Was this a parallel universe I visited in my sleep?

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Was this a parallel universe I visited in my sleep?

Post by stefie116 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:39 pm

I have posted this in two other forums. One was for indigo children and the other was for paranormal things and no one answered on neither.

About a year ago this time, I was sleepy and my mother was home and I went to go to bed. I had a strange dream of a house and a woman,looking back,that woman was well..she was evil,I can feel it. In the dream there were two me's,I was there,(the real me)but I wasn't in body form, I could only think but I couldn't talk,my dream me did all the talking and was completely opposite of how I really am. She talked too much,she was afraid,she was naive,but she had some sort of psychic ability..the woman was telling me and my parents that something was in her house and my dream self said,i'll go check it out and my parents followed along withme. They were completely opposite of their real selves to..they aren't afraid of anything but in the dream they were.

We went in the house,but I don't remember anything inside..it's just black is all I see like time stopped and then all of them came running out and the woman or thing w/e it was was gone. We were running and my legs gave out in front of the car they went numb and I screamt for my dad to come back an d help me,as soon as he reached his hand down to me, I woke up,I woke up outside of my body.I was relativly close to my body though like I was laying down right beside it and I was looking like what is going on. I wasn't afraid though.

I floated up and down trying to get back in and i couldn't feel my arms or legs and I had no face legs nothing. (I say face because I can see my nose from my face and I didn't see it, I literally felt formless) I tried to call ym mom but nothing came out. I looked around my room and everything was the exact same way as it was,except one thing,there was a green box by my door that I had moved the day before and it was there..

Then I said Jesus name in my head and closed my eyes(not sure how I had eyes but nothing else)and as SOON as i closed my eyes,its like I sank back into my self an there was a horrible sinking feeling like free falling and I woke up in my bed and I went to go tell my mom..she didn't beileve me..I was wondering,was this some sort of parallel universe or another astral plane I visited?Why was the box there there,but it wasn't there in real life?

Oh and one more thing, I was going to leave out of my room to go look around the house..but something was like this is not a dream do not leave this room..so I didn't.

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Post by amalimrock » Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:46 am

There could be many possibilities to what you're experiencing. I have heard that people can astral project when they're sleeping. But then in Theta state, a state where you percieve dreams, are just usually symbols of what your subconscious mind is telling you. It is in the delta state where you are able to learn from higher dimensions and such. So this could be just a dream, or something different altogether

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:48 am

Hi Stefie,

First you perhaps should have posted this in the dream forum if you wanted an interpretation? But I think that you have just described almost perfectly an astral trip :) You are lucky that if you are 14 you have a wealth of information at your fingertips to help you understand what you are going through. When this happened to me as a kid I dare tell no-one. Start looking at subjects such as astral travel, protection, grounding and psychic protection. Arm yourself with information. Starting at such a lovely age you may find that you develop your talents very quickly :)

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