
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by lbs42807 » Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:22 pm

I'm looking for anyone who has knowledge of demons and how to identify them. Several years ago I was sleeping alone in my apartment having what I thought was a terrible nightmare. I was being chased by something that looked charred like the guy sitting in the waiting room in the movie Beetlejuice. It was wearing a long black cloak and had glowing florescent green eyes. When it caught me, it had me by the throat and and I couldn't scream or wake up. It leaned in toward me and some sort of foggy mist seemed to emit from its mouth into my nostrils. When I got up the following morning, I was telling my ex about it. He told me I had four long gauges down the center of my back that looked like I had been scratched by something very sharp, and they were located where I couldn't have done it myself. I did not have any pets in the home. This is something that has always haunted me. Does anyone know what this was, or was it just a horrible nightmare?

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:26 am


I have not come across any daemons/demons that are anything like the creature in your dream.

I am not sure that it is a Daemon/Demon... Reason I say this is Daemons are very much like Angels... They often have information to give to you, unlike Angels however Daemons don't stay with you, unless you envoke them, or if you are somehow damaged spiritually or if you don't understand/or want their message.  Daemons in my understanding are higher or lesser Angels, some Angels who have no connection to God Flow Aspire, but not being one with the flow turn into a form of Demi-God or Daemon.  These creature, Angels/Daemons etc... in my understanding care not about our dreams, they may appear in them, but they wouldn't chase you, normall they pass on a message and leave, normally thay aren't that animated, they are just there.

Your scratches on your back in relation to the dream does sound odd, and not normal... And the co-insidence I feel may be more supernatural than it just being a dream... There is much to this world and dimension that I don't understand and I wont pretend to.

I think you should be looking at the Supernatural rather than Daemons.


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Post by lbs42807 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:49 am

Any ideas on who to ask about the "supernatural", if that truly is what it is and not demon.

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Post by LADYSILVERMOONGODDESS32 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:23 am

The Demon you describe is Called Abbadon,he is a demon of destruction and likes to inflict pain on his victims,and give them nightmares.

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:28 am


I think you mean Abaddon aka Apollyon, said to be an Angel, yet I have been given no seal for this Angel... But doesn't say/mean this Angel doesn't exsist... I will search for this Angel and call it to myself should I find it.

I have found 33 Angels, and I have been shown that's all the Angels I require to know of... Yet there are hundreds, perhaps thousands I feel.

I know of 13 Daemons, and just a handful of Demi Gods and God Seals...

I have questioned Anan-Ael on the Seal of Abaddon, I was shown a field with a horse running, no fences, and no saddle... I feel Abaddon may not have a seal, and runs free, perhaps this Angel/Daemon can't be summoned through my method... I will keep asking Anan-Ael and others.

I always thaught Abaddon was a place, a hell of sorts, a pit that never ends, and Apollyon was its keeper, but it seems the Angel and the place are one and the same, an Angel that creates and holds its own hell... Or perhaps this Angel has no depths when it comes to darkness and the pit is to show this... Either way I am intreseted in learning more of this ellusive Angel.

Do you have any information that you can share with me that may help me ? (I still don't understand why an Angel would give chase in a dream, unless it had a message to share, my understanding thus far is Angels are messengers as too are Daemons).

My Synodic period is 5 days after a full moon the time I can question and get better results will be around the 15th, 16th & 17th of this month, I will try my best.


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Post by landofshadows » Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:44 pm


I have asked Anan-Ael if this creature you saw was a Demon...

I was shown flames swirling and forming a Man, the flames where green, and emerald green, that went darker once it formed a structure, the outer edge of the flames had crust upon them like moulten that started to form a skin of grey ash that shined... What took form in the end result looked Human but had an over-bite, no hair and very large angular eyes, and looked more ferral (Dog like) in the way it stood and moved.

I have no idea what this creature was or is...

I started researching into people made of fire and found more links to the Djinn (Jinn)... I found that they aren't just physical manifestations that appear in a lucid state but they can appear in dreams also.

I would try calling a veil/aura of light around yourself... (Spiritalk has spoken of this many times).

Other than that if you have only been visited once by this creature I wouldn't dwell upon it too much...

I find once you show an interest in them they will inturn show an interest in you and the experiences will become more frequent.


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