EVIL in my presence when THRID EYE chakra open???

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EVIL in my presence when THRID EYE chakra open???

Post by thomasanthony83 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:25 pm

I just came across this site and something inside told me that this was some place I needed to be. I recently have seen several shamans (inadvertently) and everyone tells me the same thing and one has even gone to lengths as far as to tell me NOT to try to use my third eye chakra because I am not like other people. All of them have told me that I have extreme shaman like energy all around me and that I could be considered a "soothsayer" because of it. It wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that NONE of the shamans know either of the other ones, and that they bring it up to my attention when I talk to them. One did a sage burning to help ward away evil spirits, one had me try to "tell him where he was with my eyes closed" over the phone when he was 100 miles away and I did very successfully describe his actual location to the point that he was almost in tears. The part that worried me was when one told me NOT to try and use my third eye chakra because I'm not trained to use it and since I'm not like people around me, I could be opening myself to very malicious things by trying to use it.  The funny thing is, I WANT TO use it, and I think I can do some really good things with it if I knew how to use it the right way. My head is strong, but my soul feels like I need to have my hand taken and walked through a "forrest of knowledge" with someone else who knows what I am talking about.. Can anyone help me understand these feelings a little better? Thank you sincerely, -tom-

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:28 pm

Hmm, in the past years I had people tell me I couldn't meditate the way I do, shouldn't use my spleen chakra the way I do, etc... they told me that when it only helped me to gain more spiritual insight, more at peace wth myself, etc. For myself, I simply learned to shut up about it to people who tend to have a particular schooling where they learn by dogmatic rules. I couldn't even explain to them how they misinterpreted it all because they just couldn't een fathom how one could meditate or do chakra work that did not follow their particular schooling.

That doesn't mean imo that people shouldn't be cautious. It also means that imo unorthodox chakra meditation can be responsibly used and have positive results for the person and his or her environment, while orthodox chakra meditation can be irresponsbly used and have negative results.

Not sure what you mean with shaman. It differs with cultural associations. For me a shaman is someone who knows how to work with earth energies and nature powers. A few mediums htat I myself never visited, but some of my friends have, pointed out to them they had a shaman in their friend circle (meaning me, based on the details). My earliest spiritual work was solitary acquainting myself with this type of nature energy. Was only for a short while (2 years), and the acquaintance period felt more like recognition period of something I'm naturally good at. When I hear shaman, I think of someone very adept at using their root and spleen energies in their spiritual work. BUt maybe you use it for people who are more airy.

Regardless... something that always was important to me and something I never do differently wth chakra work is the stages of the chakras. Without a sturdy, strong and healthy root it's hard to reach or attain high level chakra energies, such as the third eye. Even if you would jump to such levels in meditation, but without some prior grounding, and traveling up from root to spleen to solar to heart to throat to align them, then it will be very hard to hold on to the insights afterwards. I could compare it with the effects for people when smoking weed. When they're "high" they suddenly have great insights, or think they foudn a great idea for a new project. But once they're free from direct influences it all doesn't seem that creative, or as good an idea anymore, and when it comes to insights most often they can't remember it anymore. I explain that as "jumping to high levels, but without clearing, aligning and making the lower chakras strong." Why is this imo? Because you can only do something with what's in your head, if you can also ground it. The most important part of a meditation is to move down the chakras again: throat - heart - solar - spleen and root. I never voluntarily come out of a meditation before grounding myself again first. But in order to go down the chakras after the insight, you must have traveled them up too.

So, it's possible that you could use your 3rd eye in a way that is unwise, if you cannot work with the chakras beneath it first. Maybe this is what the shaman who advized you against it saw. However, if you can align the other chakras first, and can create a good grounding, I don't see how somethign bad could happen from you using your 3rd eye. It would be hard for a bad outside energy to latch onto you if your visions are based on a thorough grounding (and thus realism), certainly if you ground it afterwards. If you do neglect the grounding and aligning process though, the risk enhances that you will see dillusions, since without grounding your perception is not based on a good sense of reality, and at the same time you're 3rd eye is talented enough to make you see some true things. And these dillusions can be said by your advizors to come from a demon. And when it comes to dillusions... the best ones are those that have a part of truth in them. So, if you're overly eager to work with the 3rd chakra and fly-by the others, then it's quite possible that the shaman saw this eagerness of you and feared you might work with it without grounding well enough first.

Hope it helps with your confusion

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