How do I "Cleansing my Living/Work Environment?"

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How do I "Cleansing my Living/Work Environment?"

Post by Psychicgaijin » Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:25 pm


Cleansing Your Living/Work Environment
We all experience energies in our environment. We can feel the tension, anger or sadness in a room. These energies can build up and effect your experience - whether you find yourself not feeling comfortable in your own home, or bickering with those around you, or not able to relax. Learn simple tools and techniques to cleanse the energy in your environment, and set it up to experience peace, happiness and prosperity!

This is a workshop from a psy school (that i will not name) who has an impressive sounding workshop but never seems to get around to teaching this workshop.

I am in  great need to learn these skills as I live in a place that really can use a good psychic cleaning. It is full of old eneriges and a current person's tense energies.

I am not able to do the traditional style cleanings with sage or smug etc. Also, if I wanted to clear the energies at work I strongly doubt I could go about with some lite organic material mumbling chants. At least not in the U.S.

So, that said is there anyone who knows about flowing energy style cleansing of places????  This would be the style of cleaings o using roses adn grounding cords and things like that rather than saying "oh white light come and clearn it up. "  I feel it needs that running energy style.

Could you please explain how to do it.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:23 pm

Being different could only add to the problem, not aid its release.  I was wondering if the ritual for releasing cords could be adopted for this purpose?

Consider what you want to release - the energy etc. - put it into a purple balloon.  

Then put yourself into another purple balloon connected by a silver cord.

See a pair of golden scissors cut the cord and release the balloon into the air.  

First be willing to release all the energies.  Do a separate one for the earth based energies of negativity from the spirit based influences.  

Believe in the ritual and practice it with patience, love, caring and a word to God for protection and love before, during and after all connections.  

This can all be visualized in your mind.  But it may be wise to have a few minutes when you would not be disturbed while sitting quiet and in meditative state.

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Post by Psychicgaijin » Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:19 pm

][/quote]Being different could only add to the problem, not aid its release.[quote

Why would different add to the problem?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:40 pm

When we are different from the person, place, thing that is to be cleansed or removed, we need not discuss it.  But working on removing the tension it causes is the secret to success and peace in your environment.

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:41 pm

spiritalk wrote:When we are different from the person, place, thing that is to be cleansed or removed, we need not discuss it.  But working on removing the tension it causes is the secret to success and peace in your environment.
ooooohh spiritalk I'm not sure if I am getting my head around this one. Can you help me clarify what you mean???

This is what I initially thought:
When you sometimes come into contact with ppl, places, energies it may seem like there is a resistance, a clash of sorts Like Nyte once mentioned it feels like there are two magnets resisting one another.

Things are meant to always be harmonious.
So if there is a 'clash' then there is something to be learned in a sense.
In other words, when you feel resistance to something and its not a harmonious situation then there is always a way for you to better yourself and increase your vibration becoming a better person energetically, spiritually and consciously. Through adversity to the stars!

By working at this energetic 'clash', its like you have been given a chance to extend yourself.

Second thought:
If the vibe is at one level, then by increasing your vibration to a vibration that is higher than the vibe then you will no longer be affected by it.

I don't think these are what you were getting at though.... Image

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:04 pm

I was thinking in terms of the energy clash that psychicgagin was referencing - someone negative in the environment.  If you feel it as negative then it is a clash.  We do not have to live in clashes.  While we may learn something from it, to dwell in it or on negativity will only lower our own.

When a person is not releasing their own negativity, the best we can do is protect ourselves and then send love as an alternative to their negativity.

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Post by Heartworx » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:36 pm

I believe the need to cleanse the "bad" energies from our environment is a fallacy, a story we make up to avoid accepting that those enercies are coming from within us.  We blame everything and everyone around us for what we experience.  And yet in ultimate reality we are creating our reality.  What we react to most strongly is what we need to look at inside ourselves,  and accept whatever it is with loving unconditional acceptance.  Thee quicker we are able to do this the better. When we do this the "bad" energy no longer has an effect on us.  As soon as we ask for protection we are talking of war, of right and wrong of good and bad, and we assume that God the Universe is on our side. LOL  If we are all one, if God is EVERYTHING then there is no good or bad, right or wrong. There is only God, no seperation, no judgement, no duality. So what do we then need protection from; God?  Energy is energy, it is only our conditional perception, judgement that labels that energy.  If we could accept all energies unconditionally, then there is no fear only love.

With Love

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:34 pm

There are definitely good energies and bad energies.  There is also an eternal struggle between good and bad.  It is the nature of human existence.  To dismiss with the wave of a hand and accept all and sundry is a recipe for confusion and discontent.

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