aqua cusps?

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aqua cusps?

Post by kerouac2323 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:03 pm

hi there,

I was looking for fellow cusps here to start a discussion on the topic.

Im jan 20 1983 and I'm only born about two hours into aquarius.

my question for the fellows that read this is whether or not they identify with the other sign more? do you feel that you are an even blend of both signs?

I ask this because growing up, I showed alot of aqua tendencies but i really identified with cap and now that i am an adult, i feel much more comfortable in being an aqua and view the concept of a capricorn as very restricting.

any thoughts?

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Post by Zaquyah » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:18 pm

I'm a "cusper", too, but on the opposite end of Aquarius, straddling Aquarius & Pisces. I've always felt influences from both signs, but felt more Aquarian during my earlier years & leaning more toward Pisces as I've gotten older (I'm 64 now). We are also influenced by our "Progressed Charts", as well.
What I find unusual is that almost my entire natal chart is filled with cusp placements. My ascendant is 00'03" Virgo. All my houses are on the cusp, within 1 degree or less. 8 of the 10 planets, and ALL of the asteroids in my chart are also within less than 2 degrees of being on the cusp. I often feel what my mother used to call "multiphrenic" (as opposed to schizophrenic). I feel I am many people all rolled into one. Fortunately, over the years - with time, expeience & maturity, I've managed to keep all of "us" well integrated.
I'd be very interested in hearing from others who have lots of cusp placements in their natal charts.
BTW, I started studying astrology at 15 (to debunk it, & became a believer), & have been a professional astrologer since age 27 (I'm 64). For the last 31 years (since age 33), I've specialized in esoteric astrology only.

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Post by Crow » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:26 am

Aquarius/Pisces Cusp myself. :smt003
My Daughters are a Scorp/Sag, Sag/Capri. I find that this is interesting as they share alot in common. One minute they cannot stand eachother, the next they are inseperable. Wierd.

Although  I am a cusp, I fight any resemblence to being an Aquarius!  I remember that one time Youdah wrote about our true sign by our birth hour and how one can show more of the sign they are leaving than entering. Something along those lines.  Wish he were here to correct me...sigh....anywho. I too was born only 2 and  a half hours into my sign. I barely made it. ha!

More Pisces emotionaly, but I do share alot of Aquarius traits. So am I a mix mutt in Astro sense?  :smt003 I still wrestle with being called an Aquarius. Even changing my birthdate for this forum since the "bug" they had wished to label me as such! Nope I am Pisces, Sun and Moon.  I was born on the 19th of Febuary BTW.

The one thing I learned from Youdah was not to stereotype. In this I still wrestle.  I see that you struggle with the Capricorn in you, just like I do with the aqua.  But I love my funny little capri, and my soon to be mother in law capri.  Everything I read about this sun sign leaves me a bit dishearted. I think that they are more emotional than they let on, and a whole lot of fun to be around. All the Capricorns I've been blessed to know anyways.

And that is my rant for the day.  :smt005

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Cusps and Their Influence

Post by Zaquyah » Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:57 pm

To Kerouac and Crow:
Since we cycle through all of the signs eventually, often more than once, we are truly a mixture. But I agree that for "cuspers" the sign you are leaving is significant. It indicates the lessons you are finishing up. If you are uncomfortable with the sign you are leaving, that indicates that you still need to work on the lessons of that sign.
For Kerouac, the fact that you identified more with Cap when you were young, and now feel more comfortable with Aqua means you have probably completed those lessons from Capricorn, and have made a smooth transition into Aquarius.
For Crow, having your moon (emotions) in Pisces, as well as your sun will definitely make you feel a stronger pull to your Pisces side. However, you may still have some lessons to learn from Aquarius, in order to release it. The opposite of love is not hate or dislike, it's apathy. When you've completed your Aqua lessons, you will feel nothing toward that sign, one way or the other. Your attraction to Capricorn would depend a lot on your overall chart. Is either of your Moon Nodes in Capricorn?
It's interesting that both your daughters are not only also cuspers, but one is leaving Sagittarius and the other entering it. Is their father Sag, or is there another Sag family member with a strong influence in their lives?
I had a friend/student years ago with twin daughters, not surprisingly born under the sign Gemini, but 4 minutes apart and with different rising signs. One had the end of Sag as her ascendant, the other the beginning of Cap as hers. The one with the Sag asc. was tall, slender and athletic. The other with the Cap asc. was shorter, stocky, quieter and a "homebody". Like your daughters, they either got along very well or not at all.
One reason I got into esoteric astrology (karmic patterns and lessons, past and future lives, etc.) is because people kept asking me when I did their natal charts if theirs was a "good" sign or a "bad" one. There are no "good" or "bad" signs. They're ALL GOOD! And they all have positive and negative aspects, because we are all made up of positive and negative, light and darkness. The key is to find the balance between the two, and we need to understand our entire charts to do that, not just our Sun signs.
Cusps and their influences are really a fascinating topic, though, aren't they?

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Re: Cusps and Their Influence

Post by Crow » Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:07 pm


Thank you for an interesting responce. To answer your question. No their father is not a Sag.  But I do have the youngest who they both cuddle with who is a Sag Male.  It is interesting that three out of my four children are SAG in a cusp or Sun sign.  I still have to do my eldest son's chart to see if he has any Sagiatius.  

