Part Three - The Court Cards - 1

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Part 3 - Court Cards - The Sword Family

Post by weezerwall » Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:17 am

Just had a thought - "blue" is associated with the throat chakra.  Could make the sword family excellent talkers/conversationalists or problem-solvers.  

King - Looks like a judge - has high ideals which he'll do anything to defend.  Not the most affectionate father or husband.  Can be stern, but perhaps fair as well.  He rules his house and realm with a steely hand. This is a man of principles who "forces" others to live by them.  (For their own good, of course).

Queen - The receptive side of the king's mental energy - she gives (gave) birth to his cool intellect on the material plain.  He's the driving force, the motivator, the planner while she is the implementor.  She  has the same parenting style - aloof, but perhaps generally fair.  Likes to express herself and is well informed in a lot of areas/subjects.  This mom believes in "tough love".  (reversed she could be a gossip, a girlfriend who reads your diary and then tells your business to others).

Knight - The fiery teenage son.  He's about moving the families ideas - propagating them into the world.  Spreads the seeds - his father's policy.  He can be wreckless, tactless and rash - impulsive and too quick in his judgements.   Free movement of ideas and information.

Page - The "baby" of the family.  He's the seed of the family's ideas.  He's inquisitive and scrappy. Can be rather disobediant at times - perhaps even a bully on the playground if he doesn't get his way.  He's ready to use his sword at all times.

I'll have to pay them a visit more often.  :-)


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Post by pamDemonium » Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:20 am

I am using my enchanted deck so there is a princess instead of a page and prince instead of knight but I don't think it makes too much difference to the meanings.

Some people have described this family as emotional but I think they are far too aloof for that (with the possible exception of the prince). They are cool calm and collected. They make decisions with their heads not their hearts. Swords tell us about strife in our lives and how we deal with it. This royal family have all the strength to deal with any blow.

princess of swords: She is intelligent and an 'ideas' person. Listen to her because she will find the answer for you. YOu may get communication through the mail.

Prince of swords: 'A rebel without a cause( but looking for one)" He is full of indignant self-righteousness.  He will fight to the death if it is a cause he believes in. The prince knows how to implement the the plan of attack (plans that the princess made).` With the prince on your side you know you must be right.

Queen of swords: Fiercely independant and strong willed. She thinks with her head not her heart.  She isn't the type to flutter with sympathy. She'll tell it as it is and advise  you what to do.

king of swords: Again here is a man who thinks with his head and not his heart. He is very intelligent and a wise counsellour. He may be a man in authority, a judge or accountant or financial advisor. He is steadfast and totally reliable.
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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:32 pm

When I look at the swords as a whole or as a family I actually feel cold. I can see some positive qualities but would not like this to be my family.

The page to me would be extaverted and a little bossy - spoiled but also needy - I think of him as being raised to achieve at all cost no room for error striving for perfection

The knight is a strong force but I feel anger and no compromise I will get what I want a very opinionated young person who thinks of himself. I also think that if this card showed up then it would come with a direct message and honest (maybe even brutally honest message) something that the questioner needs to hear.

The Queen is also strong and has had to work for this she demands respect and although she would fight for her children I don't believe she was there for them- I see her as being too busy with her own life I do feel that she is confident but also sharp tongued and judgemental

The King is definately a strong individual but if I go on the picture of the card then I see a soft side to - He has a firm but fair feel to him. I think that he would show up when counsel or business adivise is needed.

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My RW Sword family say...

Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:37 pm

- Page: "If anyone is watching, I hope they can see I am well able to defend myself: with my keen, sweeping gaze and my hard blade, there is nothing I cannot withstand".

- Knight: "Move out of my way, dullard, or you may well get hurt! Can't you see I am in a hurry to conquer what you cannot even imagine?"

- Queen: "Dear, I believe you should keep a closer watch on those children. They are running wild most of the time and you know how people talk: they will surely blame us".

- King: "Let them be. If they cannot run free at that age, then when? I have other worries. Watch them yourself, if they worry you so".

This Sword family seem to frown at everything. I wonder what it would take to make them happy. The king and queen seem to rise above the clouds, maybe having mastered their thoughts. The Page is surrounded by them and the knight is overtaken by stormy clouds. The whole background is blue for air, the mental element.

