For those of you who haven't yet decided that I'm a whackjob...

Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:37 am

Mirrors - interesting! Hi you guys! Here's another proud whack job haha!

When I was a kid I was quite fascinated with mirrors and would often stare at them. Even on my way out of the door to go to school. My grandma, who I was living with at the time would always say a protective prayer with me and once told me not to look at the mirror while praying that would be praying to the devil. She was highly catholic, never mind the fact that in my mom's eyes she was very much psychic as well. But that's another story.
For a while I grew afraid of mirrors. My mom was also into communicating with spirits and I got creeped out by a lot of things that happened in my childhood. Today I am more self aware, aware of my spiritual side, aware of many spiritual things and know for the most part how to protect myself and my family from negative energies. I am very much fascinated with crystals and gems as I have always been, but now I use them when I practice Reiki. But I could just stare at them for hours. I also find myself staring at the mirror or shiny objects sometimes, trying to see if there is more in the reflection than one might expect. So sometimes I try to see my aura and stuff. Maybe I'll pay more attention to other things in future.

On the artistic side I made an interesting discovery yesterday. When I get myself in a very calm state, almost like an alpha state and begin drawing, and I close my eyes for a moment to see the picture I want to draw in front of my inner or 3rd eye, I suddenly manage to draw quite amazingly.  Not to toot my own horn but the additional awareness you get in an alpha state may be the reason why those great artists we know are doing as well as they are. We others just don't know their secret. Maybe they don't even realize it themselves... those of you who draw or paint, try it sometime!
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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:04 pm

Mirrors, like other tools, have been found to be not the safest and most effective way to connect and yet...... we will experiment.  Why, I don't know?  We also have good, solid information of an approach to the psychic sensitivities and spirit connections, why ignore it?

There was an ancient practice that was resurrected in a book by Raymond Moody.  He told people how to build matrea (sp?) and then discovered the problems that arose and he could not help with after the fact.  He withdrew his book and support of the practice.  It involved a mirror in a darkened room.

For a myriad of reasons mirrors are just not the best source of spirit connection.
God bless, J

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:20 pm

Ok Spiritalk. What you said just brought back a creepy memory from the past, having seen movement behind me in mirrors when it was rather dark in the room. I think I changed my mind a bit about pursuing the mirror thing further. It's enough that I can sense energy changes sometimes, I really don't need to see spirits, good or bad...  A mirror in a dark room seems like black magic. Plus, something made me read the book of Enoch in one sitting, and it seems to explain why spirits get stuck on earth and why they may not be friendly... not that I wasn't somewhat aware before, but to read it in the translation of an ancient book is a little different!
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