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Procedure for worship.

Post by vivekvshetty » Wed May 21, 2008 3:42 pm

Namaskaar Radha Kripa das ji,
Please see the attached image.

RishiRahul and vivek.
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lesson one

Post by Cmoon » Fri May 30, 2008 2:40 am

Q1...I do not know what the aim and goal of my life is,that is why i am doing jyotish,so i can try to find out some reason,amongst the unreasonable that i am conscious of.
Q2...My motivation to study astrology is my consciousness of discomfort,boredom,and to protect myself from making anymore discomfort,due to the boredom i experiance.I was introduced to jyotish,by fortune,after knowing some western astrology,and i reckon jyotish is far more accurate and helpfull.However i have along way to go,and i am not very clever.I do not think i am ever going to understand it properly,but what i do know has helped alot,to understand my somewhat challenging personality
Q3...I have some studying of both,in phases,and then i dont do any studying for months on end.At present i am trying to complete a begginers course with Sattvastha,a vedic astrologer.I reckon some interaction with other humans will encourage my understanding.
Q4...The vedas is scripture from India,which explains the human situation on different levels accordong to peoples understanding and spiritual developement.I have read lots of vedic stuff.I am however taking my spiritual nourishment from a good teacher of Jesus Christ. ,My reltionship with organized religion is very bad,and i will often go into the mystical instead of relgious,as confinement causes me stress.(see chart).

I hope to be learning  good stuff here,and look forward to corresponding with anyone who wishes to do so.........

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:23 am

Namashkaar Cmoonji,

Good reply! We wish that you pursue your aims succesfully.

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Re: Vedic Astrlogy lesson - First lesson

Post by amdtek » Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:55 pm

Namaste to e1 and here's my answer to the questions set by rishirahul ji,
RishiRahul wrote: Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
I would say I have several different goals for now.  One amongst my goals is to spread bhakti amongst people especially to the new rising generation and to those who are unaware how blissful can their lives be if they know how to harness their lives with prayers.  

Furthermore, another goal which I've set long long time back is that I want to help people to live more peacefully and with happiness - and I believe it's that astrology knowledge that gonna enable me to serve them.  In short I've been wanting to help in contributing happiness in their lives.

My other goal in life is that I've always wanted to become a software engineer one day, hopefully.  Why engineer not something else ?  Well I wanted to become an acharya, but considering my physically state, this seems difficult for me to move (I'm suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis).  Also, there seems difficult to get a good guru locally due to a lacking number of people with such knowledge here.  And I know that I was born to serve people, to give others.  This is why I always  give more than I expect to receive.  Also, considering my state, I believe this engineering field suit me.

RishiRahul wrote: Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
My motivation in learning astrology is that I take this field as a science which is not only my passion but also fascinates me a lot.  Also, I was aspired not for material objectives but for the happiness, the peacefulness that one gets in helping someone else during their dark times which cannot be described in words.  

This happiness originates from me itself many years way back.  When I was small (around 2-3.5 yrs old), I was afflicted with some ailment which according to some astrologers(I later managed to meet people with astrology knowledge after some 15 years in my life), I was afflicted with some graha by that time.  Sadly, this disease even till now doesn't have any cure.  Local doctors thought I would die but I didn't when I was small.  They told my parents that there is no cure for this illness (juvenile arthritis rheumatoid).  Furthermore, there was no astrologers or learned hindu priests by that time to the place where I live (I live in Mauritius) that could guide us.

And hence, when I was around 3.5 yrs old, I lost my ability to walk.  Being from a middle class family, the hardships that I've encountered in life cannot be described with words, and this forced me to seek god's refuge and I started loving god with loads of bhakti which taught me to see life differently.  It also made me a new human being.  Therefore, I do not want anyone to face the same hardship I & my family had to face with me.  This is why I know what pain is, how painful it is... and this, amongst other factors, is what inspired me to see happiness on everyone's face everyday.

In addition to this, I have a principle to always to do good to people although I may not get any materialistic gain from that.  As long as I have helped someone and s/he is happy, I get great peace, satisfaction from me.  In short, if someone's happy, I am happy on seeing him/her happy.

Also I believe strongly, with the help of this astrology knowledge, one can surely know how to what to do and what not to do during bad times.

