General Complacancy

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General Complacancy

Post by Payewacker » Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:12 pm

Rhuto, don't delete this posting, i also put it on The Tarot reading forum. It's high time some fire is made,
Hi Guys,

is all good and well for new members wanting to learn how to read Tarot. We all know, it's a "science" on it's own and has a lot of influences, circumstances and all the rest of the rankatank that goes with it!!!

One thing, each and evryone goes running of and buy a book on Tarot (and a deck)---"reality" Some authors have a tendancy to be biased. I have recently read one of these and truly what a ball of *************.

We have so many aspiring readers, but not much support!!! I've seen on this board, where a person was merely pointed to "learn Tarot" That person dissapeared and will probably never be back again!!!!!!!!

Another thing, the Tarot course on MB is virtually a copy of AE Waite. Tarot is universal, let's then approach it in that way, please.......

We don't have a sub-forum that can in fact answer the questions of new readers. They must ma just go looking and hope to find the answer they are looking for????????

Oh, yes, now you'll probably tell me, they must start a thread and hope to get a response. I reitterate "hope to get a response", this is exactly how we run new readers of our forum!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY RESPONDS------ NO, VERY FEW RESPOND!!!!!!!

At this stage, how do we support aspiring Tarot students, by leaving a computor running and no-one to sit and actually see what is happening? Have we really got someone that can give new Tarotist answers on their questions?

What is the use to boast; 50 000 downloaded our software, and we have another 100 000 members, HUH?----NOTHING!!!

There are so many forums, and it's affiliated sub-forums, why is it that we don't attract more consistant members?

We have a few, and very few die-hards!-----WHY?

No, this is not a good thing at all. Is it, that other boards are so much more---let's say, just more.

I don't want to move to another board, but, really, the bosses need to start becoming a bit more inovative or artistic in their advertising, start making things interesting.

I've tried my damndest, so has Cedars, what are you guys doing??? Maybe you should reconsider your "search-word" criteria on the search engines!

I've gone through the "Learn Tarot" course by Gem. 97 pages with at least five postings on a page. I learned from one book, my deck of cards and i can read. Let's say 500 answers, anyone will be confused at the worst of times? How can you say Led Zeppelin is the Hermit.

So, this is the kind of information we give to new readers, please, wake-up!!

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Post by cedars » Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:00 pm

My dear Payewacker,

I share your frustrations. Yes, things were different before and we had more enthusiastic members sharing their ideas and experiences with the tarot and the topics got 'hot' sometimes. However, like everything else, things cool down and we do not get the same attention and devotion. Perhaps times are tough for people to spend their free time on the internet and perhaps they have better things to do - make a living?

I do see new members come in and then they disappear. Are they being enticed by some external forces to go elsewhere...? Or are they simply coming here to get a reading until the next time they feel the need for a reading? I do not known. I have noticed people who give the most input, dont usually ask for a reading. Why I wonder? :) :)

One thing which has started worrying me is the level of adverts on this site. I am aware costs should be met... but there are now too many intrusive and very annoying adverts, including Google this and Google that bar...... not to mention adverts of sexual nature. I do HATE the Bookmark pop up and the Google tool bars pop up that come up while I am writing in here. These are besides the point and I do not wish to digress from your topic. (also Management should think twice about ads of sexual nature; that is a No No as far as a site like this is concerned).

I like this site and am very happy you came back - as one of the old-timers of this forum - and please do not be discouraged.  I am not getting paid any commission to tell you this LOL...... LOL...... LOL.. I see new blood coming in and I try my best to respond to their entries and keep up with their learning process which we all need, no matter how many readings we give.

I feel the Learn Tarot forum should either be closed or manned by a live tutor. I do understand how new members feel when they post something and they don't get a response. I have tried to respond, but cannot monitor each and every posting in each and every forum. I do have interests in the psychic, Reiki and the Mediumship forums, but my heart lies in this very particular one, such as you.

