Muhurtha Question

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Muhurtha Question

Post by deepakosho » Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:46 pm

Om Gurubyo Namah!

I have question related to selecting Muhurtham.

1) While deciding Chandrabala, it is generally good to avoid Chandra placement in 6th, 8th and 12th.

Waxing Moon:
Dr. B V Raman also says (in his Muhurtha book) that 8th is not bad if it is waxing Moon and the house it occupies is its friend.

So lets say if the waxing moon goes to 8th and is in Sagittarius is it good?
What happens if the waxing moon goes to 12th and is in its friend's sign or own sign? Is that considered good?

Waning Moon:
I read in another book that in waning Moon period 2, 5 and 9 are the best position. Can anyone comment on this please?

2) Selecting Muhurtha for couples

Lets say if we need to fix a Muhurtha for conceiving a child. Should we consider Chandrabala, Tarabala and Panchaka for both husband and wife? If calculating the various bala does not work for both the couple then whom should we select the Muhurtha for? Husband or Wife?

Please enlighten.


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Post by ChanDubai » Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:16 am

Dear Deepak,

In my humble opinion, there is NO fool-proof or 100% accurate Muhurtha for any occasions.... However It all (Choosing appropriate) depends on:- for what purpose you are choosing the same.... some of the riders..

1) For any muhurtha 7H and 8H should be Vacant..

2) Native's Chart significators i.e. planetary positions and THE Muhurtha Day Transit especially the Native's birth Star and Trasit Moon's star and houses must support including Hora Lord Kaala Bala Yoga (day yogas) also play an imp role

3) regarding Mating, Shobana (First Sexual Intercourse between the couple) there are specific Muhurthas in our scriptures BUT it all depends upon individual(s) in question and one needs to study the charts carefully and arrive at best possible Muhurtha!!

Hope this helps..



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