Healthy Vegetarian Wicca

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Healthy Vegetarian Wicca

Post by earthwriter » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:10 am

I don't know if it's appropriate or if anyone can answer this, but do any members here know of an online group, community, or forum, where I can connect with and meet Witches who are vegetarian?  Without getting into a debate or discussion about this, the reason I ask is because I am an Incarnated Elemental Indigo Fairy and I'm a Devout veteran Vegetarian of more than 16 years.  I'm an animal lover and as the Angels and Fairies advocate and say, I intuitively and lovingly believe that animals are here to be loved and cared for.  It's very important to me to meet others, especially women and sensitive gentle kind caring compassionate men, who are like-minded and share my passions.  I respect and others and I believe in personal choice and live and let live and I would love to meet some special wonderful like-minded friends.  I'm open to suggestions and ideas.  Thank you.

Peace, Light, Love, Warm Wishes, Warm Huggs, and Many Blessings,

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