Geometry, God and Tarot

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Geometry, God and Tarot

Post by Payewacker » Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:12 pm

Geometry, God and Tarot.

Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid
Symbol of geometry; of exact science. Passed over with but a few words of ritual, it is Masonically most in¬teresting. It appears on the frontispiece of An¬derson's Constitutions, published in 1723; Street says it is the earliest example of a printed symbol of Freemasonry. It was apparently known to ancient mathematicians long before Pythagoras (Masonically credited as its discoverer) or Eu¬clid, who made of the properties of a right-angled triangle his forty-seventh problem. It is the root of all mathematics used to determine an unknown from two knowns. Given the distance of a moun¬tain and the angle of sight to its top, mathematics may determine its height. Tunnels are driven through mountains from both sides to meet ex¬actly by means of measurements made by the forty-seventh problem. Navigation of the seas depends upon it. In non-Euclidian language, a right angled triangle of 3 feet base and 4 feet height, has a line 5 feet long joining the free ends of the two legs. The square of 3 is 9; the square of 4 is 16; the sum of 9 and 16 is 25; the square root of 25 is 5. All right-angled triangles, regardless of the length of base and upright, follow this law; that the line joining the free ends (the hypotenuse) is the square root of the sum {)f the squares of the two sides. Therefore, if any two of the three are known, the third may be calculated. According to the ritual "it teaches Masons to he general lovers of the arts and sciences". This short description encompasses the study of geometry. The ritual is here not factual. Pythagoras was poor and could hardly have possessed a hecatomb (hundred head of cattle). He was a vegetarian, and reverenced animal life; he would not have killed one cow, let alone a hundred, to "celebrate" his discovery. He may have cried "Eureka", but could hardly have been "raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason," which did not take even an ancient and simple form until centuries after he died.

(See Forty-seventh Problem.) "God is always geometrizing," said the ancient philos¬opher. In the Fellowcraft Degree, geometry is a symbol not only of mathematics but of the divine and moral significance of abstract truth.

Guys here we get to a different angle altogether. What would the significance be when considering that God is always geometrizing? We can clearly see references made in the above passage to Pythagoras. Now Pythagoras as we know designed the Tetractus. I don’t want to just blast forth and start discussing the Tetractus. This is a subject all on its own, and needs its own set of research material and derivatives, gleaned from the information we are presented with.

But clearly we know that the Tetractus contains the Tetragrammaton (the unspoken name of God, because it is so Holy). Where do we find reference to this in the ancient myths.

Let us have a look at the suit of Cups, representing the clergy at that time!! Cups is obviously water, and in water we find fish. The myth goes that a salmon swam upriver and landed in a crystal pond. Now as covering or canopy, we had Yggdrasil or the Celtic Tree of life, obviously being fed by the water from this pond. As all trees bear fruit and seed, these then fell into the pond. The salmon ate these fruit and with this, gleaned tremendous wisdom, even regarding the Underworld. Odin in his travels and after losing his one eye, came across this pond. Understandable he was hungry, and I think an imposing figure, even in human form. Now, Odin caught this salmon and ate it. This resulted in him becoming so wise that his new name can never be spoken. He became the God revered above all other Gods!! Or ultimate deity. Now the Tetragrammaton is the name which is given to God only as reference to the ultimate deity as his name may not be spoken, contained within the Pythagorean Tetractus. Thus the belief that eating fish bring about mind power, which as being confessed over the years has actually become a fact. But we also know how good, fish oil tablets, and the omegas extracted, are for us!!

Now the references above” geometry is a symbol not only of mathematics but of the divine and moral significance of abstract truth.” And “God is always geometrizing,"

The questions asked is:
“Where do we find abstract truth and geometry?”

“Where do we find shapes as described above?”

“What is the significance of the influence where oblong squares are used?”

“A Tetractus is based on the Triangle, has this any meaning?”

On the Temperance card we find a circle with a point in the middle. What is the significance to that? (Tetractus).

What now, is your Tarot intelligence!!!

Bssed be

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Post by cedars » Sun May 03, 2009 8:48 am

I may have posted my response in the wrong place..... until I realised there was a separate topic for this.
Here goes my penny's worth.

Hello PW,

Quite deep and intense stuff there my friend. The topics you have covered need deeper contemplation and further reading.

However, I have some work, mainly on the Major Arcana, and here are my results.

Where do we find shapes as described above?”

1. The chest of the Temperance with a triangle in the middle.
2. A white quadrangle on the lowest white bit of the Hierophants robe.
3. A square on the charioteer’s chest on The Chariot.
4. I wonder if the clear-cut squares or rectangular coffins on the Judgement have any bearing.
5. There are some symbols on the Magician’s table (three of them) but I cannot decipher what they are.
6. A square on the Justice’s tunic. Is that a pin or does it have any symbolic significance?
7. On the towers of the Moon, a square each. Windows??
8. On the Wheel of Fortune, inside the circle various shapes of triangles and so on.

Have I missed much?

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Post by Payewacker » Thu May 07, 2009 5:21 pm

Hi Cedars,

This is why Tarot is so interesting! I tossed a stone into a bush and voila, enlightenment to my rustic aura. I have not yet clearly followed the route of our oblong squares, but beleive you me, there has to be a rhytm to it! Can you think the implication to this and how some will just blurt on!

I have shyed away from MB for this week, because of other "stuff" needing to be ruffled. But tomorrow will get stuck and check our pattern!!

I wonder why, so little other readers are not posting or maybe they are intimidated by information that can help them????

Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:51 pm

Hi all of you!

I'm truly dissapointed in the way that Tarotist are responding on this topic. You want to read cards, but have no inclination sometimes as what the card really says? Or are you only fascinated by the pictures and rumble a lot of "actual" influences on your querant.

No wonder, that sometimes we find readings that's just .,;'[];;.,,,!@#$%^^&&*())_&^%#.

My goodness, no one has perfected the art of "TAROT", we all learn. Don't you all also think, we can at least have decent discussions and make this board a interesting place to be! especially for our new readers. They need knowledge, not bag of empty bones!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if at least each of us, can raise one card or topic to discuss, and pull apart. Find the links and have healthy insights.

Let each of us raise only one topic every week, imagine the wealth of information that can be derived from that.

I wish, i had a big enough boot,------- be sure, it will not rest!!!


Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:00 pm

Hi Cedars,

It seems as if the boot was not big enough!!

I'm actually enjoying my browsing today. The main reason is as you know the cellphone and signal strength in my office is variable from nothing to a little to full strength and nothing again in a matter of seconds. So I found a spot which is in 100% view of the tower and probably abour 5-600mtrs away. The signal has not let me down once. :smt023

The only problem..... it's the outhouse, windy and cold :smt044, it has some positive benefits, :smt025

As you said this topic needs further investigation, of which I have neglected badly. :smt076

So, with my newfound "space" I'm going to attack this subject with vigor and try not to ---""burst one bubble""  :smt047

Blessed be :smt072

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Post by cedars » Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:37 pm

As long as you dont freeze out in the cold Payewacker... :)

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:35 pm

Yes, that would be most unfortunate. I'll be able to do a tutorial on "How to have a tinkerbell day" :smt005

Blessed be

PS, It would be theoretical and 6 inches---away---the computer :smt004

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