Negative Bathroom energy

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:54 pm

Yup.  Birth time and birth place are very important.  In feng shui some techniques take a shortcut route but that won't give you the complete details.  This is why I'm trying to find time to study jyotish - was encouraged to do so even back then by my guru friend.  

Yes, mirrors are like other tools.  They can be used for good or for bad purposes.  In fact, there's a black magic practice that uses mirrors to cast spells not just through distance but even as well as time.  Really wicked stuff.

As you have a mirror in your bathroom which reflects the cacti that indeed doubles its effect.  Mirrors in the CR also trap the negative chi BUT a lot tend to miss the next line that it must also be cleansed regularly so that it won't "reach" its limit.  Cleansing further reduces the amount of accumulated negative and stagnant chi in an area.  Notice that they do this a lot on our places of worship may it be a temple or a church.  

The Art of War is a good book and is read by taipans here.  It is also said that it holds the key to unlocking the full potential of Qi Men Dun Jia.  No idea how true that is as don't know how to do QMDJ - its a way to forecast the best time for an action - so I'm studying Muhurta instead as at least it'll be connected with my Jyotish study.

Hmmm.  I should check out that :)  Might have some references I may have of need to :)

Yup.  Keeping the other or deeper subject related to feng shui to other sections would be better for now as a lot may get confused.  Just wanted to highlight that all the subjects here are needed to come up with the best way on how to help someone.  Like when I do an audit not only does my engineering background comes to help but as well as electronic and mechanical skills.  Negating thus those that cannot be explained by science.  Using feng shui and jyotish we come up with an analysis why the situation is so.  This can be further backed up using tarot and other reading skills but I focus more on the use of angel cards.  To remedy the situation we could use a combination of energy and physical healing plus proper exercise and diet PLUS charity work.  Its actually fun and would be profitable if it weren't for those pesky unseen ones and really bad ones who make lives miserable.  Really tempted to charge big but until such time that I be given the proper opportunity to do so I guess I have to figure out other ways to increase my finances.  One client shared to me that their previous feng shui adviser who charges astronomical fees died while being burned alive.  Another who is also quite famous and from Hong Kong was found dead in his apartment.  Reports said he died of natural causes but a lot suspect he died because of his "lover."  Besides, I've seen what karma can do and don't want to suffer it wrath.

Ha ha, can't really call myself a sifu yet as have much to learn too.  Besides, although a lot of folks are really interested in feng shui here they mostly want the shortcut version aka New Age type.  Most tend to forget Him and instead rely on charms and amulets :P  Quite frustrating.

Lest I forget.  Yes, numbers are also important in feng shui.  The number 3 and 4 are quite tricky as both are reserved for special purposes.  And just like your mirror in the comfort room when properly arranged can improve the chi of the place.  It'll be a multiplier.  On that first case where I said I was down for a week after just talking with the subject over the phone their place (yup, despite not wanting to go there my friend who is the nephew of the subject pleaded with me to look on that case) they have a mirror on their landing.  Were it not for it things would've been worse.  Unfortunately, the rest of the place was bad plus the husband who is of a religion who scoffs on feng shui (well, all he knew of feng shui is of the New Age variety which I too don't like) was uncooperative.  You could really sense a lot of unseen ones in their bedroom and I had to show them proof of such existence - showed them a pix where there were lots of orbs in the classroom pix of mine.  Got to convince them and as I use a totally different method from that of the New Age stuff we were able to create a field so that my wife can do some basic energy healing on the subject without them knowing it.  When we arrived the subject was on the bed with an oxygen mask as she was really finding it difficult to breathe.  She said that 2 of the rabbit pendant she used as protection broke in half already - I suggested she try that as it was the Dog year then and didn't yet realize the full extent of what is affecting her.  Said rabbit pendants were made of jade.  First and second one broke the day after she wore them.  She was already using a wood version of it - actually from a keychain - and had this small pouch containing a local talisman.  Weren't effective yet so when we did get to meet her I said to focus on focus on just prayers and using salt.  Before lunch she was already up and about and was improving steadily after.  Didn't get to ask for further updates though as the spouse was still not that fully open despite what we did.

