What lead you to tarot?

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What lead you to tarot?

Post by lenas » Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:23 am

I'm curious about other people's experience with the tarot I think it would be great if you could share your experiences!
What or whom has lead you to reading the tarot? Where were you at that point in your life? What was your first experience like? Did you buy the cards or were they given to you? These are just some of the questions that come to mind! Your stories can shed light on this subject for us newbies! We may even relate to your stories as well!

If you would like to...please share!

One Love  :)

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Post by mystic67 » Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:54 pm

For me I have always loved oracle divination. I was the kid who was checking out books from the library on fortune telling
when I was 12 or 13. I just love to try differant metaphysical things. I dowse, do tarot and oracle cards, I have some
runes I play around with. I love it all, astrology, numerolgy, paranormal, the whole thing.
I was so shocked when I first started to read tarot how the cards that were being turned over actually described
my mood or circumstance so well that I was completly hooked! It's so amazing the what we are thinking and the energy
of our thoughts can be so well projected onto the card or other divination forms. The one thing to remeber or try to
do is ask for assistence from guides etc, use protection, and try to stay neutral, the last one being the hardest of all
for me. Keeping my emotions neutral when reading something of an emotional nature for myself. When I don't think
I can and I really want a good reading, I still ask someone else to do it.

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tarot intro

Post by Copper » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:45 am

My mother began reading tarot when I was in junior high. She has a lifelong friend who has always been into researching and exploring the metaphysical world. She would take me to channeling and out of body experience seminars as a teenager. I grew up surrounded by people who had knowledge and continued to learn, develop and explore.

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Re: tarot intro

Post by lenas » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:52 pm

Copper wrote:My mother began reading tarot when I was in junior high. She has a lifelong friend who has always been into researching and exploring the metaphysical world. She would take me to channeling and out of body experience seminars as a teenager. I grew up surrounded by people who had knowledge and continued to learn, develop and explore.
This is really cool! Im glad that you guys took the time to respond! My mom is actually not very fond of tarot. But I learned a lot from her as far as learning about healing with energy, ( She took me a few times to a healer) pendulum stuff.., holistic healing, chakras, etc... I am so grateful for that!

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Post by Copper » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:07 am

I am a firm believer in the phrase 'knowledge is power'. Why was your mother not a fan of the tarot? Was she specific?

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Post by yanwin » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:05 am

I 'm also a new , I just curious about it,so to learn. What about you?

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Re: experience

Post by lenas » Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:56 pm

Copper wrote:I am a firm believer in the phrase 'knowledge is power'. Why was your mother not a fan of the tarot? Was she specific?
Well...she did go to a tarot reader ( I think once) but then she just shyed (correct spelling?) away from it...It was mostly due to her religious beliefs.

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What led me to tarot

Post by ktserious » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:25 am

I have always had dreams or predictions since I was a child. It used to scare me a lot then as I became older, my sister had these books that explained dream interpretations and then she decided to practice Wicca. I decided to go to a bookstore one day and found myself in the tarot card section and just picked up a box of cards and that was it. I felt a connection.

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Post by mythology » Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:41 pm

I've always been fascinated by tarot cards. I think it was mostly the pretty pictures that drew me to them as a kid and now I still tend to go for the pretty, colorful ones. I was also fascinated by the ability to predict the future, so divination in general is a longtime interest of mine. I also experienced some criticism from people, and also heard that you can't buy your own deck. So I waited many years, and now I'm the proud owner of a Radiant Rider-Waite deck of cards!

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Post by ResidentEthel » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:37 pm

Welli've always been interested in tarot, etc. so a couple of years ago, i decided to give it a go and find out for myself how it works I've had some pretty good results from the start. For example, after reading for only 6 months, i did a 12-month spread to look at my relationship with my then girlfriend and the effect her university course would have on it,. It showed us splitting up imminently despite the fact we were deeply in love and had every intention of staying together. One month later, the reading was proved right.....and the rest followed through, including a new bf that easter....so thats probably my most memorable reading to date.....but ever since i have used it to guide me and the times i haven't, i have come to regret it.

tarot is my life

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Post by jembie » Thu May 14, 2009 9:14 am

I bought my first set of tarot cards from a discount book store when I was about 18 years old. I found that I took to them very easily and after only a few practise readings with the book I was able to intuitively read the whole spread instead of just the individual cards. I started doing readings for friends and when they realised how accurate my readings were, word spread and I could have made my fortune there and then (No I never charged for readings but I could have done as people were willing to pay). I then had quite a bad experience and stopped reading.

Recently I have become enveloped by friends who themselves are very much involved in lots of spiritual and metaphysical things. My best friend is a Reiki healer and he has recently started reading the tarot and Runes and I just found that my gift hasn't gone away.  Another friend is a healer with crystals and angel cards too.

I have recently just bought myself a set of Harmony Angel cards and the Heart and Soul Angel cards by Angela McGerr which are gorgeous.

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Post by aparajita » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:45 am

Well .. as a kid I have been always attracted towards the divine. I have groped into astrology, numerology palmistry but never went in depth into any of them.
Tarot was like a calling. So I was in this small bookshop shopping for books, nothing on divination mind you. Just general fiction kind of stuff. And then suddenly I had this strange urge to check out a corner in the shop where the tarot cards were on display. Never before had I thought about tarot cards, but I knew I just had to understand them.
I didnt even know the different types of decks. I went back home, readup about getting the right deck for yourself and plunged into buying a RW deck.
The journey since then has been one of continuous learning.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:38 pm

Good choice and idea to start with the Rider Waite..

And, welcome to the forum aparajita.

Please feel free to air your experiences and your journey, as we are all learning from each other here, regardless of age and lenght of time being invovled with the tarot or any other form of divination.

Have you tried the pendulum? We may be digressing here.... :)  One step at a time.

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Post by aparajita » Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:15 am

:) Thanks for the welcome cedars .. Feels good to be a part of a forum like this and as you rightly said an enriching experience for each one of us.

I haven't tried the pendulum , but I wish to. :) Just waiting for the right time for the call to come from my inner self.

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Post by jomommy » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:58 am

My daughters mother in law actually got  me interested in it.  She reads Gypsy Witch....I still don't get that.  And she is good.  She has read for me many times and NEVER missed a beat. She always walks me thru it and explains what she see's and how she see's it.  So I started getting more interested in it.  Here I am, couple years later and I'm still trying to learn it.  She tells me not to try so hard and to just keep at it and it will come.  She also says to think of it as a game and it comes easier.  ya well, I can't seem to get to that point where things just start to click.  So here I am.

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