please can i have a numberlogy reading as ive never had one done before

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please can i have a numberlogy reading as ive never had one done before

Post by kath68 » Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:04 pm

kathryn celia hunt born 19/10/1953

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reading reply back

Post by numbers101 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:39 am

you are a 29/11 lifepath born on a 1 day.  Your biggest challenge is meeting and living up to expectations of yourself and others around you.
if you are not careful you will become quickly annoyed when they do things that do you not suit you. Money handling could also be an issue.
There is a karmic lesson there in numbers that point to this. Try as best as
you can to give up the need of these expectations. You do not have to have them. As an 11 you have to step away from all annoyances and
find peace within yourself. You will know when this is when you start to see the number 11 on clocks, tv, etc. At that time by allowing it money can start to flow toward you rather than away as it may have done.
This year is not as much fun as last years. It is a time to find order
organization in your life. THis will also bring out the 11 in you as well.
Much peace and happiness to you. regards, Bruce

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47 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:56 am


10 + 19 +1+9+5+3 = 47 = your life lesson = what she is here to learn = Famous.  Name & fame.  Notoriety.  Name recognition.  (Inter)nationally known.  High profile.  VIP.  Well-known.  Household name.  Public life.  Limelight.  Legendary.  Notable.  Noteworthy.  Eminent.  Prominent.  Marquee.  Honorary.  Legacy.  The future.  Tomorrow.  Foresight.  Clairvoyance.  Futurist.  Prognosticate.  Predictions.  Forecast.  Picks.  Selection.  Candidate.  Daydreaming.  Choosing wisely from among your many options with an eye toward the future.  Looking into the future.  Vision of the future.  Everybody knows your name.  Claim to fame.  In the limelight.  A living legend.  Hall of Fame.  Say my name.  I want to see my name in lights.

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:29 pm

You have the potential to be a source of inspiration and illumination for people. You possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early in life, making you shy and withdrawn. You have far more potential than you know.

You galvanize every situation you enter. You inspire people, but without your conscious effort. Energy seems to flow through you without your controlling it. This gives you both power and sometimes emotional turmoil.

You are a channel for information between the higher and the lower, between the realm of the archetype and the relative world. Ideas, thoughts, understanding, and insight -- all of these can come to you without your having to go through a rational thought process. There seems to be a bridge, or connection, between your conscious and unconscious realms, attuning you to a high level of intuition through which even psychic information can flow.

All of this amounts to a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets, and leading figures in history have had the 11 prominent in their chart.

Because you are so highly charged, you experience the consequences of a two-edged sword. You possess great abilities, but indulge in much self-reflection and self - criticism. You often feel highly self-conscious. You are aware on some level that you stand out. Even when you try to blend with your environment, you often feel conspicuous, alien, and out-of-place.

You are blessed with a message, or a specific role to play in life. But you must develop yourself sufficiently to take full advantage of that opportunity. Until that time, your inner development takes precedence over your ability to materialize the great undertaking you were chosen to perform. Consequently, 11s seem to develop slowly, but they simply have more to accomplish in their evolution than the average person. Thus, your real success does not usually begin until maturity, between the ages of 35 and 45, when you have progressed further along your path.

You may often be frustrated, largely because you have extremely high expectations of yourself. But these expectations can be unrealistic, and can prevent you from accomplishing anything. You can be very impractical, envisioning a skyscraper when all that was necessary was a two-story house.

You may also suffer from bouts of confusion and lack of direction. This gives rise to loss of confidence and the onset of deep depression. The cause of these emotional problems is your lack of understanding of your own sensitivity and potential. Your desire to achieve some great ambition is enormous. However, a lack of confidence in your own ability to realize this dream may cause you much frustration. You sense the enormous potential you possess, which requires equally enormous confidence in your ability to materialize your dream. Confidence is the key that unlocks your potential.

On a strictly physical level, you must protect your nervous system, which is inordinately vulnerable to stress because of your acute sensitivity. Depression is often the result of long periods of stress that have gone unrelieved. Seek out peaceful and harmonious environments, relaxing music, and follow a healthful diet in order to restore balance and peace.

As an 11 Life Path, you are a highly charged version of the 2 and possess many of the characteristics and talents of that number.

You can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. You are also patient and cooperative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions. You enjoy music and poetry and require a harmonious environment. You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have healing capabilities, especially in such fields as massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, and counseling.

You are a sensitive and passionate lover; your perceptiveness makes you aware of your partner's needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with almost magical delicacy. However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with devastating power, sometimes using personal criticisms vindictively.

You are a fine companion and possess a good sense of humor.

When you have found your niche in life and begun to realize your true potential, your rewards will more than compensate for your trials earlier in life.

You are highly determined and yearn for independence. You tend to struggle to achieve the degree of self-sufficiency you desire, and may endure considerable frustration in your struggle for independence. The reason: your desire for independence is so strong is that it eclipses so many other balancing perspectives. As the poet John Donne said: "No man is an Island unto himself... We are all bits of the main." This is a central lesson in your life: to learn the difference between the dream of independence and the reality of interdependence.

Your challenge is to achieve a wider degree of perspective on yourself and others. Exchange ideas with others, lest you become insulated and isolated by your own perspective. This can become a kind of prison for you.

You can be highly stubborn, which emanates from fear. Try to see that all of life is but an ecosystem, a life cycle delicately balanced in such a way that everyone is supporting.

You are highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power. Although self-confident, you like to be encouraged. You are a hard worker and an important fixture in any enterprise in which you are involved. People are attracted to your deep commitment to your work, and the steadiness with which you do it.

You are a pioneer at heart; you are willing to take risks to get what you desire. As such, you are willing to change your environment often, and even enjoy doing so.

You are demonstrative in your affections and willing to sacrifice for others. You are highly idealistic, but if your ideals fail, you can become bitter and negative.

You are very sensitive, with many emotional ups and downs. You tend to find yourself in dramatic situations, yet you like to control your emotions in public and come off as if everything is under control.

With your determination and inventive and creative mind you have potential for achievement and financial reward!

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:59 pm

kathryn numerology is a wonderful way of learning our strengths and weaknesses  i will post more at a later time  .

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