RishiRahul wrote: Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
As I've told you up there, there was no astrologer way back here in the early 90's.  Nowadays there are astrologers, but IMO most work differently but the only common thing in them is that they are all money-minded.  I.e. It's only great shots that get this opportunity to go to an astrologer.  Most middle class families or other lower classes of family find it hard to go to a learned comtemporary astrologer because s/he is after money a lot nowadays.

There is even currently one new local hindu learned comtemporary astrologer which I know here that implements chinese technique along with vedic technique in predicting someone's horoscope.  My mother goes to his place yearly but his fees are a tad expensive.  This may be funny if someone would look how he uses chinese approach too but it does certainly works.  

To sum up, irrespective of any method astrologers may use... the output have been nearly the same to me.

My (fresh) experience with 1 astrologer lately:
Lets take a simple e.g from my experience, some 1 month back, a man who is well known to my father came and managed to convince my parents that a learned astrologer came from India to Mauritius.  Since we never have had no experience with astrologers of India, so we decided to give a try in the hope to see a solution to my problem (read up there to know about my prob).

That man, took my mother along with him in his car to the astrologer and the astrologer said there that my mother should pay him rs. 8000 (mauritius rupees) so that he would do a 'pitra dosh' prayer for me and maybe this can help to improve both my health and life.  At first my father was reluctant to give that huge sum of money but we tried to convince him that I would be bestowed with a good health and peaceful life after that prayer.

After having paid that astrologer through that man, ever since that neither that man, nor that astrologer pick our phone calls.  It seems as if they disappeared all of a sudden after taking our money.  So this did hurt us a lot since my dad borrowed money from several people for that pooja and see what happened in returned....  Such thing is common to me in life for believing others....

RishiRahul wrote:
Q4: What are the Vedas?

Vedas are sacred scriptures which has been existed since immemorial times to us.  Actually vedas contain everything from A to Z.  This is why it is said by most that vedas are the eternal truths.  

Astrology may be defined according me, as a complexed science which has been bestowed to us by god so that we could used this technique as a torch to bring light in people's dark paths.  However, in order to be able to do this, it is our vedas that are going to help us to achieve this as the latter contains every "why", "how to" (question, answers and reasoning behind each theory and practise)to everything relating to astrology.  This is why astrology is said by most as "the eyes" of the vedas.

Astrology in a simplified term, it is a language like any other language.  Just as any other languages require some basics to learn and to deal with, the same case is with astrology.  Therefore the following things listed below are what it comprises of:
  1. Planets
    Kala Chakra (Wheel of time with 10 hands - the 9 grahas along with lagna aka ascendants [I don't know yet what lagna is/means/does])

As far I as I know according to the research I did, astrology is divided into 6 branches, mainly:
  1. Ganita - it involves the mathematical calculations of planetary positions
    Gola - deals with astronomy
    Jataka - birth horoscope
    Prasana - specific answering of questions in a horoscope
    Muhorta - deals with (auspicious) time timing to embark into a task
    Nimita - omens (practiced our older generation)

p.s: I'm sorry for replying a bit late ever since I've been enrolled since my health is really bad nowadays.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:24 pm

Namaskaar amdtek ji,
This is a very good reply and also a good start from you. For a person to have undergone such suffering and still have faith in Goodness is rare. Please keep up the good work.
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Post by deepakosho » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:12 pm

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?

This question makes me restless and the fact is I am trying to find an answer since a long time.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?

First and foremost to help me and my family to take right decision at right time. To avoid wrong decisions. Kind of knowing when its going to rain so that I can carry an umbrella with me.

Once I learn it and apply it succesfully for me and my family, I would like to extend this help to everyone free of cost.

There are many areas I want to help in,

1) Material help: If a worst thing has to come for a native I would like to warn people about it and suggest remedies for correction.

2) Spiritual help: Identify and suggest path to a native's moksha.

3) It pains me to see parents whose children go missing. I would like to help them identify what happened to their children and give them remedies to get them back. I believe this falls under prashna category.

Miles to go before I sleep and Miles to go before I sleep...

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?

I have seen good astrologers predict events to a finer detail.

Q4: What are the Vedas?

I dont know. Some say its a way of life. Some say it teaches how to live. some say it will lead you to moksa. I am yet to understand the true meaning of Veda. Perhaps Astrology is a good beginning for me.

Om Tat Sat
Last edited by deepakosho on Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:58 am

Namashkaar deepakosho ji,

Very honest replies! We also wiidh that you pursue your dreams towards their success.

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Post by amdtek » Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:22 am

vivekvshetty wrote:Our thanks to all the members for evincing keen interest in the course.
The course is free and we hope it will help everyone interested.

