Reading request for Cedars

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Reading request for Cedars

Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:51 pm

Dear, dear Cedars:

It's been almost two months since my las reading so here I'm again. I'll try to loop the third-party question thing and ask:

What is the best way to re-establish communication with X, leading soon to a date?

X being a 27 aquarian male. By communication I mean e-mail, msn, etc. and soon well....SOON xD. We've been a bit on a off and I would like to return to the on.

I know I've been a bad girl not posting so often now, but this translation madness will soon end I will have my life back again.

Thx in advance and warm regards!

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:30 am

Dear Kaperuzita

Welcome back !!!!!

I will be happy to post your reading later today.

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:52 am

My dear Kaperuzita

I have indeed missed you on the boards. I am glad you have ‘shown your face’ once again and I am happy to give you this reading.

I feel we are talking about the same guy as before, because the minute I read your request I got the same feelings about you and him. Well, even if this is not the same situation as we looked at previously, I am going to follow my feelings that I so vividly got while reading your post.

At first when I linked in with both your energies I got flashbacks that we may have been there before with you and this guy. I couldn’t help but get this feeling from you and him. Let me look at you first: I feel there is something about you (in my previous reading I think I called it ‘strength’) but I am beginning to feel that may be you want things your way all the time and this guy is quite accommodating perhaps? He is probably not as strong a personality as you are, and I feel you may wish him to be a leader in this and at the same you are unwilling to be led. These are the feelings I got as soon as I started reading your posting, so there is a situation here, linking in with both your energies, which has not changed much from the previous situation. I know you want this guy, but for some reason, you want him to do all the chasing, and when he does, you feel that you should be in control. And, when he doesn’t do the chasing, you feel that there is something amiss or you feel inadequate that you are not being chased… As I try and link in with his energies, I am getting the feeling my dear friend that he may be getting, what is the correct word here… disheartened with the situation. I did not say ‘getting fed up’ but rather tired of it. There is some kind of game-playing going on between you two or mind games? Both of you are equally guilty in this and one of you is trying to drive a harder bargain. And, may I please whisper in your ears: I get the feeling this might be more you rather than him.  To me this guy comes across genuine but probably he is not expressing it to you his feelings in such a strong and convincing style. That is what you want I feel. You want him to put his foot down, to prove his feelings in stronger words and not in a passive way. You want him to actually stand up and make a point about his feelings. It could be that he is not that kind of person or perhaps that you have not reached to that stage yet for him to make such declarations.

Kaperuzita, I have a feeling that you can get this guy; you can get closer to him. But I fear something is stopping you. I fear may be you don’t want to come across as being too eager. I just feel on one hand you want to start something with this guy, and on the other hand you are building up obstacles which probably go back to your past. The minute you get closer to him, I feel you are putting obstacles and that is putting him off and throwing him back. And, hence, you are going round and round in circles.

Now let us go to the cards and see what insights they are willing to deliver. I am tempted to use the same spread as last time, but as you asked a question which pertains to you and the best way for you to re-establish contact with this guy, I am going to use a spread called: Where do I go from here? This is all about you and I do hope it will give you guidance that would make sense to you.

The spread is for the first person plural (We), but I will use it in the first person singular (I). You can convert and see if it works in the 'We'.

I cut the deck into three piles with my left hand and picked the third pile.

Where am I now?
Five of Swords.

The first I got at the sight of this card is ‘stalemate’. No winner and no loser. This also gives me the feeling that if what is between you and this guy is becoming a matter of personal conquest, struggle of the willpower and self-control, I am inclined to say that it will remain unresolved. Something between you two (or rather something about you) has brought the situation to this no-win situation and I feel you are not happy about it either.

What is causing me a problem?

Ok. Strength, especially this kind of strength, as depicted by this major arcana card, should not present a problem, but it can be if used in the wrong way. Strength of character and personality is a great personal asset, but when it stands in the way and it takes over a situation for the sake of the ‘strong personality’ or to prove one’s own inner strength, then it halts any emotional progress in one’s life. I have always sensed that you (and in a way him) have got certain strengths unique to each other, but I have also feared that strength is not being used productively to reach a common goal – a concord, a friendship and hopefully leading to what your heart desires. I feel as though you are both punishing each other and trying to prove a point.

