Can someone help me? or offer advice...

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Can someone help me? or offer advice...

Post by kahlan1448 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:52 pm

Heya, I was wondering if anyone can help me. I think that I am psychic .... or some type of medium. I hear voices in my waking hours, and I have predicted deaths in my family, not how they die or when, just who in my family was going to die next. I had 6 sucessful predictions and no failures with this unfortunatly. I have been touched by spirits and can sense when there is a presence near me. I have been told by an angry spirit to GET OUT and have been attacked, I think it is because I know it is there and somehow disturbing it with my knowledge. I told the spirit if it wanted me to leave then it would have to haunt my husband because until i am done with school where I live is not in my controll. I haven't been attacked verbily or physically since but I can still sense the spirit is in the house. I don't know of any communitys near where i live where i can get help or advice on this I am studying metaphysics and am learning tarot. This has been going on for as long as i can remember and i was brought up catholic but have since changed my views and believe in the Goddess as well as the God.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:36 pm

When we have a talent or skill, it is important to learn all we can and then practice our own abilities.  Psychic/mediumship is no different.  It is time to learn all you can - you have come to the right place.  Start with this material - read through it all.  See what fits and what makes sense.  Then you can form some specific questions on your own talents and skills.

To start with you may need to do some protection and grounding.  When we are wide open, all the time, to spirit entities, they are delighted and step in randomly when they so choose.  When you take charge of the whole thing, then you are in control and invite only those that will help you in your life path - your own spirit guides - on love and light.

I start each morning with the ritual of affirmation - putting my mind on positive mode - and then a protective bubble which I visualize as one you might see blown from a child's soap bubble pipe - sort of opaque and complete with the rainbow patch - rainbows are such wonderful symbols of bridges, connection, communication and come complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end.  See it enlarge to encase your whole body.  And affirm it as a filter of all negativity from within or without - in that way aiding your day for positive thoughts only.

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