The other factor that you must examine is the item's history.  We got to help someone who really likes antiques and was also given a small but really expensive looking mirror by their friend.  The big antique mirror was placed in their bedroom and directly reflecting their matrimonial bed.  That was already bad but when I passed the said small expensive mirror the chi was all wrong.  I asked who gave that to them and they answered it was from a friend who made a living from questionable means.  I suggested that they move the mirror outside their bedroom and to cover and store away the small mirror for now.

On cases where there is a maligned force in a room what I recommended was to place a salt solution inside that room then a mirror outside facing directly the door to that room so that it will never be able to get out.  Well, works on the low-level ones as the really bad ones break those easily.

Ha, babbled too much again.  I'll post such stuff on the other sections where they are related more to.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:31 am

Well City_hunter, I just came back from visiting a haunted house with my kids and bf. We actually had a good time, and then took a few pictures together. Then we watched some Youtube video with the ghost in Michael Jackson's mansion where something jumps out at you at the end of the video. My daughter had claimed the haunted house didn't scare her and he thought it funny to see if that would make her jump. Well later she told me she wasn't afraid in the haunted house because she knew it was only people scaring her, then asked if that ghost was real, then we talked about spirits, the possibility that negative spirits can be demons, and then about angels, or much rather guardian angels. That made her feel better after getting quite terrified after hearing about demons. her and the neighbor's kid had previously claimed to have seen a ghost, but I am not sure how much truth was to that. Anyway, I remembered that  still hadn't hung up the white tiger picture in their room. And suddenly I felt rather oppressed. I felt the need to hang it up above the door frame right away. Before I could get up there (I am rather short at 5'1") I went back and covered the picture with salt, prayed over it and asked for any negative energy to be taken away from the picture if present and to provide it with protective energy, I also asked for our guardian angels to watch over all of us and keep harm away. I rang the bell as I said my prayer. As I got a box and a step stool to get up to the height I needed to be to hang the picture, the negative energy seemed stronger, angry in a way. I suddenly knew that this would not be easy and that I might be attacked. I proceeded because my intention was strengthened to get the task done to protect my kids and told them why I hung the picture and how the Tigress protects her cubs with everything she's got, thinking of me as the tigress protecting my offspring. I no sooner had that picture up and tried to step down when I fell down almost like pushed. My daughter was there trying to catch me, too. As I hit the side of my son's bed and then the ground I could not help but laugh and say in my mind: " There! - I know you don't like it, but I did it anyway!" I talked to my kids a bit more about Feng Shui and guardian angels, spoke a heartfelt protective prayer with them and then left the room. Then the angry atmosphere hit me again. So I rushed to my computer, pulled up the apostles' creed and the Lord's prayer in Latin and English, prayed both out aloud and now have calmed down enough to write this.

I believe some of the unseen ones don't want us to know about them, don't want my kids to know about them and how to conquer them with positive chi, angels and prayer. Looks like there is still more to be done... Feng Shui and otherwise... God bless!
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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:12 am

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Was waiting for quite a while for you to confirm my assumption.  When I first read your post I thought that it could be the rider on your ex- that may be giving you trouble then.  But as you no longer live with him and have found a new love yet the "feel" is still there.  What you are experiencing is not a because you have a rider too but something hounding you.  This happens a lot to those who have potential to become even more powerful when they develop to the max their gifts.  This is why I was asking for updates especially on your relationship - including that of to your kids - as the first clues to such are picked there.

I'm not sure if the prayers I use here is the same for most Christians but if you are open to such I'll try to PM them to you.  You should see me on some of my weird cases wherein "they" will do those things you see on movies and TV just to make you lose hope.

We need to remedy this ASAP as I don't like the fact that they also seem to target your kids'.  The mere fact that as you were putting up that pix and they did that to you means they are looking for better prey - your kids'.  

My remedy for this is to activate that altar you have near your main door.  This way "they" can't get anymore reinforcements into your home nor get back if they went out - yes, they do get out of one place too to feed on others.

