Is this my third eye?

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Is this my third eye?

Post by frostandfire » Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:05 pm

Hello all, hails from Ireland

Recently, I've had what I think was an experience in the opening of my third eye. Wasn't sure who to ask or where I could get an answer to this, I tried googling but couldn't find a definite enough answer so I thought I'd ask here.

First off, I'm a 22 year old male and I better say I know next to nothing about meditation, although I've been interested in altered states of consciousness for quite a while. The experience I'm referring to comes usually after smoking some cannabis - I like to put some music on to relax and just enjoy it with my eyes closed. While doing this, I usually find myself looking at an angle towards the third eye with my eyes closed, again having no experience with meditation before. My eyes seem to do this naturally, without me consciously directing them. After a while it seemed like my eyes were going numb... it's difficult to explain, but it felt pretty strange - while rolled back, it felt like my eyes could sink back and it made me feel uneasy. Sometimes my eyelids twitch too, but it feels like I'm on the verge of something.

After another while of doing this, I found I could concentrate more and I could almost feel my eyes "travelling" to the third eye after seeing a specific light and being drawn upwards towards it, but every time this happened I became scared and had to jerk myself out of it... not because I wanted to, but in case I done some kind of damage as it felt different to anything I've felt before. I keep jerking myself out of the 'trance' when this happens... is what I'm experiencing a kind of meditation for the third eye? Whatever it is, mentally it feels ok but physically there's a strain between my eyes as well as a strain on the eyes themselves. I'm just a bit scared wether or not to continue pushing through... I'm afraid I could possibly pass out, but it feels like there's definitely something there.

So, now I'm at the point where I don't know if it's even anything to do with my awareness, or if it's something that could perhaps cause significant pain or damage. If it is indeed another state of consciousness, as a complete novice would it be disadvantageous to 'push through' without any knowledge of chakras? I'm guessing it would be, but I'm not sure if I should stop altogether in case I'm unable to achieve this again.

One other thing I thought I should mention, I've heard talk of rising through the chakras starting with breathing via the stomach, eventually reaching the third eye. Is there a possibility that before the experience I've described, I had risen through my chakras without realising? Sometimes I feel flowing from my chest in tune to the music - could my awareness maybe have risen from relaxed breathing, to my chest, then to what I think might be the third eye?

I apologise for the disjointiveness of the post, I hope some of you find the time to reply as I think this is something I can truly learn from.

Le gach dea-ghuí (with every good wish),

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Post by sumbum » Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:55 pm

Thank god I have found someone else who has experienced that. I get to the state where my eyes start twitching uncontrollably and I see this harsh white light and I'm like I'm getting there I'm getting there hold on hold on. But for some reason when I get to that state one of my eyes start to open and I lose my concentration.

I have asked people around and your the first person who this also has happened to, here are some responses what people have told me what they think it is:

REM - state before sleep and going unconsious but your still fully aware whats going on around you (it didnt make much sense to me either)

"You are attacked by the devil pray right now get Jesus on your side."

That you need to calm yourself, so you can get into a deeper state of mind, your mind is just freaking out and looking for something and you need to relax and not expect to see anything let it come to you.

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Post by frostandfire » Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:11 am

Hey sumbum, your comment is encouraging... at least I don't feel like I'm gonna paralyze myself anymore haha! Because this is pretty new to me, mind if I ask a few questions? Were you able to push through or are you still unable? What kind of preparation do you do to build up to it? How long did you take to build up to be able to get this far? Anything else you think is relevant too! I just want to find out as much as I can  :)

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:40 am

I've read that focusing the eyes on the third eye is called the wisdom eye. Balance this with focusing on the tip of the nose as a separate excercise. The strain you feel is like stress that builds up strength. Listen to those feelings about how much or little to do. Be sure and balance the third eye with the other main chakras, especially the heart and throat.

You may wish to visualize or acquire an amethyst or an other third eye stone. Or a stone that works on all the chakras to help develop the chakras in balance like flourite.

From what you describe it sounds like you were being guided to open your third eye.

The twitching could be a nerve response triggered by your thoughts of unease like weather you might pass out or paralyze. Negative thinking causes dis ease but your intuition is right about being careful. Non of what you mention sounds dangerous and you have a good attitude about going slow. Editing in it's more likely that the twitching is the muscles having more energy coming through them then are used to, so it is a bit of strain adapting to it.

REM is rapid eye movement sleep. It happens in a deeper sleep state which is reached after other stages of sleep. People who don't get enough sleep don't get enough REM sleep.

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Post by sumbum » Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:01 am

I am pretty new at it as well! And I still haven't pushed through it, I try to concentrate but my eyes just open I am like forcing my eyes shut through it because I want to see something I think that's my issue, I am expecting something and that's when I get twitching of the eyes. Before I meditate I usually take a hot bath to calm myself, and listen to soothing music. I've tried about 20-25 times but I never get passed the light/twitching, I'm still going to try though! Just remember to relax, and don't expect to see something. Just be calm and it will take a few times before you can open the third eye, I still haven't done it but I'm hoping to soon! If you have any progress msg me with YOUR tips haha because I'm still trying!!

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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:01 am

I've experienced twitching when I was channeling more energy then I had built up to being able to handle. If you do yoga or some type or exercise you can build up to being able to handle more energy.

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