Dakshinamurthy mantra for removing shadripu

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Dakshinamurthy mantra for removing shadripu

Post by deepakosho » Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:48 pm

Om Gurubyo Namah!

I am searching for a good Dakshinamurthy mantra for removing shadripu.

Little background...
In my horoscope I have Guru in 2nd bhava (in Leo Rasi) and is aspecting 6th bhava (Sagittarius). Guru sitting alone in Leo and he is also my Atma Karaka.

I figured if I pray Guru in Dakshinamurthy form I can get over my shadripu.

There is one Mantra suggested by PVRji ( which he recommended for removing confusion for astrologers).

"Om Shreem Dhleem Medha Dakshinamurthaye Namah"

Even though he recommended this for removing confusion I thought this will be good because it has 6 words and 13 Aksharas. So it will help me cleanse the  6th bhava and there by help me overcome shadripu.


Please help me.

Thanks and Regards,
(My birth data just in case)
24 September 1980, 2.15 AM
Coimbatore, India

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:55 am

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Guru worship

Post by avam46 » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:14 am

Hello Deepak,
I was very happy to read that you were interested in overcoming the 6 forms of weakness in Humans by prayer. You need to recheck your Trimsamsa too[assuming your birth time is accurate].Your Jupiter occupies the Libra Rasi. So it is advisable to include the planetory Diety connected
with Venus, the Jala Tatwa which is Devi.The study of Trimsamsa makes an interesting reading.Also the placements of planets in Rasi shows the individual Shad-ripu.Anyway I am furnishing the various prayers for Guru as under. Dont forget to start with invocation to Maha Ganapathy.


Guru Stotra

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

Meaning:Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.

Akhanda Mandalaakaaram
Vyaaptam Yenam charaacharam
Tatpadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: Guru can guide us to the supreme knowledge of THAT which pervades all the living and non-living beings in the entire Universe (namely Brahman). I salute such a Guru.

Agnyaana Timiraandhasya
Gnyaana Anjana Shalaakayaa
Chakshuhu Unmeelitam Yenam
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: A Guru can save us from the pangs of ignorance (darkness) by applying to us the balm of knowledge or awareness of the Supreme, I salute such a Guru.

Sthaavaram Jangamam Vyaaptam
Yatkinchit Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who can enlighten us about the all pervading consciousness present in all the three world or states (of Jaagrath, Swapna and Sushupti ... activity, dream and deep sleep state), I salute such a Guru.

Chinmayam Vyaapi Yatsarvam
Trailokya Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That revered Master who directs my attention to the ONE divinity existing in all that is inert (immobile) as well as that which is active (mobile), I salute such a Guru.

Sarva Sruti Shiroratna
Viraajita Padambujaha
Vedaantaambuja Sooryo Yah
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who is the ocean of the Srutis (Vedas), the Sun of knowledge (who can destroy our ignorance with these rays), I salute such a Guru.

Chaitanyah Shaashwatah Shaantho
Vyomaateeto Niranjanaha
Bindu Naada Kalaateetaha
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who is the representative of the unchangeable, ever present, peaceful spirit, who is one pointed and beyond the realm of space and time, whose vision is always enchanting, I salute such a Guru.

Gnyaana Shakti Samaaroodah
Tatwa Maalaa Vibhooshitaha
Bhukti Mukti Pradaaneyna
Tasmai sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who is an ocean of knowledge, who is always in Yoga (in unison With God) who is adorned by the knowledge of the God principle, the One Who can liberate us from this mundane existence, I salute such a Guru.

Aneka Janma Sampraapta
Karma Bandha Vidaahine
Atma Gnyaana Pradaaneyna
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who can help us free from the chain of karma accumulated over several lives, by teaching us the knowledge of the self (Atma Gnyaana), I salute such a Guru.

Shoshanam Bhava Sindhoscha
Gnyaapanam Saarasampadaha
Guror Padodakam Samyak
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who can help us cross this ocean of life, the one who can reveal to us the Divine, I adore his Paadukaas (hold on to his feet), I salute such a Guru.