Next would be to reinforce that tiger pix.  We will be using simple but effective methods.  If the kids' room have a toilet you need to place a cactus plant there.  Place a small mirror inside their room to reflect their door.  This is opposite to placing one outside a haunted room.  Placing the mirror inside the kids' room to reflect their bedroom door BUT high enough so it won't reflect any ordinary resident - best ask your partner to assist you on this - should keep them out.  If that proves to be quite a difficult task - considering what you just experienced - get a plain white ceramic bowl and place at least a handful of rock or sea salt then place it under their bed.  You cannot use that bowl for anything else and are to dispose of the salt OUTSIDE your premises.  Not flushed down the toilet or sink.  You are also to wash your hands in salt with water (and ditto for the bowl as you clean then dry it so that it can be used again to hold salt) after cleaning the bowl.

If the salt option is going to be hard as I understand some areas don't stock rock or sea salt you are to either plant jasmine plants outside their bedroom's window or at least place a scent of it in their room.  What you can do is with the jasmine flowers you have mix some with baby oil, shake it then dip your finger and dab some on their desklamp's bulb - turned off and unplugged of course.  Let it dry first before turning it on.  It should fill the room with its scent.  Per experience sampaguita or jasmine are the only ones that are proven effective to drive these away.  Some say rose will work but as those are a bit more expensive I haven't really tried it yet.  

Try to get a feel where there is an unusual cold or hot spot in your place.  That is likely where it holes up.  If you have something like a black or dark colored gem bring that along with you after of course cleansing and programming it.  

And do limit playing hard rock or punk music for a while and ditto for news.  Stick to playing classics or something soothing.  The same for movies and games.

You are to ask Him to lend you St. Michael to cleanse your home of such.  You have to be very specific in your request for assistance down to the last detail.  Would love to tell you why but it'll be off-topic for this section already.

Give me an update as soon as you could.  There's also a mantra that I use but again that would depend if you're open to such.  For now, use the Apostles' Creed in Latin and cast the circle of light on yourself then include into that circle your kids' and partner then your pets then if you still could enlarge it to contain your home.  You will feel some force trying to batter it down so you are to continue reciting the Apostles' Creed as you visualize that circle.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:48 am

OK I guess we are back to the mirrors... looks like I suddenly have a good use for them... I have not colored the frames as of yet... what color would you suggest here for this purpose? The location you suggest would put the mirror on the East wall of the Northeast room...

Will Jasmine incense or essential oil work?

Interestingly according to my son's birth date his guardian angel are Michael and Uriel, my daughter's Uriel, Hamaliel and Raphael, mine Uriel, Gabriel and Adnachiel, my bf's Raphael and Hamaliel. Do you notice the fact that we have all 4 arch angels with us here?! Sounds like major guardians!!

OMG my bf just jumped up and scared the crap out of me!!! A spider had gotten on his face. What else has to happen today... it was 12:45 am when that happened! I will light some Jasmin incense right now!!

Ok, ended up making a tincture from the content of a Jasmin an Sweet Pea sachet and body oil, due to had only sandal wood, patchouli, pine and opium incense (thought I had Jasmine, too but that was in another package I saw I guess), put it on several light bulbs in my home including bathroom and kitchen and due to the kids already sleeping left a tiny container of the mixture in the kids room, just like that,  and you can notice some of the fragrance.
I know where to get jasmine fragrance tomorrow! And I will!

My bf is in the living room humming a soothing melody right now =)

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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:14 am

What I generally do for the mirror option is to ask people to recycle things - ha ha, big on helping Mother Nature in every little way I could.  If you have those compacts and have used up its contents salvage the mirror and get some good double-sided tape so that it'll stick on the wall well.  Circle is best and rectangular is next but square ones will work especially if you line it up to form as a rectangle.  Since you already have some mirrors the best color would still be white for the frames.

Lest I forget, I encountered on one client wherein he has these custom-cut mirrors arranged in such a way outside his home.  The subdivision where they live happened to be a cemetery before.  Lots of ghosts there but nothing bad.  You just feel that they are there and would sometimes manifest themselves but nothing more than that.  Bad for those though who are scared of such things.

Hmmm.  You mentioned that the place where the mirror would be is in the Northeast.  They're trying to create a path to your home to Hell's Gate.  This is going to be even more tricky.  If you could fashion a way so that a religious item (a blessed one as much as possible) gets reflected to that mirror that should create a formidable deterrence.  