The begining date for the classes is a few days away, but for a start i would highly recommend the following stotra ( ode . praise , eulogium , a hymn of praise) called the Chaksusmati vidya.
This will promote in developing foresight. This is a preparation before starting the course.
Let us clarify that this is not a compulsory thing and if one is not comfortable doing it due to their belief system then it is better not done.


For those who cant read Sanskrit we have a link for you to download the mp3 of this. If one is not able to pronounce properly (it will surely come with practice) just hear it for as many times as possible.

the link: ... 0Vidya.mp3

our warm welcome to everyone on this forum.
Happy learning.
Namashkar to all,

I had had one problem initially, during my first visit here, when I first saw this chaksusmati vidya mantra as provided by vivek ji in the picture above and each time I would forget to post about it here.

My problem is that, from that scanned page, there's a part (see picture below) that I could not grasp well, however I managed to 'decipher' this part somehow by listening to the audio version.

Is this pronounciation that I made in red color good ?  

Also, can somebody please say me which letters are in that red circle and how is this pronounced ?  I'm including an illustration below here so that you may get a better idea of what I am talking about.Image

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:00 pm

Namaskaar amdtek ji,
its 'NN' the first N is half.
The third option in the lower image you have posted.
RishiRahul and vivek.
amdtek wrote: Namashkar to all,

I had had one problem initially, during my first visit here, when I first saw this chaksusmati vidya mantra as provided by vivek ji in the picture above and each time I would forget to post about it here.

My problem is that, from that scanned page, there's a part (see picture below) that I could not grasp well, however I managed to 'decipher' this part somehow by listening to the audio version.

Is this pronounciation that I made in red color good ?  

Also, can somebody please say me which letters are in that red circle and how is this pronounced ?  I'm including an illustration below here so that you may get a better idea of what I am talking about.Image

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Post by amdtek » Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:32 pm

@vivek ji:
Thanks a bunch friend :)

@deepakosho ji:

It seemed that you gave the best answer which is yet so common to almost everyone's objectives but in your own style.  May Ganapati shows you the necessitated path :)

Even in the Brihat  Parasara  Hora Shastra, Maharshi  Parasara  stated that:
"The  main  purposes  of  Jyothisha  Sastra  are  to
determine  the  longevity,  joys and sorrows of  the people..."

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Late Joinee feel sorry

Post by Krishnakumar M R » Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:47 pm

Respected Pandit ji,

I am a late joinee to the course....  Please forgive me for the delayed reply....

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?

To be an ideal person in my relative sorroundings as well as in the small part of a world in which I live....  ( I mean like this... You know Krishna is a learned person, who is a hard worker, because of his hard worker he has attained a good respectable position.... In a nutshell... Like an example to others).  Also try to make attempts and help the persons who are facing the problems by providing an appropriate remedies (which can they afford to do in their small part of the world).

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?

Jyothish / Astrology is a ocean...  I want me to be like a crocodile in the ocean... (which is not possible in fact) so as to help the needy person and solve their typical problems.

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?

Firstly, I believe God.... Then Jyothish/Astrology...  

According to me Jyothish/Astrology is the one which got founded after the vedas...  

As I understood frommy elders that a learned astrologer / jyothish can predict or give the entire reading of a particular person.... Sayings of my elderes went upto my heart and therefore, as far as my knowledge concern, an astrologer / jyothish is a person who can accurately predict or give an accurate reading of another person entire life...  And they do not care for material things like money etc...

I am really feel sorry to say this in this forum,  If an astrologer who is not able to predict or give his reading for the entire life of another person is not an astrologer or jyothish at all...  He or she is putting make up and acting like a film acter or actress in the world...

Till now I have not found an astorloger who possess that much quality... You learned persons may possess that great quality.... I mean exceptions are there as the world is too big and we are living in a small part in the world.

Q4: What are the Vedas?

According to me Vedas is formed by Rishi's....

There are 4 types of Vedas... a) Rukh Vedha b) Yajhur Vedha c) Saama Vedha & 4) Adharvana Vedha....

As for as my knowledge concern, Rukh Vedha is having some speciality...  I can quote an example for this...  In the Aavani Avittam, ( I don't know how many persons can understand Aavani Avittam - But I will explain it in the conclussion of message)  Guru use to say that Yajhur vedha person required to do some homam by putting saamithi's etc in the homam.  In a net shell creating and worshipping with the fire...  But for a person who born on the Rukh Vedha tradition is not required to perform any homam in Avani Avittam.... Reason: According to the vedic Maha Purush, Rukh Vedic persons are having Agni in their hands itself so they are exempted to do homam for Aavani Avittam.

