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Post by widboudicea » Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:51 pm

The number 8 is a recurring factor in my life and I was wondering if there was any significance?

For example I was born on the 8th, my father was born on the 8th, my step-father was born on the 8th, my son was born on the 8th, my second son was born the dot on 8 o' clock, my ex-husband was born on the 18th, my partner is born on the 28th, and it continues.....

just wondering that's all.


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:37 pm

sure it does,as does any recurring number  the number 8

image: administration/executor

desire: to govern-to choose

pattern : mastery- power

positive expression keywords

discriminating,knows choices,knows value,organizing people

accomplishment, balance judgment,decision making,ambition
intelligence ,practicality,executive ability, self confidence,realism
handles finance,allocates resources wisely,properous

negative expression key words

abuse of power, controlling, over ambitious
materialistic ,callous disregard for others
dishonest,careless with money,dominerring

denial expression
material unconcern, denies power
fears failure,poor judgment
no discrimination

a positive vision for 8

having mastered the outer and inner worlds, the 8 now steps into the public domain to assert strong leadership and authority.
this is the power of decision making, of determining the uses of energy and finance.

developed and focused intelligence is required to fully utilize this powerful vibration. much is demanded of this number for this
is the adnibstrator who directs and shapes organizations and governments.

a person with an 8 vibration mat enjoy fame ,position and wealth providing he calls upon the wisdom and knowing of the 7 and the positive aspects from perseverance, joy of creation, savvy, cooperation and courage.

although much is asked of her, much is also given to the worthy 8 . opportunities abound although they may be just as
easily lost, the positive 8 weighs the merits of a situation then acts with dispatch.

its does seem that the 8 is dominating your attention  and your surrounding   either bringing blessing are negative vibrations . as too protect are reinforce its energy

its no mystery that natural law says that like forces  seem to resonate in the  surroundings of each other

the 8 birthday has the following to add

Birth Day 8

You have a talent for business, and a good sense of money. Your approach to business is original, creative and daring. You have sound judgment and need the freedom to exercise it, lest you become bitter and tyrannical elsewhere in your life. It is advisable to avoid partnerships wherever possible. You are highly competitive and close partnerships - especially when power is divided equally - can lead you to indulge in intrigues and manipulation.

You are efficient and can handle large projects. If you do not already run your department or own business, you are destined for such a position. Leadership is your gift.

In the same way, you have a great talent for organization. You can manage large groups of people and guide them along the lines of your vision.

You are a realist, self-confident, practical, ambitious and goal-oriented.

Others respect you and your judgment. They know that you can be depended upon, you come through.

You enjoy a challenge. The expectations of others stimulate you, especially if they doubt you can pull it off.

You tend to be dramatic with money. You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house.

You are proud of your family and like to be complemented. You have strong character, but may be domineering and bossy. You have little patience with weakness, be it your own or someone else's. You do not express your feelings much.

You must develop the qualities of perseverance and survival. You will meet many obstacles, which must be viewed as challenges that in fact make you stronger. Your attitude toward the difficulties in life will be the difference between success and failure.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:51 am

maybe 8 rules ur destiny. but be ware about ur health.

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Post by widboudicea » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:43 pm

Thank you for your time and replies

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Post by professionalnumerology » Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:52 pm

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Post by NAAANEE » Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:32 am

generally for people born on 8 number their own number 8 comes into their life without their intervention.But it is adviced for people for not to power on their own.since your whole family got into 8 number,the power of 8 has increased still more.Generally,you people will be more concerned about money.You work with people more in judgemental way rather than sympathetic way.You will be often thinking what profit that I will be getting when I help him or her.Business ideas will be high in your minds.Good administrators are seen with this number.But most of them will be serious in temperament.Some people doesn't give time for enjoyment when it comes for money.But an evolved eight rightly spends money in acquiring required assets in their life.Generally eight's crave for status in the society.For that sake they go to any extent in achieving it.

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How to handle the Number 8

Post by pisceslibragirl » Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:04 pm

I am pisces born on the 8th of march... my name boils down to an 8 lifepath..

They say this is my last karmic life. What do I make of all this? I find myself very unhappy in my life, especially right now. I am seeking answers, but don't know which is the right choice. It's all so hard.

Can anyone give me some sound advice on how to deal with this karmic number?

Thank you, bless..

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Post by NAAANEE » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:59 pm

when 8 achieves detachment & dispassionate nature then their minds will be tension free & feels their life beautiful otherwise their own brooding nature harms them mentally.

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