Requesting reading for Missing Items

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Requesting reading for Missing Items

Post by hodad » Sun May 03, 2009 4:02 am

Hi I'm not sure if it is okay to request this type of reading here but I  thought I would ask. I was wondering if it would be possible to get assistance in locating a lost item.I have been looking everywhere for it and it's really bugging me so. It might seem rather trivial but this item holds a lot of meaning for me.I don't have many photos of my father when he was younger so I would love to find it.I don't know if anyone might be able to 'sense' where it is.
I took it out of a photo album and was going to frame it and went into the kitchen with it and put it down somewhere,maybe in between the pages of a book or on a shelf or underneath something else.It could be in the room where I took it out of the album,which is adjacent to the kitchen.I'm pretty sure it's in the kitchen,unless I took it somewhere else without realizing it.I have a lot of miscellaneous books and papers in the kitchen so it could be tucked in between them somewhere.I also have a couple of junk drawers where it might be.I have looked everywhere but no luck so far.
 In the picture my father is coming out of a building,he is right in front of the doorway.
I  thought that perhaps a keen psychic might 'see' this picture and lead me to it .I know it seems a little silly but I would really love to find that photo.Thanks for any help.
   Well now that I'm doing this I'll add just one more item,another photograph.This one is of myself when younger,in high school.It is a black and white of me sitting in a park,it was from a high school photography class. It was tucked between some books in the  same room as the above photograph.I had stored it there for years,and did not move it to the best of my knowledge.Last time I looked in that spot it was not there.It's so frustrating to lose precious photographs!! Other things are easier to let go of.
  I have tried the horary technique,and have posted this question in that forum. I don't know if that would be helpful--chart for 1st photograph(of father) April 28--1:50 am---chart for 2nd photograph(of self)--May 2-- 1:30am --both Tiburon  CA-- Pacific Daylight time--I know some people have success finding missing items with this method. Thanks very much--

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 06, 2009 1:25 am

It does not seem in the slightest silly to me for you to want to recover such precious memories of your father when he was younger, and leave no psychic or otherwise stones unturned in your quest for the truth.

This is especially the case if and when your father passes. My own father died almost 20 years ago on July 12th 1989, but so many of the photographs he took as an amateur photographer were either misplaced and rarely of himself (for obvious reasons).

To be honest I have looked at your posting several times since it was originally posted in the Psychic reading forum instead of this one, and was somewhat distracted by you bundling a question about some of your other photographs along with the one about your father.

This is in addition to the fact that I do not feel that a formal reading is necessary in such situations as yours, and that I hoped that some of the members who do not yet regard themselves as readers (and therefore do not normally monitor the reading forum) might see this as well and be willing to give it a go at the very least as a way of practicing and refining their intuitive skills to possibly in future become a valuable member of the reader team at some stage.

As it is still relatively early days, I will refrain from giving you my own impressions about where the photos of your Dad are likely to be found, to give others the opportunity to help you to answer this instead.

I sincerely hope that they will take you up on the offer in the meantime.

Kindest regards and please keep us posted if the photos suddenly re-surface,

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The mystery of the missing photos

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 12, 2009 1:18 am

Hodad, :smt017

Honestly I am a little disappointed that someone else has not felt able to help you with this after all this time, but as I said to you in a PM if nothing comes through to us then there is very little useful purpose served in making it up, or wishing you could help if you genuinely feel you cannot.

Also I am somewhat surprised that if these missing photographs are actually between pages of some books in a room which you have presumably thoroughly searched many times by now, that you have not found a single one of them (as I believe that you think they have all been hidden in the same room).

This seems to suggest to me that either the books or folders have been removed by someone else without your knowledge (who else had access to that room), or that you have yourself unknowingly taken them out of either the room or your house.  

Or with respect (as I do not think this is the case) the room is so untidy and stacked up high with so many books and other rubbish that you still have a lot more searching to do before you will be fully satisfied that they are no longer in your home.

At least that is what logic and reasoning would seem to be telling you is most likely to have happened to your precious photos.

When I asked my inner guidance to offer us further clues as to where it might be best to look next I drew the Six of Cups which suggests to me that either young children or another adult close family member is involved in their disappearance. Any of the sixes in the Tarot predicts that you will soon find a solution to your problem (it could not come soon enough for you), but that the solution will involve an instant of recognition (the so called A - HA phenomenon) that the photos were staring you squarely in the face all that time, but for some reason you overlooked them.

Look for any surface that has a similar colour to the photos, as I feel that they are being camouflaged or are blending in with the background behind them, making it next to impossible for you to easily see them. The Six of Cups itself specifically talks about us finding a moment where everything seems in perfect balance (enjoy this moment, as it probably will not last for long at a time) with all the other things in our life which are competing for our attention on a day to day basis.

This may mean that you have so many other things on your mind at present that you are not currently able to focus most of your time and energy into locating your photos, no matter how much you would like to.

It could be that you will be forced to set aside or need to devote at least most of one day, where you will do effectively nothing other than look for them beyond the daily routine of eating and satisfying the other basic necessities of living in a physical body.

Do not forget to at the same time question any children or others who had access to that room or your home as to whether it is possible that they could be in possession of your photos without knowing (or intentionally in the case of a young child).

End of message.............

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