Destroying Karma

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Post by surinder » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:14 pm

no spiritalk we dont accumulate in each life time
in this mortal life whatever we are experiencing is because of our past karma     but as spirit we are progressing
that is why there are people at diffrent spritual level
with each cycle sprits grow and become more mature
as lady of avalon said     with spritual development we can work through our karma and overcome it's influences
then the time comes when light goes to the eternal light
whatever spritual talk is heard in this time was not there before        say before last two decades
whole world is progressing and so the spirits

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:44 pm

There is nothing new on earth.  It would not take much to uncover the philosophers and seers who brought the same message over and over throughout history.  

A conversation with an Islam follower was showing how their holy book proceeds from the Bible but with the same message as the ancients.  The old testament to the new testament to the new book.  There are no new philosophies.  Love is the key.  

Spirits individually can choose to see the light or remain in darkness.  It is our free will option.  And the consciousness (mind) is rising - of that we witness daily - but spirituality is the same struggle it always was.  And it may be a finite mind asking a more infinite question - but I say again - if we are to learn from each lifetime and do not know what we learned before, how do we remove or improve Karma?  We are merely creating new Karma with each lifetime.

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Post by surinder » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:05 pm

we as human being may not remember what we have learned but deep within our spirits remember those lessons
what we are learning in this life will go with us and will help our spirits to progress further

from where those seers and philosopher have come ?
they are learned spirits

be it islam , hindu or sikh holy books they all say that we can improve our karma by our own deeds

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:03 pm

Which means that each and every experience  you have in life has the potential to involve a karmic response.  Everything you do is karma heavy.  There is no getting away from consequences for action - it is the natural law - cause and effect.  So each and every lifetime is building karma - or you would get off the wheel of reincarnation so much earlier and our world would be a better place for spiritual people.

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Post by surinder » Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:20 pm

yes there is cause and effect relationship to every action
positive and negative actions work in opposition to each other
positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative

we are to live by faith , developing faith is like  planting seeds ,we surely receive harvest
we can do it through serving others , having faith in God and by simply opening ourselves to positive energy through positive thaughts

as i said earlier we are all at various level of spritual development , and we ourselves can create situations for our spritual needs.        they say that the only thing we can take with us is the good we have done to others , all of our good deeds and kind words will come back to bless us a hundred fold after this life .

it is said that that our every action every thaught is recorded [ Akashic records]   and the caurse of our next it on whichever realm , is decided by these records .
so when we have this knowledge i think that we can improve our karma or can lighten the weight of our karma

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Post by MacLir » Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:50 pm

I think karma would alway stay exist as long as we don't reach our ultimate perfection. After all, only The Ultimate Mind/The Almighty/whatever you might want to call Her/Him that is free from karmic conditioning--because She/He is free from anything, including free to do whatever She/He likes--while us, humans are bounded by The Law of Physics, by time and space.  Though karma still exist, the impact might be different, for humans that are in 3 dimensional state with the ones in 4 dimension.
    Based on what I have researched, yes we can destroy our karma, though not at once. We could gradually erasing our karmin(that's plural word for it, if I'm not mistaken) by opening/activating the 7th energy centre(Sahasrara Chakra). It is the "territory" of Isis, Maria, Elohim, Shiva, Parvati/Shakti, Brigit and many else. So anyone can use the mantra or ritual of any of those God/dess-s to awaken the chakra. The simplest way is to place the picture, or if it's still hard to do, just write the name of the God/dess and place it on a spot that you're often near of, or better, take it in your wallet so that you can carry it all day. And, the bigger the picture or name, the greater the effect would be. That's the reason enormous buildings & statues were built in the old times.
    Sahasrara Chakra is the chakra of ability. The more it opens, the more our spiritual capability increase. It is the chakra that could make one able to do miracles. That's why the pictures of Holy persons described as having this chakra opens--like with halo or nimbus. Like Anand Krishna, the well-known Yogi in my country, I'm not agree with the common knowledge that said Sahasrara Chakra is the highest chakra and the chakra for soul travel/leaving out the body. Based on my learning and experiences, any chakra can be the highest, because the chakras are like the needles of a clock. The turning of a needle would conseguently turn the others. And for soul travel, it is the fourth or Anhat Chakra. Hard to explain this because it came from my trial and error. But I welcome any thoughts whether to amplify or to correct it.

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Post by surinder » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:17 am

that's true karma can be destroyed , techniques may differ but the goal is same
about opning the sahasrara chakra , it is a very difficult practise , not avery one can do it
and once open it is very difficult to tolerate also

i think we can have faith in any God or Godess but OUM is the ultimate mool mantra
meditating while consentrating on third eye chakra and chanting AUM works
it can be done first verbally and then mentally

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:51 pm

If it were so true that karma does not affect the current life, why are there so many diverse spirituality beings?  All human beings would have progressed by this time in our history to no karmic response.  Mathematically it doesn't add up.  Why are there still unspiritual people?  The spirit would be reincarnating all the time, making us all spiritually adept.

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the dance of creation.