Na Guror Adhikam Tatwam
Na Guror Adhikam Tapaha
Tatwa Gnyaanaat Param Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: There no greater principle than the Guru; there is no greater penance than the Guru; There is no greater knowledge than meditation on such a Guru. I salute such a Guru.

Mannaathah Sri Jaganaatho
Madguruhu Sri Jagad Guruhu
Madh Atma Sarva Bhootaatma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The Lord of the world is my Lord and the Guru of the World is my Guru, the SELF in me is the same which is present in all (the same divinity inherent in all beings). I salute such a Guru (who gives me this insight).

Guroraadi Anaadischa
Guruh Parama Daivatam
Guroh Parataram Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The Guru has neither beginning nor end; the Guru is the ultimate God (in the visible form). There is nothing beyond this Guru principle, and I salute such a Guru.


Dhyaanamoolam Gurur Moorthihi
Poojamoolam Guroh Padam
Mantramoolam Guror Vaakyam
Moksha Moolam Guru Krupa.

Meaning: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for worship; the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation.


Brahmaanandham Parama Sukhadam
Kevalam Jnaana Murthim
Dhvandhvaa Theetham Gagana Sadhrisham
Tathvam Asyaadi Lakshyam
Ekam Nithyam Vimalam Achalam
Sarvadhee Saakshi Bhutham
Bhavaatheetham Thriguna Rahitham
Sadhgurum Tham Namaami.

Meaning: This sloka tries to describe the qualities of a true Guru. A real Guru has the following qualities. He experiences the supreme Bliss of Brahmaananda (transcedental divine bliss). He enjoys and confers changeless supreme happiness. He is beyond space and time (there is nothing higher than him). He is the embodiment of wisdom which is the basis for all types of knowledge. He transcends the pair of opposites (such as happiness and sorrow, gain and loss). He is more Omnipresent than space itself. He is the very embodiment of the Divine principle, which is the inner meaning of the four great pronouncements Prajnaanam Brahma, Aham Brahmasmi, Thath Thvam Asi and Ayam Aathma Brahma. He is One without a second (ekam). He never changes under any circumstances (nithyam). He is without any type of impurity (vimalam). He is steady and motionless(achalam). He is the witness of everything. He transcends mental comprehension and verbal explanation. He is beyond the three gunas (sathva, rajas and thamas). I offer my humble salutations to such a Guru who possesses all these qualities.


On Lord Dakshinamoorthy

Gurave Sarva Lokaanaam
Bhishaje Bhava Roginaam
Nidhaye Sarva Vidyaanaam
Dakshina Moorthaye Namaha

Meaning: I salute God Dakshina Moorthy (Shiva in Guru form) who is the Guru of all the worlds, the One who cures the disease of worldly existence and who is wealth of all knowledge.


On Guru Shankaraachaarya

Shruthi Smruthi Puraanaam
Aalayam Karunaalayam
Namaami Bhagavat Paadam
Shankaram Loka Shankaram.

Meaning: I prostrate before Shanakara Bhagavatpada who is the house of all knowledge, the Shrutis, Smrutis and Puranas (all the Vedic texts).


On Guru Vyaasa

Namostutey Vyaasa Vishaala Buddhe
Phullaaravinda Yatapatra Netra
Yena Twaya Bhaarata Tailapoorna
Prajwaalito Gyaana Mayah Pradeepaha

Meaning: Salutations unto Thee, O Vyasa of broad intellect and with eyes large like petals of full blown lotuses, by whom the lamp of knowledge filled with the oil of Mahabharata has been lighted.


On Guru Shirdi Sai

Namah Sree Sai Naathaaya
Mohatandra Vinaashine
Gurave Buddhi Bodhaaya
Bodha Maatra Swaroopine

Meaning: I worship Lord Sainath, the destroyer of attachment, the Guru who preaches discrimination (sharpen the intellect).


On Guru Raghavendra

Poojyaaya Raaghavendraaya
Sathya Dhrama Vrataayacha
Bhajataam Kalpa Vrikshaaya
Namathaam Kaamadhenave

Meaning: I prostrate before the venerable Guru Raghavendra who is always professing Truth and Righteousness, the One who is like the kalpavriksha (wish fulfilling tree) and kamadhenu (celestial cow indicating prosperity) to the devotees (meaning He is a boon giver).

