Young lady/girl

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Young lady/girl

Post by Winkie » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:03 pm


The other night i woke up with a real jolt and saw a young girl/woman standing at the end of my bed looking at me and pulling the covers over the bottom half of me. Her attire was very old fashioned.

She didn't look intimidating, and although i have experienced alot of strange things that have happened to me, i have never experienced seeing something like this.

I remember shouting "help" but it only came out as a whisper. I don't know why i shouted help, wouldv'e been better to shout for a family member.

Any how, i closed my eyes and turned over and didin't see her again.

I still wonder did i see her or could i put it down to my immagination? In my heart of hearts i know i did see her, my eyes say yes but my brain says no.

Could any one help and advise me



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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:21 am

There have been monks who thought that by avoiding sexual thoughts they could have less distraction and master them selves better. They were taught to walk with their heads to the ground if in public so they wouldn't see a woman. Before long they were having dreams involving the aspect of them selves they had been denying being active. Like having woman came and seduce them in their dreams. The point is they attempted to deny an aspect of them selves and it only come out in other ways when it could have been embraced and came out in a healthy way.

Or it could be a lingering soul who needs help to release and move trough the cycle of life.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:31 pm

We do not need to embrace all that comes to us, particularly in our sleeping or dreaming state.  What happens in dreams (by chance) can happen in meditation (by design).  And that is the best state as you are alert to the understanding of spirit.

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