun, it could actually end up inviting more excitement into your life. Having rules and schedules to follow doesn't have to feel stifling -- if you just see things from another perspective, these rules will actually help simplify things and give you a clear idea of the path you should be on. Playing around and goofing off is fun, but is it really getting you anywhere? Distraction is just keeping you going in circles.


Thanks to your ability to see things from other people's perspectives, you make a great partner -- and lots of people are noticing. They've seen how people who work with you tend to do very well. They know how you give credit where credit it due, and this type of fairness is in high demand -- thus, you will be in high demand. You can afford to be choosy about who you align yourself with, so don't just hook up with the first person who asks for your involvement.


It takes patience to achieve balance in your life, sometimes, so if you are feeling a little bit out of whack today, breathe through it. Things are going just fine. Sure, certain details aren't making you smile, but if you step back and look at your life as a whole, things are pretty awesome. Late in the day, you will get some very interesting news that will distract you from whatever unpleasantness have been on your mind. A celebration might be in order.


Watch out for the people who are trying to quiet you down today -- they are probably more afraid that what you say will make them look bad than anything else. You can't let their insecurities stop you from shining, so go forward with whatever your plans were, no matter what the worrywarts say. You can make a good impression by sticking to your guns and not succumbing to fear -- even if your conviction is mostly an act. Bluffing is a legitimate tactic, and if you have to use it today, use it!


Healthy dissent is critical if you ever want to make your group's process better. Those in charge are wise enough to value good criticism and they can handle your honesty -- so let them have it today. After all, how can they fix something when no one will let them know what's not working right? Stop taking the rules at face value and look at things more objectively. You'll soon have some good suggestions about how to make things better. Share them and you'll be more valuable.


Reach out to a sad or depressed friend today -- they need some help getting a smile back on their face, and you make it easy. Spend some time with them out exploring the world. Show them some of the new places and activities that excite you. They may not feel like coming out right away, but if you turn on the charm and convince them of all the fun the two of you will have, they'll change their mind. You know how to show someone a good time better than most.


You haven't been in too much of a hurry to reach your goals lately, because your ambition has been taking a nap. That's perfectly fine, but today you are going to start to feel like stirring things up and putting a few more challenges in your path. You are getting antsy! Luckily, you should get a tiny taste of power. It will be so delicious that you'll want to know where you can get some more! Ask around to see if anyone needs helps on an impossible task. You're up for it!


It's too bad they don't make a shopping bug repellent, because you're going to get bitten by that bug today! If you lack the power to resist it completely, then at least do your shopping in a place that won't melt your credit cards. How about visiting a vintage store or thrift store? It's sure to offer a few hidden gems, plus a free walk down memory lane when you encounter half of your old record collection! You don't have to buy things to have fun.


Your energy flow has been a little bit unpredictable lately -- which has, not surprisingly, made you grumpy and short-tempered. Luckily, today you'll start to feel a lot more stable and cheerful. Right now, you are up for anything -- and your energy will come through for you whenever you need it most. This makes today a great day for a contest that involves physical stamina or skill. You can go the distance and make things come together with a happy ending


Not everyone is as on top of the details today as you are, so it's not wise to expect too much from other people. The sooner you realize that you need to go it alone, the better. They are just working at their own pace and abilities, and you can't rush them. Instead of getting frustrated waiting for them to catch up, just go off and take care of other things. Keep yourself busy. You'll feel fewer restrictions on your options, and they will feel less pressure from you.


An authority figure in your life will be acting a little bit strange and distant today, but try not to take it too personally. They might be more concerned with their own issues than with mentoring you or challenging you to do your best right now, but that doesn't mean they have forgotten how much they owe you. And it doesn't mean they won't be back to normal soon. Find a director or other leader who can help you out while this other person is distracted.


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my horoscope

Post by Amethyst-Raven » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:15 am

Well I like what my horoscope said because I do have a friend right now going through some personal problems and she is not dealing with it very well.  We have spent hours on the phone.  We have been friends for 22 years and I don't like to see her like this.  We went out to lunch 2 days ago and she was able to have a good time. After I saw my horoscope about 10 minutes ago I called her and we made plans for tomorrow night to go out and have a good time just letting lose and enjoy ourselves.

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