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Post by s_pimpale » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:02 pm

Can we know death or any mishap time through tarot

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Post by saboinia » Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:48 am

hypoticatically speaking their are cards in the deck becides death that indicate drastic change or a loss of some sort, but dude it is not a good idea to concentrate on the negitive aspects of what can come out in a reading.

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Post by cedars » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:10 am

Well said Saboinia...... I wonder why that question was asked in the first place.

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Post by Kaperuzita » Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:24 pm

I've been asked about that in some readings when someone wants to know about a relative's health. It's extremely awkward and uncomfortable. But I do believe it is a valid question in cases like that. In one particular reading I got the Death card but it was in the middle of a three-card spread and then followed by a positive card but, I don't have to tell you how shocked the querent was just by reading: "death" :S.

So, I wonder, do you answer this kind of questions? and if so, what do you do if you get the feeling somebody will die?

Sorry to return with a somewhat gloomy topic but, I think this is a very interesting question.

Warm regards to you all! :)

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:18 am

Personally I do not give readings about health. I think the power of the Tarot is too strong in areas where emotions are concerned with health matters. Just the very fact of the reading or as you said seeing The Death Card, can cause problems and emotional distress. Once the card has been seen the seeker assumes the worst whatever we say afterwards.

Far better to ask empowerment questions, how can they improve their health, their life, how can I cope with what has to come, questions that give hope and uplift the emotions are far better.
The worst are the yes of no questions, where is the point in saying a simple yes or no?

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:22 am

I agree with Cascade on the Yes or No questions. After getting the answer......... then what? What is the querent going to do if it is a Yes or a No?

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Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:15 pm

I believe yes/no questions simply suck! xD

But still, there are cards that refer specifically to health problems, at least in Marseilles, and you can see things like: blood problem, muscle problem and so on. When someone asks about the death of a loved one that means the other person is pretty bad so it's sometimes hard to refuse to answer these questions. Like I've said before regarding yes/no questions I try to guide the querent towards a solution. As Cascade said asking things like: what would happen if you do this or that? Can we trust this doctor? Maybe things like that but then, again, I prefer to begin any reading with a Tarot 101 and explain the querent that the cards are for guidance and that he/she is really the one that determines his/her fate.

Just my humble opinion ;)

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:51 pm

Kaperuzita, what is Tarot 101?

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Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:56 pm

Tarot 101???

hee, It's an expression xD. Usually, the introductory courses for a topic are 101, for example, English 101, Accounting 101 and so on. So, a Tarot 101 would be an explanation on the basics of Tarot for people not yet acquainted with it.

Maybe it's just an American expression....

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A Post from My Forum

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:12 am

"Tarot - The Infamous DEATH Card

Most individuals not exposed to tarot see this as a "bad" card to have appear in
their spread. However, the Death card simply means "the end of". A job or
relationship coming to a termination, arrival at a destined goal (the "end" of
the journey to accomplish said goal), or just possibly realizing something
negative in your life/personality and terminating it. Generally speaking the
Death card is actually a positive card to have appear in your reading."

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Post by pirbid » Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:56 pm

There are definitely worse cards than Death, but it is true that it is one of the few Tarot cards that anybody can recognize at first glance and immediately reach the worst conclusion possible.

Of course, if followed by positive cards, you can always translate it as the end of the sickness. I would probably give it a deeper twist, since it is a Major, after all, like: this illness/accident/problem will cause/is causing a very deep change in the person's outlook. It is usually true, but unless you sound pretty convincing, the querent will keep staring at the skull and ignore everything else! It is a shame, but I guess one of the reasons Tarot works is because of its images impacting most of us the same way -as tutorials here have proved-.

So we will just have to speak with some authority or refuse to read some of those questions. In fact, I believe health questions were a bit taboo, like those for underage people. I also try to discourage questions not concerning the querent directly.

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Post by cedars » Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:58 pm

Good points there Pirbid.

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Death card

Post by scarabcameo » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:30 am

I keep in mind with respect to the Death card how Kali dances and that a new world emerges from the destruction of the old.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:14 pm

Hi Guys,

AHA, Death Card and the act of "moving on" Yes, most querants are absolutely terrified at having the Death card in a reading. My opinion, to some extend it may indicate a actual death, be it physical, spiritual or mental. Some people truly need to have their brain die, to accept reality!!!

But, this is where the reader need to really have clarity of mind and discernment. Actuall death, as in physically is not only described by one single card, but a few cards, appearing in one spread!!!!!!

I have one single card---Nine of Swords, which I call the "death" card. Normally when I have this card in a reading, I refuse to do that reading at all, unless it is in the past. I had this card as a "jumper" before, and when I asked the querant if they had a death recently, the answer was "yes, a friend" this person is very far far away in law family of mine, and I would have known if someone died, in the family.

Now, expanding a bit. When I have the Moon (reversed) and specifically the Queen of Swords, it predicts mental illness, bereivement, etc. This combination I had, and the querants father, suffered from brain cancer and obviously "mental illness and finally death. Then also, another, where the querants parent, just "released" and a certain set of circumstances had to complete, before, her, crossing over.

But as for the Death card. I'll post a discussion on this card, it was done some time back, and I'm not going to go scratching to find it.

In this sense, we can't predict a specific date, nor can we play God, nor are  we the end of the road. No, Death can not be predeicted as fact, at a certain time, but curcimstances can point to the event, be it soon or somewhat later.

Blessed be

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