Once again, all the best. Dont forget that mere recitation of Mantras alone
will help. It has to be clubbed with good action, good deeds.
Om sai ram

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Post by Krishnakumar M R » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:34 am

Respected Avamji,


I really salute for your message and the slogas posted... Out of the above slogas I never knew most of the slogas except the below:
1) Guru Stotra
2) On Lord Dakshinamoorthy
3) On Guru Shankaraachaarya &
4) On Guru Raghavendra

It really help all the persons in the MB.  Thanks for your compilation once again....



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Post by prasanna » Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:00 pm

Dear Avamji,

              Thanks a lot for sharing the valuable slokas on   Lord Guru. Let  me paste the Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam. I would request u to  explain us the term Sadi-ripu please in detail.

Adi Sankaracharya’s Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam or Dakshinamurti Astakam is a very unique devotional hymn in praise of Lord Dakshinamurthy (Jnana Dakshinamurti) an incarnation of Lord Shiva as a guru (teacher) of all type of knowledge, particularly the Jnana.

Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam is among the many great Stotras written by Adi Shankaracharya. Dakshinamurthy Astakam is not simply a prayer, but it is a summary of all those philosophies that Adi Sankaracharya tries to teach his disciples. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam features an introductory sloka, followed by eight slokas, which is again followed by a slokam of Phala sruthi.

Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam Lyrics

Mouna Vyakhya prakatitha, para,
Brahma thathwam yuvanam,
Varshishtha anthevasad rishiganai,
Ravrutham brahma nishtai,
Acharyendram kara kalihtha chin,
Mudram ananda roopam,
Swathmaramam mudhitha vadanam,
Dakshinamurthim eede. 1

Viswam darpana drusyamana nagari,
Thulyam nijantargatham,
Pasyannathmani mayaya bahirivoth,
Bhutham yatha nidraya,
Ya sakshath kuruthe prabodha samaye,
Swathmanameva dwayam,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree Dakshinamurthaye. 2

Beejasyanthari vankuro jagadhidham,
Prang nirvikalpam puna,
Mayakalpitha desa kala kalanaa,
Vaichithrya chithrikrutham,
Mayaveeva vijrumbhayathyapi maha,
Yogeeva yah swechaya,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 3

Yasyaiva sphuranam sadathmakamasath,
Kalparthagam bhasathe,
Sakshaath thathwamaseethi veda vachasa,
Yath saksht karanath bhavenna punara,
Aavrithir bhavambhonidhow,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 4

Nanachidhra ghato dhara sthitha maha,
Deepa prabha bhaswaram,
Jnanam yasya thu chakshuradhi karana,
Dwara bahi spandathe,
Jaanameethi tham eva baandham anubathi,
Yethath samastham jagat,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 5

Deham pranam api indryanyapi chalaam,
Budhim cha soonyam vidhu,
Stree balandha jadopamasthvaha mithi,
Brandha brusam vadhina,
Maya sakthi vilasa kalpitha maha,
Vyamoha samharine,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 6

Rahu grastha divakarendu sadrusho,
Maya samachadanath,
Sanamthra karanopa samharanatho,
Yo abhoot sushuptha pumaan,
Pragaswapsaamithi prabodha samaye,
Yaa prathyabignayathe,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 7

Balyadishwapi jagaradhadishu thadha,
Sarva sva avasthasthaswapi,
Vyavrutha swanuvarthamanamaha ,
Mithyanth sphurantham sada,
Svathmaanam pragatikarothi bajatham,
Yo mudraya bhadraya,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 8

Viswam pasyathi karya karana thaya,
Swa swami sambandatha,
Sishyacharya thaya thadaiva pithru,
Puthradhyathmana bedatha,
Swapne Jagrathi va ya esha purusho,
Maya Paribramitha,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 9