Post by jigyasu » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:10 pm

i think nature is purifying us (conciousness) to live in the present moment. no past no future. to be alert. like a cat?
all the unexpressed, suppressed feelings, self pity etc will create mental impressions (samskaras). all the uneasiness is felt because there is a desire
to change what is. therefore the misery.
why does shiva (conciousness) worshipped with snakes?
the snake leaves the skin and becomes new.

record the magnitude of waves in the ocean from morning to mrning if we have a disk that can only record one hour.
we'll have 24 disks.

and the second disk will start with magnitudes of waves exactly from where the first disk ended. this is what is called prarabdha (the karmas of past life controlling the situations in this life, like the inertia of waves creating more waves).
waves are karmas. which yogis practice to control, then make it still so as to see clearly what lies beneath with clearity.once u have control u can play with it. co create.
we are made to experience this software so that we can master and one masters only after understanding.
understanding comes only from experience (inward or outward). so the soul only observes.

wereproduce, create genetic blueprint for other souls. again under the influence of cosmic energies.
when the planets make combinations for specific energies to manifest. the souls take birth in the places that can provide that particular atmosphere and
in families with those genes.
and since everything around us is so well balanced which can be seen from "how we get to exhaust our karmas with each other"
the chart of everyone in the family is synchronous!

this shows how polarities play. for every victim there is some one to exploit. therefore we say when the student is ready he'll get the teacher.

destroying all karmas of all souls willl stop rebirths and hence stop evolution. no expansion no contraction. no oscillation no vibration no waves.
everything ( + and - ) will merge back to 0.
which will stop this dance of creation which is the disturbance(waves) itself !!!

i believe the new age will train us for inutution. to be quick!!!
from moment to moment. tratak.
rajas is represented by brahma who is the creator.

tell me if i m closer to what is...

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Post by surinder » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:12 am

there was some misunderstanding , we were not saying that there is no effect of Karma on our present life .
How can life be without Karma , an easy breath and even a moment of respite cant come without hard work and sweat
what ever we are experiencing in this life if we  learn from it and do the righteous things we can  improve our future.

yes jigyasu your explanation is very close to Gita's central philosophy  , which is assertive about the fundamental between the consciousness , which is pure , undaunted and supra personal and the immovable matter called prakriti.

All the three gunas satwa, tamas and rajas are present in prakriti only,        purusha is the pure observer.

According to Bhagwat Gita      action is of three kinds-Karma, Akarma and Vikarma.
Karma is the right action which gradually gets us riddance of the bondage of three gunas

Akarma is apparent inaction ...we think we are not doing anything but in reality we fall short of doing that what is required .  the case is similar to that of Arjuna's     when he was contemplating whether to fight or not,
         at times of need even killing is the right action ....when soldiers fight to protect their country.

Vikarma is the opposite action    done against what is required ,    In the emmediate preceeding sloka Shri Krishna says inaction[not even wrong action]  leads us nowhere it does not ensure our libration from the effect of our karma and the tyrany of gunas. The gunas are bigger than our  individual ego , they make us dance to their tunes , thats why we experience all the grief and sorrow.

But if we resolve to take the right steps following our conscience and the path of duty then they yield our inner world to us , fathoming which we come to the shores of pure consciousness and finally can get rid from the effect of our wrong action in the past
All the work people like Mother Terressa did for humanity will never go waste.
Every one practising sprituality may not become a saint like Mother...but with all this awareness we can do our bit of right action  and can improve our future life ....whereever or whenever it will going to be....

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Post by surinder » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:55 am

one more thing      we can take responcibility of our own actions and can do whatever is possible within our capacity     ant that is connecting with the super conscious   which comes mainly through three factors: faith, purified energy of body
[ through truth, right food, thaughts, speech, conduct and dutifulness] and dissolution of ones individual ego.

But we cannot take the responcibility of others actions    and as jigyasu says   " destroying all the Karmas of all the souls will stop rebirth and hence stop evolution"  so the life on earth will go on and there will always be unspritual people and as ell as spritual being .......

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Post by jigyasu » Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:46 am

true sir  
like michio kaku says we are type 0 civilization, sucking on petroleum coal etc.
evolving to type 1 harnessing other vibrational energy
like tesla please read ( ... ctesl.html )
one super article. tell me if u like it. :)

and could this transition be this 2011 thing? the mayan evolutionary calendar? a transition for which a some ethical sense is required?
like the movie from 1951 "the day the earth stood still"?

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Post by jigyasu » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:49 pm

surinder wrote:
But we cannot take the responcibility of others actions    and as jigyasu says   " destroying all the Karmas of all the souls will stop rebirth and hence stop evolution"  so the life on earth will go on and there will always be unspritual people and as ell as spritual being .......
also as kripaluji maharaj says spiritually evolved beings who have these mathematics of prakriti under their command,
can take rebirths to help the unevolved. to dissolve resistance. to realign them.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:12 pm

I am sorry you 2 are just not getting it.....

It is day one of human existence.  The person dies and their soul goes on.  They return.  Why then mathematically do we have more than 2 people on earth?  One and One = 2.

Sorry if this finite mathematics bothers your theories.  But the facts remain it just doesn't add up.  

We can name the spiritually adept.  And probably make an even longer list of the spiritual uneducated.  The fact is we seem to have a rise in crime in most big cities.  That is a clear indication of lack of spiritual growth.  So where are all the spiritually adept?  

With even all that, I can say I witness the rise of consciousness of many to spirituality.  That is also happening through human agency.  Consciousness (out of which all is created) will rise to a more sincere level and that will change human society.

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:43 pm

Speaking as a child of the 60s (as I'm sure spiritalk is) we saw such a surge of inquirery. People searched for knowledge - I know I did but it all evaporated, apart from 1 or 2 of us, the world carried on, wars, disasters, famine, crime all grew in spite of what we thought we knew.
I have totally diiferent world view now at the big end of the telescope to what I did when I looked through the little end.
Nothing has changed for the better and it never will, sorry.

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