If any of these come up in a reading, I can expect some quarrel or strife. The queen I know as the widow, wise but sour. The king is the best of these to have around, I guess. He sometimes comes up on my own readings because that is the way I see my guy (he is an Aquarian).


In Robin Wood's family, the page behaves just as one would expect of any child: he/she has just discovered with glee that intellect can be a very entertaining tool to wield.

The knight is just as impulsive as any of its kind, but he soars through the clouds on a beautiful Pegasus and his helmet is winged, reminding me of Mercury, the messenger of the roman gods.

The queen seems more inclined to talk and negotiate: she goes to meet her  listener instead of reigning from her austere throne, like RW's.

Only the king seems more stern than RW's, standing up and dressed for battle. He has a winged helmet instead of a crown. He seems more active and less predisposed for mercy than RW's.

I have recently began doing readings with the Robin Wood deck: it not only has beautiful artwork very close to RW (therefore making it a very easy transition, like Gem told me), but it is also much more joyful, or at least that is what I feel when comparing the two.

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:04 pm

This is very interesting Pirbid..... how the Queen of Swords in the RW is a masculine-looking woman, ready to give advice and directions, whereas in the Robin Wood one as you pointed, it is seeking for advice, for mediation, for calm - almost begging for it, asking to be heard. As for the Page in the same deck, he/she comes across almost like his/her brother the Knight, whereas in the RW the Page of Swords looks full of himself and his ego. I appreciate you posting also pictures of your deck which is good for the rest of us who are still contemplating on their second or another deck..
Bless you amigo.

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Post by glenellen » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:30 pm

SWORDS...This family look strong and energetic they are all head strong and stubborn which lead to lots of arguments but despite this they are a close family and will always watch each other's back the queen looks more dominant and could easily wear the trousers in this family the king favours the younger son and the older son is fighting for his attention

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Post by farafina » Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:33 pm

I feel that this family is a loving family deep down but with frequent arguments and conflicts because of their impetuous and non-compromising characters.

The King to me is the research professor who is always focused on knowledge, rationality and fails to prioritize emotions and family matters.
The Queen is very sharp. A woman that is a perfectionist and a career person. She loves her children and husband, but she does not express her feelings much.
The Knight is this young career man who is out of college and focused on getting more knowledge, getting information, succeeding by all means, and sometimes willing to do things that are not fair to get to his goal.
The Page is fascinated by getting and transmitting information and knowledge. Like a buddying news reporter, straight out of high school and who is too inexperience to measure the risks of gossiping and mishandling the information he gets. Not very honest if you ask me.

An interesting family: certainly one that does not spend their weekend around the fireplace at home... But rather the weekends are spent separately as each one is busy working, studying, colecting information, building their careers etc....

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Post by appylover » Fri May 02, 2008 6:56 am

Swords looks like a warring family.
Page looks like a young boy who is sure of his self and that he could defend himself and his family if need be.  
Knight is the older son who is gung ho, full steam ahead. Not afraid to fight. Will protect what is his.
Queen looks like she isn’t afraid to defend her family. She looks stern, but with her hand up it seems she would also be willing to listen and weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to fight.
King is a fighter also. He would protect his home and family. But he looks like he would rather have someone else make the decisions for him. To me he looks kind of ho hum.

I use The Rider Tarot Deck.

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Court Cards 1 Swords

Post by deelitefullyme » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:09 am

It feels like the Sword family is intelligent. They are a strong handed and strong willed family.  They will fight any battle that needs fighting.  No one in this family ever backs down.  They are a one for all and all for one clan.  They believe in dealing justice with the mighty sword.  

Actors to play the part of these people?
It just makes me think of actors that played a strong role in a movie.  Knight of Swords maybe Clint Eastwood. the king, Moses in the 10 commandments.  Actually, no strong figures comes to mind.

Other Decks?
My deck is, "The Dreamer's".  The images are similar but the graphics are easier to interpret than the RW deck.

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Post by Mandimedea » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:57 pm

I see the page as playful, childlike, active, grounded more sensitive than elder sibling
like the knight who is more aggresive, serious, take charge, conquer, action, travel ready to take on anything with free will
while the queen mature, strict, firm, wise, but loving and is more calm and reserved and emotion driven
than the king who is analytical, just strong and wise and very intellectual

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