Can someone tell me who I was in a past life? I'm desperate.

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Can someone tell me who I was in a past life? I'm desperate.

Post by Catra_4_u » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:51 pm

I have too many distractions to do the regression therapy, yet I want to know who I was in a past life. I tried looking it up online because I was simply curious, but it has not helped. All that I was able to find out was that I was still a female in my past life and I still can't seem to remember although it's at the tip of my tongue. Please help. If giving u more information on me will help, then I'll give it.

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Post by PrettySiren » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:05 am

I can't really TELL you who you were in your past life, but here are some things that can help point you in the right direction:

Do you have any issues with dying (like are you terrified to die in a certain manner in particular)? I know it's a strange question, but it's one that's pointed me in the right direction when trying to find out myself.

Also, as you're probably aware, you most likely weren't just one person in a previous life. If you think about how old the universe is (and science tells us it's roughly 14 billion years old), then you have the potential to live thousands or millions of previous lives (and not necessarily exclusively on earth). And since there are so many lives in the past, it's likely that there are certain unresolvable issues keeping you in this cycle of rebirth. Think about what unresolved issues you have too. (You don't have to state them here, but keep them in mind.)

I'm  not an expert, but those are just things that have helped me. Hope you find that useful. :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:26 am

Don't waste your time about what you was in your past life...that is done...finish...can't be changed....concentrate about doing the best in this life...If you manage to live this life the way you like...well then you get a happy life....and there will be no influence what so ever, if you was a woman, male or animal in your previous life, because you used your knowledge the best you could, to do this life good.

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Post by Aegeus » Sun May 10, 2009 8:28 pm

Learning from the past is no waste of time. A famous quote"those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it". If one had lived thousands of lives wouldn't the thought that all that happened for a reason and something of value came of it. You likely say not to waste time on it, because you've had experiences that you would rather avoid come up when opening up to the past.

If you have too many distractions then your not grounded enough. If the self is not ready to become aware of something, the sub-conscious will create distractions to protect the consciousness from perceived harm. I suggest breathing exercises as they are very grounding and cleansing.

Synchronicities and other meaningful events can reveal much, pay attention. A good way to start is paying attention to breath. "Breath is life" Babies breath properly, and the result is shown in their growth rate. Older ones who have picked up bad habits along the way lack awareness of the most basic processes of life and the effect is shown in the degradation of their physical body which is a reflection of their spiritual state. We go round in cycles of birth and death simply because of a cause and effect result from forgetting what we knew as babies and having to learn it again.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun May 10, 2009 11:17 pm

Aegeus wrote:Learning from the past is no waste of time. A famous quote"those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it".
I don't think this quote goes on previous life...and I think it is an easy use of it in this discussion.

Breath is important it was in our previous life....but don't tell anything important either.

Your thoughts that roams in your head, are not from previous life, but more a wish to know something about it...and the more you concentrate about this wish...the more you destroy your life today, because none of the information you get can be proved...even with spectacular TV programs....

If you was a king in your previous life....what difference would it make in this life?

If you was a murderer in your previous life...what difference would it make in this life?

I have heard about people who have taken "a trip back" and have been told that they have been in SS, which made them very unhappy, and they had to get help in coping with it...what did this help them.? What information could they retrieve about their own life then?

Most of those TV programs I have seen have lead the person back to France as priest or Monk.....but again...what help gives it in your life today?

I am not saying that we shall deny people to investigate previous life....but it is a can of don't know what you get....and you don't have any proof that what you get is the truth......

So why not CONCENTRATE about this life, and make sure that you do the best out of this one....then your previous life was not in waste....maybe.

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Post by Aegeus » Sun May 10, 2009 11:56 pm

I don't watch TV. It's mind numbing.

I've had shitty things come up to when I was dealing with past life issues. Sometimes it was too much for me to deal with at the time and I shut off from it yet again. I practice yoga and meditate with crystals to ground my self enough that I can either handle dealing with what comes up, or know when something is too much for me and wait till I'm ready to deal with it. I can now laugh about things that I couldn't even talk about before.

I know one person who was a cynic in a past life, and in this life he's optimistic. In an evolutionary sense it is understandable to go through a phase of cynicism to become optimistic.

If one abused power in a past life, that could explain why one could be afraid of wielding power in this life.

A shamanic way of explaining it I heard is we all have sickness. When we need to survive we can put it away, but eventually it needs to be dealt with for us to be able to tap into our full power and to be whole and complete. We can either avoid doing this and have it come up by necessity, which could be very inconvenient. Or take steps to understanding our wounding and how to heal it. Shying away from the problem and pretending like it never happened does nothing to solve it.

I don't care that I can't prove the things I've learned about my past. I have no interest in proving it to anyone. People who have a deep enough understanding can see evidence, and those are the only people that have any business knowing.

Knowing what one was in the past can help them understand all sorts of things about them, their behavior and what shaped it.