I am an Asc Sagitarius myself. Perhaps that is what you are picking up.  Capricorn is in my 2nd house.

How do you figure out your moon node? This I am going to further research today.  

Is it our Ascendant (North Node) and Descendant (South Node)? Sagitarius/Gemini would be mine.

Is that what a moon node is? Not sure. I was just curious to know.

Sounds like I need to learn some more Aquarius since I have some issues with accepting this sign in my chart.  Although every Aquarian that I have come across I have gotten along with...for the most part.  What is the real kicker is that my best friend is a Virgo, the opposite of Pisces.  :smt005 That is why I know it isn't the best to go just by sun signs alone. Again thank you for your time. And I look forward to your responce.

Safe Journey,

Zaquyah wrote:To Kerouac and Crow:
Since we cycle through all of the signs eventually, often more than once, we are truly a mixture. But I agree that for "cuspers" the sign you are leaving is significant. It indicates the lessons you are finishing up. If you are uncomfortable with the sign you are leaving, that indicates that you still need to work on the lessons of that sign.
For Kerouac, the fact that you identified more with Cap when you were young, and now feel more comfortable with Aqua means you have probably completed those lessons from Capricorn, and have made a smooth transition into Aquarius.
For Crow, having your moon (emotions) in Pisces, as well as your sun will definitely make you feel a stronger pull to your Pisces side. However, you may still have some lessons to learn from Aquarius, in order to release it. The opposite of love is not hate or dislike, it's apathy. When you've completed your Aqua lessons, you will feel nothing toward that sign, one way or the other. Your attraction to Capricorn would depend a lot on your overall chart. Is either of your Moon Nodes in Capricorn?
It's interesting that both your daughters are not only also cuspers, but one is leaving Sagittarius and the other entering it. Is their father Sag, or is there another Sag family member with a strong influence in their lives?
I had a friend/student years ago with twin daughters, not surprisingly born under the sign Gemini, but 4 minutes apart and with different rising signs. One had the end of Sag as her ascendant, the other the beginning of Cap as hers. The one with the Sag asc. was tall, slender and athletic. The other with the Cap asc. was shorter, stocky, quieter and a "homebody". Like your daughters, they either got along very well or not at all.
One reason I got into esoteric astrology (karmic patterns and lessons, past and future lives, etc.) is because people kept asking me when I did their natal charts if theirs was a "good" sign or a "bad" one. There are no "good" or "bad" signs. They're ALL GOOD! And they all have positive and negative aspects, because we are all made up of positive and negative, light and darkness. The key is to find the balance between the two, and we need to understand our entire charts to do that, not just our Sun signs.
Cusps and their influences are really a fascinating topic, though, aren't they?

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Response to Crow

Post by Zaquyah » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:43 pm

I hesitate to get off topic, since we're discussing cusps, but cusps are involved in this.
You can find your Moon Nodes in any online ephemeris. All you need is the date of birth. One site (of many) is The North Node represents lessons you have learned, & are now using to benefit others. The symbol is like a cup turned upside down, "pouring out" what you have to offer. The South Node represents lessons you have to learn in this life, & the symbol is reversed, like a cup you need to fill.
It is not unusual to be drawn (for friendship or any other relationship) to your opposite sign. You are not really "opposing", but rather creating a polarity or balance between you.
It's interesting that you have so many "cuspers" in your family. I would guess that indicates that you are all learning some pretty powerful lessons, and all in transitional processes.
Since I'm an Aquarius/Pisces cusper, I see Aquarius as giviing me the foundation (astological studies, etc.) to express my Pisces side, since I've long felt more Pisces than Aquarius.
Thanks for sharing.

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Postscript to Reply to Crow

Post by Zaquyah » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:47 pm

I just happened to remember that an ephemeris will only show your North Node. The South Node is always exactly opposite- that polarity thing again.

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Re: aqua cusps?

Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:15 pm

kerouac2323 wrote:hi there,

I was looking for fellow cusps here to start a discussion on the topic.

Im jan 20 1983 and I'm only born about two hours into aquarius.

my question for the fellows that read this is whether or not they identify with the other sign more? do you feel that you are an even blend of both signs?

I ask this because growing up, I showed alot of aqua tendencies but i really identified with cap and now that i am an adult, i feel much more comfortable in being an aqua and view the concept of a capricorn as very restricting.

any thoughts?
The ONLY reason you identify with the sign before or after Aquarius is due to the fact there are 10planets in a natal chart and you may well have your venus or mercury in the sign before or after. Apex actually means point and your sun sign changes at a given point in time.

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

Three most important things in a natal chart are SUN, MOON AND ASCENDENT. Then once you have your chart from (free by the way) you could thenb have your sun sign is conjunct a heavyweight planet from Saturn onwards, ie: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, that sun person automatically becomes and honorary Saturian, Uranian, Neptunian and Plutonian because the contact and influences will be very strong

What Astrology Can and Can Not Do

MC is our professional image and how we want to be perceived in society, career/workwise, what we are/become known for which is different from Asc or sun sign

SO, until you actually get your chart (ie: foto as to where the 10planets were and in which houses) you will not know where your planets are ---

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