Requesting a reading

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Requesting a reading

Post by Mandimedea » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:20 pm

I am requesting a reading please, I am going through some trying times in my life and I would like to ask what path my marriage is on.  Could you help me out at all, do you need me to answer any more questions?  I am learning to read the tarot, but really need someone else to read for me at this time, I would really appreciate it.

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Post by cedars » Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:52 pm

Hello Mandimedea

I am sorry you have not had a reading so far.
Let’s look at your situation and see what advice/insights we can obtain.

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

What is going on in your life now?
Queen of Wands.
A strong woman who is trying to make things happen in and around her. She is of the fire element, a mother, successful at what she does; she competes well with her surroundings – be it work environment or social – a sort of a busy-body at the moment, perhaps not having or giving time for her personal life?

What you need to focus on?
Not the physical one, but one of the mind, the spoken words, the inner strength that could move mountains, or tame the lion. If and when at times you feel things are overwhelming and too much to take, you need to focus on your inner strength. The very appearance of this card means that you DO have that strength; you just need to tap into it and make full use of those qualities.

Hidden factors.
Eight of Swords.
Whilst you might be acting like the Queen of Wands on the outside, but on the inside you feel helpless and caved in and you do not see the way out of it. I also sense you have turned a blind eye on a situation and made it blow sort of out of proportion by simply being enslaved to the problem(s) which you feel are insurmountable rather than just looking out of the box and freeing yourself from those stagnant thoughts. This helplessness, I’m afraid my dear friend, could be of your own making and in your own mind. All you have to do is take off your blindfold and see things for what they are, and only then you will feel and sense freedom and that it is not all obstacles around you.

The Fool.
Take some risks, be daring sometimes, and don’t be afraid of new ideas – not matter how silly they may seem in the beginning. The Fool is the ultimate, careless adventurer and risk-taker. Perhaps you may need to take some bold steps yourself; do things out of the ordinary and see what responses you get?

Near future (if things stay as they are).
Knight of Cups.
A message of love and romance perhaps? Or a state of romance and looking at things in a different perspective? There is an element of caution with the Knight of Cups though, whereby he can get carried away with emotions and lose the real picture by being the ultimate romantic. There is no doubt a situation of romance or someone coming into your life with such nuances may change things around you, but before that you need to rid yourself of the limitations and the state of helplessness that you may think surrounds you.

Overall, Mandimedea, there are some new beginnings coming your way, but before that some changes need to be made in your life for which you do have the inner strength to carry them out single-handedly.

I do wish you all the best and hope this has made some sense to you.

Once again I apologise that I could not give this reading earlier.

Blessings to you.


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Post by Mandimedea » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:37 pm

I appreciate your reading and I have no problem with waiting for it.  Just really confusing time and with all the chaos I am looking for my inner peace, my true calling.  I agree with your reading completely and have already started on my path to overcome my issues.  I thank you so much and look forward to any future readings and maybe my own readings as well.  I have so much to learn, but do so with excitement.

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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:17 am

Thank you very much for your feedback Mandimedea and I wish you all the best in your journey both personal and spiritual.

You are on the right track my friend.

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