If I know I was a murderer in the past, then perhaps that explains how I know so well how not to be one in this life. If I was a king in a past life perhaps that explains why I can't stand being told what to do, or seeing the grossness of what governing systems have degraded to.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon May 11, 2009 10:02 am

Let me again state that what made me respond is the tittle on this thread:

"Can someone tell me who I was in a past life? I'm desperate."

and if you are desperate on knowing what you was in your past life...then you are destroying what you are today....because focus is wrong....because nothing can be given from one life to another....because life is before is done, and can't be changed.

If your life is good and secure...then investigating in such thing as past life can have a value....but if you are unsecured and desperate...then such thing is a waste of focus, and if it can help...then we can say we all was KINGS and go on with our life now in good mood.

Be aware that if you count all people who have lived their life on earth from early on..then we will get around 100Billions....which 6-10% of them live today.

If we shall believe Adam and Eva as a start on mankind...and we all should have lived in a past life...then we could never be more then 2, even after all this we are living true parting of cells, where each man and woman that are so lucky to get a offspring give their gene.

So you and I have lived from the first amoebae, followed the evolution true several forms until what we are today, and the form we have today might not be the form we have tomorrow, we are in a steady evolution and by changing the natures chemistry, we are changing ourself.

We feel that to live for 100 years is a very long evolution it is a blink of a second...and my recommendation is to use this second as good as possible :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon May 11, 2009 10:23 am

From Wiki

n the 1970s it was popular to believe that 75% of all the people who had ever lived were alive in the 1970s, which would have put the total number of people who ever lived as of the 1970s as less than the current number of people alive today. This view was eventually debunked as a myth.[57] A more recent estimate of the total number of people who have ever lived was prepared by Carl Haub of the Population Reference Bureau in 1995 and subsequently updated in 2002; the updated figure was approximately 106 billion.[58][59] Haub characterized this figure as an estimate which required "selecting population sizes for different points from antiquity to the present and applying assumed birth rates to each period".[59] Given an estimated global population of 6.2 billion in 2002, it could be inferred that about 6% of all people who had ever existed were alive in 2002.[58]

Other estimates of the total number of people who have ever lived range approximately from 45 billion to 125 billion, with the more robust of these falling in the 90–110 billion range.[citation needed] It is difficult to estimate for the following reasons:[citation needed]

   * The set of specific characteristics which define a human being and distinguish early Homo sapiens from earlier or related species continues to be a subject of intense research and debate. It is thus not possible to know when to begin the count, nor which hominids to include. See in this regard also Sorites paradox.
   * Even if the scientific community reached wide consensus regarding which characteristics distinguished human beings, it would be nearly impossible to pinpoint the time of their first appearance to even the nearest millennium because the fossil record is simply too sparse. Only a few thousand fossils of early humans have been found, most no bigger than a tooth or a knucklebone. These bone fragments are used to extrapolate the population distribution of millions of early human beings spread across the continents.
   * Robust statistical data only exist for the last two or three centuries. Until the late 18th century, few nations, kingdoms, or empires had ever performed an accurate census. In many early attempts, the focus was on counting merely a subset of the people for purposes of taxation or military service.[citation needed] All claims of population sizes preceding the 18th century are estimates, and thus the margin of error for the total number of humans who have ever lived should be in the billions, or even tens of billions of people.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed May 13, 2009 9:48 pm

I was making unbalanced statements or you would not be here balancing them by expressing the side I left under expressed.

I was suggesting focusing on breath because it needs focus before past life regression does. It's also a good way to learn how to focus without distraction on something that is grounding and relaxing. I agree is one is desperate about knowing then they need to develop more detachment. The tick is not caring either way, and being open to what ever, allowing the things to unfold  naturally.

Wisdom's, energies, and abilities can be recovered from the past.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu May 14, 2009 2:36 am

Well the I Ching backs you up on this...

"Here in conclusion another warning is added. After crossing a stream, a man’s head can get into the water only if he is so imprudent as to turn back. As long as he goes forward and does not look back, he escapes this danger. But there is a fascination in standing still and looking back on a peril overcome. However, such vain self-admiration brings misfortune. It leads only to danger, and unless one finally resolves to go forward without pausing, one falls a victim to this danger."

Celtic tree wisdoms says only dwell on good things.

Also learning what we've done in the past does require self forgiveness. But yes what we do right now is whats important.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu May 14, 2009 6:10 pm

"When one dares to enter in the depths where fear, danger, unhappiness and obstruction reign, one might defeat them and show up again. As long as they are avoided, unconscious or set aside, they have more power than you."

I found an other Definition for the same I Ching Hexagram that backs up the point I was making about facing darker aspects of self is better then avoiding them.

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Re: Can someone tell me who I was in a past life? I'm desperate.

Post by ArcticDreams » Fri May 15, 2009 3:34 pm

Catra_4_u wrote:I have too many distractions to do the regression therapy, yet I want to know who I was in a past life. I tried looking it up online because I was simply curious, but it has not helped. All that I was able to find out was that I was still a female in my past life and I still can't seem to remember although it's at the tip of my tongue. Please help. If giving u more information on me will help, then I'll give it.
STRICTLY based on the information you have given in your one and only post, you were a wealthy female with lots of authority and influence in politics. You were somewhat a dictator with lots of enemies and you were hung in front of a public crowd. My help to you is of course strictly based on the information given in your first post.

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