Last but not least.... Aavani Avittam is a spritual day for Brahmins on which they change their old Poonuls with the new one by chanting so many mantras and homam.

I request your honour to please forgive me if I have mentioned anything wrong...  Also please correct me with the reasons so that I can educate myself further...



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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:48 am

Namashkaar Krishnakumarji,

Its wonderful to know that your honest replies would lead to deeper studies in Jyotish.
Do not be like a tree with straying branches.  With some persistence give those branches direction.

Good luck,

vivek and RishiRahul

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Late Joinee

Post by VikramShenoy210 » Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:56 pm

Vivek and Rishi Rahulji

I am also a late starter in this forum, but better than never :). First of all a BIG thank you for both of you for organising this kind of platform, which is not only gives an opportunity to learn this great art of prediction, but also gives us an opportunity to spread among those who are inclined towards it.
No coming to the questions, I feel

What is the goal or aim of your life?

To reach supreme lord, Lord Krishna. However, there are some temporoy goals in life, which are very mundane and do not count much. The foremost goal is to get out of this cycle of births and deaths.

What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?

I always wished to read my own chart and also help others in thier difficulties in life.  

What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?

Generally very good. But I dont want to pesture any of them anymore. And this is the reason why i want to learn it myself.

What are the Vedas?

Om tad visno param padam. The vedas have a single aim that is to reach the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, all the beutiful, all merciful, all intelligent and the one without a second.

Thank you and may that peace rest in all living and nonliving creatures


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Re: Late Joinee

Post by RishiRahul » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:50 pm

VikramShenoy210 wrote:Vivek and Rishi Rahulji

I am also a late starter in this forum, but better than never :). First of all a BIG thank you for both of you for organising this kind of platform, which is not only gives an opportunity to learn this great art of prediction, but also gives us an opportunity to spread among those who are inclined towards it.
No coming to the questions, I feel

What is the goal or aim of your life?

To reach supreme lord, Lord Krishna. However, there are some temporoy goals in life, which are very mundane and do not count much. The foremost goal is to get out of this cycle of births and deaths.

What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?

I always wished to read my own chart and also help others in thier difficulties in life.  

What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?

Generally very good. But I dont want to pesture any of them anymore. And this is the reason why i want to learn it myself.

What are the Vedas?

Om tad visno param padam. The vedas have a single aim that is to reach the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, all the beutiful, all merciful, all intelligent and the one without a second.

Thank you and may that peace rest in all living and nonliving creatures


Namashkaar VikramShenoy210ji,

We wish your Learning of Jyotish will be Purposeful.  Your replies  betray much Respect, Healthy optimism, and a strong Purpose.

You need to find it better.

Good luck,

vivek and RishiRahul

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Re: Late Joinee

Post by VikramShenoy210 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:40 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
VikramShenoy210 wrote:Vivek and Rishi Rahulji

I am also a late starter in this forum, but better than never :). First of all a BIG thank you for both of you for organising this kind of platform, which is not only gives an opportunity to learn this great art of prediction, but also gives us an opportunity to spread among those who are inclined towards it.
No coming to the questions, I feel

What is the goal or aim of your life?

To reach supreme lord, Lord Krishna. However, there are some temporoy goals in life, which are very mundane and do not count much. The foremost goal is to get out of this cycle of births and deaths.

What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?

I always wished to read my own chart and also help others in thier difficulties in life.  

What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?

Generally very good. But I dont want to pesture any of them anymore. And this is the reason why i want to learn it myself.

What are the Vedas?

Om tad visno param padam. The vedas have a single aim that is to reach the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, all the beutiful, all merciful, all intelligent and the one without a second.

Thank you and may that peace rest in all living and nonliving creatures


Namashkaar VikramShenoy210ji,

We wish your Learning of Jyotish will be Purposeful.  Your replies  betray much Respect, Healthy optimism, and a strong Purpose.

You need to find it better.

Good luck,

vivek and RishiRahul

Dear Vivek and RisiRahul ji,

I dont know where I offended you, however I do apologise if incase I have heart you in anyways. Please forgive me if incase I have hurt in anyways.

Thank you


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