What I have forgotten to respect?
Queen of Pentacles.

Another phrase that jumped out at me is: the tenderness within. The queen of pentacles has always given me this warmth of a woman, a mother and a very caring and a benevolent person who will give much of herself – soul and material – to help others. She is humble and also grateful of all her blessings. Are you perhaps forgetting my dear friend that you actually do posses all of these gentle as well as tender qualities of the queen and yet are denying them to yourself, let alone to others? Are you perhaps so wound up in your material successes and way of life that you feel there is no time to be ‘giving’ and ‘nurturing’ when someone might be in need of those qualities which you possess and yet not make use of them? Please ponder about the queen and see what qualities about yourself (or indeed people around you) that you have missed to see or even respect?

What I need to express?
Ten of Swords.

No! You do not need to express that you have reached the end of the road and, Oh, life has been so cruel to me and so on. What you need to express firstly to yourself and secondly to the other party involved, is that you no longer blame others for the way things end up in your life. You have full power to stand up and face the world rather than feel sorry for the events surrounding you and, indeed, in this case the communication and ‘connection’ issue with this guy. Kaperuzita, whatever it is that is holding you to the ground, is all in your mind sweetheart. You have no reason to stay there and attract attention by looking downcast and defeated. Use the Strength positively to fight for your ambitions and desires to make things happen for you.  

What are your possible options?
Six of Wands.

Victory to march on and ahead! Do you want this victory just for yourself or joining hands with someone else? Whatever is happening or has happened to you in your life  that has brought you to the state of the Ten of Swords, is telling you now to stand up and put them all behind you, for if you do then victory will be yours in your path ahead, whether it is with this guy or for your own personal development.

Where will I go from here?
Nine of Cups.

The wish card. Fulfilment of your heart’s desire my dear friend. It is there for you and I was so glad to have picked this card as the final conclusion. But…… and I say BUT again, you must come out of this stalemate of winning and losing situation portrayed in your current state of mind. Use your strength positively and not to prove a personal point. You are a strong woman; it is wonderful to share that strength to build something useful for yourself and… ehummm… with someone else along your side, eh? Recognise what you have within you which is so precious and tender and DO come out of the ‘feeling sorry for yourself’ state of mind and rise up to face the world.

Now, I need to know when you start communicating with this guy and, indeed, when is your first date with him. Deal?

I hope this shed some light on your question and gave you the guidance that you were looking for.

Warm hugs to you.

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Post by Kaperuzita » Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:43 pm

Dear Cedars:

As usual,  you reading is very insightful and, of course, it has made me think a lot. Now I have to put all that thinking into practice :P

Warm hugs to you too, I've missed participating in the forum :(


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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:53 pm

You are welcome my friend.
I wish you all the best for the future :)


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Post by Kaperuzita » Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:01 am

Dear dear Cedars:

This guy replied to an e-mail I sent him about two weeks ago. Saying he had been very  busy but that he always had me in mind and that he hoped Spring here was being nice to me and expecting that I was already dazzling everybody around me as I usually do, specially now xD.

So he was very flirty but no specific words about a date.....I think I should wait a bit to reply, what do you think?

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:32 am

Okay, I hear what you're saying Kaperuzita.

There are two approaches you could adopt towards this situation: (these are my personal opinions ONLY).

1) Either be yourself and be truthful to him whether you are being really dazzled (or not) by others, 2) or just be friendly with him, dismiss (ignore) his comments and return the compliment to him, if you like, i.e. that he might be 'breaking' so many hearts around him. :) bla bla bla...... if you see what I mean..

Warning: this flirtatious phase may go on for a while and, as long as it does not turn into some kind of 'mind games', then it may be bearable for a while. In my humble opinion my dear friend, if this phase goes on for too long, it may start becoming painful for you. (I know you want this guy and I am concerned about your well being).

I am sure you will know when to stop.

All the best to you and lots of hugs to you.

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