Dragon Ritual

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Dragon Ritual

Post by LADYSILVERMOONGODDESS32 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:43 pm

Basic Dragon Ritual

This is the basis of all Dragon rituals in the practice of Dragon Magick. The
practicing magician can insert his / her own music, dance, meditation, or
personal rituals that they have written in appropriate places without disrupting
the flow of energy. When you read through this ritual you will see that certain
things are to be done at certain times other than that the Magician can do what
feels right to her / him. It is important that you have all the appropriate
tools and materials  you will need before starting. Make any preparations so
that nothing disturbs you. If you are practicing decreasing Magick it is
important to remember that anywhere in the ritual that it says "circle
clockwise" ,you should circle counterclockwise. Another way of doing this is to
cast a clockwise outer circle with a counterclockwise inner circle.

                                           Setting up Ritual :

Begin the ritual by going  to the East, with sword in power hand "draw" Magickal
circle on floor around ritual area. This is done by pointing sword at the floor
and seeing great flames shooting from it. Move clockwise around the circle with
this flame ; end by overlapping it in the East. While drawing the circle, say:

                   By Dragon Power, This Circle is Sealed.

Return to the altar. Point the Sword at Dragon Pentacle and say:

Dragons of  Spirit, Highest of Dragons and Most Powerful, Bless This Altar With
Your Fire. Let Us Be One In Magick, O Dragons Great and Wise.

Set the Water Chalice on the pentacle. With the wand in power hand, circle the
chalice three times clockwise with the wand and say:

Air, Fire, Earth, Bring Power Forth. Water Of Land and Sea, Purified Be.

Hold the Chalice high and say:

Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!

Sprinkle the water lightly around the circled area beginning and ending in the
East. Set the dish of salt on the Pentacle. Circle it three times clockwise with
the wand and say:

Water, Air, Fire, Hear My Desire. Salt of Earth and Sea, Purified Be.

Sprinkle a few grains of salt to each corner of the altar. Circle the incense
burner three times with the wand, say:

Fire of Dragons, Fire of Earth, You Are Purified. Bring Power Forth.

Circle the Incense and Herbs three times clockwise with the wand, say:

Incense Magickal, Incense Bold, Awake The Dragons, As Of Old. I Call You

Put a small amount of incense onto the burning coals. Lift the burner by the
chains and touch it lightly to the Pentacle. Lift it high over the altar, say:

Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!

Then carry it clockwise around the circle, beginning and ending in the East.
Return the burner to the Altar. Take up Sword in both hands and kneel before the
Altar. Mentally dedicate self to the study of Dragon Magick. Project your
interest and love for Dragons as strongly as possible. Continue doing so for
several minutes, then rise and point the Sword at the Dragon Pentacle and say
with power and confidence:

Behold, All Dragons and Rulers of Dragons, I am (magickal name), a Magician Who
Seeks Dragon Magick. With (name of Sword) In My Hand, I Enter the Realm of The
Dragons, Not For Physical Battle, But For Knowledge and Power. I Greet You, O
Dragons Ancient and Wise, and Await Your Blessing and Guidance.

Continue holding the Sword outstretched until you feel the blessing of the
Dragons. It is for this reason that a light sword is best used in ritual. When
the flowing power of the Dragons Blessing has lessened, lower the sword. Still
holding the sword in Power hand, take up the Dragon Pentacle in the other and go
to the East. Point the sword at the Eastern position and hold the Pentacle
facing outward. Draw a Invoking Pentagram with the Sword (see illustration),

From Sairys (sair'-iss), Ruler Of The Eastern Dragons Fair, Comes Now The
Wondrous Power Of Air

                              Invoking Pentagram

Feel the power of Air entering body with sword outstretched. When the flow
stops, go to the South. Hold up the Dragon Pentacle again , draw an invoking
Pentagram with the Sword, say:

From Fafnir (faf'-near),Ruler Of Dragons Of The South, Comes Cleansing Fire
From Dragon Mouth

Note: Feel the power of Fire entering body and when it stops go to the next
direction. Repeat the process of Holding up the Dragon Pentacle and drawing a
invoking pentagram for each of the directions. Go to the West, say:

From Naelyan (nail'-yon) Ruler Of Dragons Of The West, Comes The Power Of Water

Draw into the body the power of Water. Go to the North and say:

From Grael (grail), Ruler Of Dragons Of The North, The Power Of Earth Does Now
Come Forth

Draw into oneself the power of Earth. When it stops return to the Altar, lay
aside the Sword and Dragon Pentacle. Add the appropriate herbal incense to the
incense burner according to the ritual you are performing. At this point insert
the appropriate chants and workings for the particular spellworking or
meditation to be performed. If there is a problem that is unsolveable by
physical means or by magic then now is also the time to ask the Dragons for
advice on how to solve it. The Dragons are able to give new insight into ways of
solving it. Continue to feel their power and direction as their directions are
written down. When finished  with the spellworking, tap staff  three times and

I Thank You, Dragons Old And Wise, Of Earth And Fire, Water, Skies, For Sharing
Wisdom Here With Me. As We Will, So Shall It Be

Always approach the Dragons as Equals not as a force to be ordered or conquered.
Set the Wine Chalice on the Pentacle. Circle it three times with the wand, say:

Cup Of Power, Cup Of Might, Dragon Magick, Be Here This Night

Drink the Wine (apple cider or grape juice may be substituted if unable to drink
wine), saving back some to be poured outside on the ground later as an offering
to the Dragons. If it is not possible to pour the offering outside then leave it
on the Altar for about an hour, after closing your ritual. Now is the an
excellent time to chant and use free-form dancing and invite the Dragons to
share in the raised energy and joy of being a Magician. Talk to them about hopes
and dreams, listen to see if they have suggestions or words of encouragement.
This is an opportunity for close friendships to be forged.

                              Closing the Ritual

To close the ritual, take the sword and go to each of the directions draw a
banishing pentagram (see illustration) and say the appropriate words for that

                             Banishing Pentagram

To the East, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The East, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour

To the South, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The South, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour

To the West, say:

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The West, And Return Again In The Ritual Hour

To the North, say

Go In Peace, Dragons Of The North, And Return Again In the Ritual Hour

Return to the Altar. Raise both arms, say:

Farewell To You, O Dragons Fair, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Together We Make
Magick Well By Power Deep and Dragon Spell. In Peace Go Now. Return Once More To
Teach Me Magick and Ancient Lore. Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!

Cut the circle with a backward sweep of the Sword across the boundary line.
Extinguish the candles. Clear the Altar of all tools except any offerings to the
Dragons if unable to pour outside.

This ritual is the basis of any and all rituals of Dragon Magick. Any specific
spellworkings need to be placed within this framework at the appropriate times.

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