connection to the past or just weird quirks

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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connection to the past or just weird quirks

Post by Songstress » Sat May 23, 2009 12:40 am

I noticed people asking me why I'm interested in various things.  I used to think they were just quirks to my personality.  I'm starting to wonder if any of them are connected to past lives.

Is there a way to determine this without doing a regression?  I'm not sure how to do one on myself, but I would still like to know if there is any significance.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:05 am

Personality quirks would develop from individual experience and this include the souls experience before this life time.

As your curiosity grows so will your desire to learn.

If your centered om the present then info such as what you seek can catch up with you. There things that need to happen before other things can be revealed.

"infinite patients = immediate results"

When I was first getting curios about this kind of thing I thought for sure I wanted to know more about my past. Then I started finding things and began to question weather I was better off knowing or not. But that's all part of the balancing act.

There also needs to be some reason to know these things. Like some relevance to your life now.

If you want to find these things out express your curiosity to the universe, and then listen. It can come in dreams, it can be something someone says to you directly. It can be signs and symbols that come to you, visions, or simply just feelings and inclinations.

There's crystals that can help to like opal, dioptase, huelandite and many more I can't pull off the top of my head right now but that you could find out on your own research. It's a more direct connection having the stone in physical proximity, but visual can be jsut as effective.

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Post by santhosh.G » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:57 pm

In Bangalore ashram, art of living,its possible to go through an 'eternity process' lasting for 3 hrs in which you can know your past lives upto even 4 to 7 lives back,if you are powerful enough. i know a case where an american who knew only english came..and when regressed to about 4 lives back..he was talking perfect malayalam..a language spoken in kerala in india.

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