Bhoorambaamsya anilo ambhara,
Maharnadho himamasu puman,
Ithyabhathi characharathmakamidham,
Yasyaiva murthyashtakam,
Nanyath kinchana vidhyathe vimrusathaam,
Yasmath parasmath vibho,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree dakshinamurthaye. 10

Sarvathmathvamithi sphutikruthamitham,
Yasmadamushamin sthave,
Thenasya sravanath thadartha mananath,
Dyanascha Sankeerthanath,
Sarvathmathva maha vibhuthi sahitham,
Syadheeswarasthvam svatha,
Siddhyeth thath punarashtadha parinatham,
Chaisvaryamvayhatham. 11

The following three stanzas as well as the first stanza are chanted after the main stotra:-

Chitram Vata tharor mole vruddha,
Sishya, Guror Yuva,
Gurostu mounam vykhyanam,
Sishyasthu china samsaya

Om nama pranavarthaya,
Suddha jnanaika moorthaye nama,
Nirmalaya prasanthaya,
Sri Dakshinamurthaye nama.

Gurave sara lokaanam,
Bishaje bhava roginaam,
Nidhaye sarva vidhyanam,
Sri Dakshinamurthaye nama.

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Shree Dakshinamoorthy Navarathna Maliga Sthothram

Post by Krishnakumar M R » Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:03 am

Respected Avamji & Prasanna ji,

Thanks for the Sloga's and Sthothras.

I would like to post a sthothram on Lord Dakshinamoorthy (which I use to chant in my daily pooja).  I have searched in google with respect to the author of this sthothram but unfortunately not succeeded with my attempts.

Shree Dakshinamoorthy Navarathna Maliga Sthothram

Muulevatasya munipungava sevyamaanamh
Mudraavisheshha mukuliikRuta paanipadmamh
Mandasmitam madhuraveshha mudaaramaadyamh
Tejastadastu hrudime tarunendu chuudamh.          1

Shaantam shaarada Chandra kaantidhavalamh
Chandraar kopama kaanti kundaladharamh
Chandraavadaataam shukamh.
Veenaapustakamaksha suutravalayamh
Vyaakhyaanamudraam karaihe:
Pibbhraanam kalaye hrudaa mama sadaah
Saastaaramishhtaarthadamh.                          2

Karpuurapaatramaravinda dalaayataakshamh
Karpuurashiitala hrudan karunaavilaasamh
Chandraartha Shekhara mananta gunaa bhiraamamh
Indraadisevya pada pankajamiishamiidhe.              3

Dyudrodhah svarnamayaasanasthamh
Mudrollasadh baahumudaarakaayamh
Sadro hiniinaatha kalaavatamsamh
Bhadrodidham kanchana chintayaamah.           4

Udyadbhaaskara sannibham trinayanamh
Baalam maunjidharam prasannavadanamh
Pingaaksham mrugashaabakasthitikaramh
Subrahma suutraakritimh
Bhaktaa naamabhayapradam bhayaharam
Shrii dakshinaamuurtikamh.           5

Shrii kaantadruhinopamanyu tapanah
Skandendra nandyaadayah:
Praachiinaa guravopiyasya
Karunaaleshaadgataa gauravamh
Tam sarvaadigurum manojnavapushham
Chinmudraakrudhi mukdhapaani nalinam
Chitthe shivama kurmahe.           6

Kapardinam chandrakalaavatamsam
Trinetraminduprathimaana nojvalamh
Chadurbhujam jnaanadamaksha sutra pustaagni
Hasatam hrudi bhaavayechchhivamh           7

Vaamoh ruuparisamsthitaam girisudhaa
Shyaamaa mutpala dhaarineem
Shashini bhaanchaalokayantam Shivamh
Aashlishhtena karena pustagamadho
Kumbham sudhaapuuritam
Mudraam jnaanamayiim dadhaanamaparaihi:
Muktaaksha maalaam bhaje.           8

Vadatarunikata nivaasam patutara
Vijnaana mudritakaraabjamh
Kaivalyaanapda kandalam vandhe.           9

I request all of you to correct the spelling mistakes if any in the above mentioned sthothram.



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