Magick blocking

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Magick blocking

Post by Condescending » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:33 pm

I am a semi-psychic who recieves 1-3 precognitive dreams every night. If they are not pre-cognitive they are vivid visions or else I travel astrally or to the middle realm on the shamanic tree.
I had a friend for a while who's sister was a member of one of the higher (higher as in less powerful, and less buried or hidden parts of the occult... just a small fry, kind of a small pawn in the game).

I've been plagued by the underground and occult, and they've been waiting for my birth (I'm not claiming to be special or anything there's lots of people like me who go through this) for three generations...

Some of you may be lost in reading my post and some of you may know exactly what I'm talking about.

The most powerful thing I have to stand up with against these people are the meaning of my dreams.
Well this friend of mine was not very good at keeping the occults secrets as me and her were very good friends. For a while her sister was into black magick and witchcraft which I always thought was fake.

The day before I left my home town - which is where my friend Elizabeth lives and her sister - I had a very unsettling dream that my friend had turned on me and began using witchcraft to crush me. I have always been strong and was good at standing up to liz but in this dream i was powerless against her. I finally used the only defense I've ever known which was saying Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ over and over again. Then I started saying, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... " you know the rest. These things worked but not to the extent I'd hoped. I could break her a bit but she was still on me 24/7 with these magick workings.

I knew that this dream was a warning that someday I would have to face someone who would curse me with magick. I was wondering if anyone on this site knew magick blocking, or any beginners magick guides so i could better protect myself.

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:21 am

im kinda the same as you here but my dreams result into me making decisions in my life..


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