Interpretation of The Moon - Upright - Major Arcana

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Interpretation of The Moon - Upright - Major Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 2:24 pm

The Moon - Upright

Major Arcana

Your intuitiveness is at its peak now. Do not start any new ventures. People may be very emotional but do not become like one of them. You tend to spend more time in illusions and in an unconscious state or daze. You may not be taking the right decisions.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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The Moon

Post by Nelope123 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:07 am

The Moon card represents how you develop as you progress along in your life journey.  This card reminds you that you always have the opportunity to bring yourself back in tune with your soul's purpose.

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Post by astrologer50 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:46 pm

the moon is all about misunderstanding, illusion., confusion, mistakes, people getting the wrong end of the stick, but as you know the Moon only comes out of a night time and suggests disillusionment and decpetion, as if there are 3 of you in a relationship. Be wary aroud women!!

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:15 pm

We had a fairly lenthy discussion around the Moon card about a year ago,
Yes, we can consider the Moon indicative od deception, when we look at the hound and the wolf howling up at the Moon, we may easy accept the fact that too much of the Moon giudes you to lunacy, which is a mental distortion of the self! Furthermore we have to look at the duality between the twin towers, now look at the Yods decending between the two Towers and we can link that to divine instruction again, and here this card links well with the High Priestess on the one hand and on the black side to the Tower, in this card again we see Yods descending, this is indicative to Divine intervention.

But the strongest correspondence or link can also be found on the Death card, where we see a sunrise between the same two towers. So interpreting the card at face value is sometimes much of a gues and should the reader truly consider carefully in conjunction with the other cards in the spread as to really interpret this card archaicaly.

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Post by Astynome » Sun May 03, 2009 10:22 am

the moon card is about subtle psychic influences - statements like "I can't believe it!" to situations occurring would be common because what is at work are the underlying tidal wash of people's true intentions - so you often might be confused because outward signs don't match up with the strange undercurrent of events.

"beware" could be a common sensation because things can get a little crazy like one of those dream scenes where people are looming in front of you at a masquerade ball.

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