With all these new adverts and pop up on the MB, I wonder if now Management can afford to make the search criteria of Mystic Board more accessible to the (s) who is searching?

Blessings to you and to all members - old and new.


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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:00 pm

I hope its ok to add my thoughts here. I know I am newly registered but I have been lurking and visiting and reading for a lot longer. Your point about the ads Cedars is one that made me reluctant at first to join, I was a bit concerned about some of the shall we say 'hotter' ones with the boob pics lol, never any hunky men pics though.  But still I joined and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience so far. I did think though that the ads might be just for guests like a lot of other forums but it seems if anything they are worse now as a member than ever as a guest? Some are being blocked by my virus checker too.   I have my own small website and that costs me money each year to run, so I wouldn't dare to think how much this forum costs to keep running and I am sure all the ads cover at least some if not all of it? So some ads are understandable and perhaps even to be expected?

Back to Tarot. I know that teaching Tarot isn't all that easy, and like any teaching, definately not for everyone. So often people seem to have their own ideas and thoughts and that often leads to conflict. That needs a person of some depth of character and extent of knowledege, someone that is respected, diplomatic and calm and friendly. I don't think that a forum can offer a course of tuition without a live tutor? Can they? Surely they wil need someone that is dedicated and has the time, energy and enthusiasm to spend freely on the subject. I used to run my own Tarot workshops and courses and Tarot Days and I loved it. It was wonderful to see the students build on their knowledge each week. But those were set courses with assignments and exercises with feedback. People alos paid and I think that may offer encouragement for them to finish the course and not wander off? Perhaps an incentrive might be offered here to the learners in some way? I have looked through some of the course material here and like the style it is fun and friendly and interesting too, definately something to build on there, would be a shame to lose it as a resource :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:12 pm

Of course it is OK to add your comments. This is what the whole idea of the forum is all about.

I taught Tarot to myself via the Net, books and also through this website, and I am STILL learning. I can't repeat enough that the tarot is a never-ending learning process.

You are welcome to Mystic Board and please air your ideas, opinions and point of view without any hesitation.

I've gone over the tarot on-line course here on MB twice and every time I have noticed and observed something new or slightly different about a particular card.
At the mention of the Tarot  Bible book in a previous posting, I have to admit I have seen some interesting 'interpretations' on some rather negative cards, which this books, given the position of a spread, is not all that negative, such as the Five of Pentacles, Rider Waite.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:45 pm

Thank you for the initiative Payewacker :)

I can understand your, and others frustration on the subject.

We can all wish for a a lively community, and we have put out the tools for it....not perfect though...there is always opening for improvements, and I agree that we have to few regular members seen in compare to visitors and reg.

A site can never be better then what its members make it, even if the owner made everything perfect from the start, it takes life and interaction for it to function the way it is supposed too...and here I will give a thx to you all for the regularity you give :)

The sites owner, is Swetha and Abhi, which has made this site in order for people to have a place to ask for free advices, and for those who voluntary are willing to give it.

It must be clear that it has a running cost, even if none, including me, have any economic benefit from it.

So far the adds have covered most of the cost, and the programs have by donation made the rest.

We have several times suggested that we should try to make a paid option, but it has been denied by the owners because they find the free option is what this is made for.

There is plans for improvement, but but everything goes a bit slow, because this is more a baby for them, beside the task to earn for the daily bread :)  

I am sure we all would be happy to get suggestions, that could improve the regularity from members, but again, as long as everything is free, only friendship, and the fun to meet equal minded can be the glue to have us surf back.

I make aware that everything said is my opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of the owners, I am just a regular member helping out :)

As for the Tarot course, yes there is 1000 of decks out there, most Tarot readers with "respect" for themselves seems to create one :), we have taken one of the most general deck...but the course is made from our earlier member/moderator Gem, whom in my opinion, did a good job, with the material she had to her hand. I would really like to offer you the unpaid job, Payewalker, if you find that you have time for it, we sure would love to have someone to take care of that section, and you have proven both regularity and knowledge :)

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:02 am

Hi Rhuto,

Fortunatel i don't get many adds when i'm on MB. But, if I'm confronted with a pair of boobs on a spiritual site i would wonder?

I just think that you received valuable feedback in this regard from the other members. In using the cellphone for internet, i think these are locked at the server already.

I am honoured for your invitation to present a course on Tarot. I will need a day or two to get my **** in gear and look at a cirriculum to host this. I by no means think Gem didn't do a good job, it's a pitty that she "dissapeared" She truly had a whealth of knowledge!!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:23 am

Did anything happen with this? What about starting a new Tarot Workshop, where enthusiasm and support are given. This board is so big sometimes new members can feel lost. I know I did at first and have spent some time thinking  and reading and then thought that I should offer to do something here and see if I can get a Tarot Group going. Nothing better than the excitement of people new to learning the Tarot :)

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Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:28 pm

I would to be on a Tarot Group. I might not have the time to do large tutorials but I'd love to help, within my limitations, to the new members that feel lost.


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Post by Payewacker » Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:31 am

Hi Guys,

I've already offered to do this course, I'm by no means an expert and hope to learn from all involved. It just means that we will have a group or workgroup as you indicated and I would think, doing it, needs a cirriculym, but think that the discussions should pretty much guide our progress!!!

Blessed be!

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Post by cedars » Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:35 am

Hi Payewacker

It is good to see you back on the boards :)

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:02 am

Hi Cedars,

Thx, I though it needed to get myself in gear again, the last few weeks has had a very bad effect on me, personally as well as, unpredictable health issues.

Although not totally out of the woods yet, I need to focus my attention on that which is close to my heart, Tarot offcoarse.

I also made contact with a "fallen member" Lemonpip, she promised her pound of flesh as well!!!! So, we need to write a new dictionary???

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Post by cedars » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:24 am

Ha ha ha....... or re-educate ourselves in the English language?
As I said, welcome back and all the best to you in health.
You have been missed!

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Post by pirbid » Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:06 pm


I feel guilty reading all this, since I am one of those who fell out for a long while. But, between work, some unionist cooperation I am now thankfully rid of, and a permanent injury to one of my knees, I cannot say this has been a very successful year for me. I am so sorry to have left poor Cedars to cope with all questions here for a while... Although I see there are new members ready to give sound advice.

And I know Payewacker had a hard time with his health, but I truly hope he is much improved and ready to give us hell in this new tutorial he has volunteered for. Actually, I think Rutho did a very clever maneuvering to get him to volunteer   :smt003  However, I am really glad to have Wacker as our tutor. We are sure to get some nicely controversial debates!

I also went through Gem's tutorial and found it an eye opener at the time. But then she was around to give feedback on all exercises. It is a shame if people are going through the tutorial with no feedback. I promise to look into it every time I log in and see if there is anyone in need of answers, although I fully trust Payewacker's ability to take the bull by the horns  :smt002

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:14 am

Hi Pirbid,
thanx for the vote of confidence, and even better, thanx for being around again. It's a needed fact, that we have to have people passionate about Tarot, and ready to help the other guys. Lemonpip, well, what to say, i think you need to acquiant yourself with her/him and Tranquila. At times it's extremely difficult to really make out what she's trying to tell us! However, she is a touch controversial, and not scared to get to the point, doesn't mince her words.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:38 am

Payewacker wrote: , well, what to say, i think you need to acquiant yourself with her/him and Tranquila. At times it's extremely difficult to really make out what she's trying to tell us! However, she is a touch controversial, and not scared to get to the point, doesn't mince her words.

Blessed be
I get a very strange vibration from those posts, some are completely pidgeon english and read easily other post appear teasing, false and made up on purpose. I hope that is not the case?

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