Jasmine incense or essential oil will work but the natural one is best which is why I try to get hold of real sampaguita flowers as much as possible.  

Yup.  Considering the 4 of you have strong guardians its no wonder they want to weaken you.  For making you part of them either by becoming simply negative in outlook in life will be a major victory for them.  What more if even just one gets tempted to resort to using the dark arts to change present circumstances.  Notice how they are determined to stop you from putting up that picture of a tiger.  

Insects are usually their "spies" or messengers.  Best cast that circle of light and ask Him to send you his strongest angels to rid your place of the dark forces.  Locate too if you have some kind of drainage or stagnant water feature in the Northeast or a dying plant or something even if its not in your lot but is within your line of sight from that direction.

Inquire too if the kids' sleep well or have bad dreams.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:30 am

I don't have anything mentionable in the Northeast. My apartment is the 2nd one coming from the East on the top floor. Only thing that comes to mind is that the next apartment building has a dumpster in line with our sidewalk to the East. but I can't see it from my front door.

Hells gate? Great! :smt017  :smt013  :smt011 The mirrors if put up the way i am thinking will reflect both the kids' room door and the tiger picture just above the center of the door frame.

I am trying to think of a sacred item... looking for a rosary I think I have somewhere...
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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:10 am

I thank my grandma and mom for having blessed me with some real little treasures - a white mother of pearl rosary I know was blessed during my first communion and a pink one my grandma owned if I recall right. Also a small ring shaped military one that I can't remember if it was my grandpa's or what, but I happen to have 3 rosaries, 2 little silver amulets with guardian angels that say in German "God protect you!", a small amulet of Mary, mother of Jesus that states a German request to be able to find refuge with her. I also have a small amulet with a depiction of Mary of Lourdes and another cross my mom used to wear. I think she had gotten it for her 1st communion as well, but got another one later. So much for growing up catholic.. =) I am officially Lutheran, openly Christian and 100% spiritual...

The white rosary will go in the kids' room. I think it's great that it's got mother of pearl... The properties of mother of pearl are:    
   *  Intimately connected to the sea - represents the tides of emotion
   * An easy flow of feelings and sensitivities to others
   * Connected to family and particularly motherhood
   * Harmony in relationships
   * The play and variety of colors represent change as the beauty of existence

Goes great with the white tigress! I will also add the guardian angel amulets in their room.

The other items I placed into my sacred little altar shelf for the moment. :)
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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:19 am

Nice.  Keep me update how things go.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:37 am

Yes I will... and btw  am open to any prayers and mantras you suggest - anything to protect my kids/family!! So pm away if you like! I think I'll try and turn in before 3am ;) enough witching hours for today!

Thanks for all your support and blessings from the MOST HIGH to you!!
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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:19 am

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Sorry for the late reply.  Had to go out and buy some food for dinner (and eat it too :) ).  I've sent the prayers for protection against evil to your PM.  The following though are the mantras which I said effectively neutralized evil (not just bad) chi.  Do forgive me for this, moderators.  But its something that must be openly shared as some might need it.  And as per I was taught such prayers/mantras are to be shared free of cost.

The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra collection which is the same as the one given to me by my late guru friend (and given to him by his guru too from India) can be found in the following:

There are two download links.  The one for just the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra can be downloaded here:

For the whole collection, it can be downloaded here:

What I usually ask those who are to use this is just to play Tracks 1 and 6 once a day for a week (well, 108x each as much as possible).  This is to cleanse you as the full effect of the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra isn't something to be taken lightly of.  You are warned not to use this for ill will as it will have serious effects upon you.  When you are to use any of the mantras in this collection you must think good thoughts.  Think of positive things happening even to your foes.

You can use an electronic player but its best that you recite it.  Sometimes, those bad ones tend to do damage to equipment :P

I'll try to look for the rest of my prayer set and forward them to you ASAP.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:04 pm

I had my kids come to me this morning asking how they had slept and what their dreams were. My daughter had slept deep and restfully the first time in ages as it seems. She told me she had imagined/pretended before falling asleep that the white tiger in the picture was walking through the room looking for anything evil to devour and protecting my kids. I smiled at that and told her that was perfect!

My son, however, had a nightmare that there was a storm so strong that it blew trees away. He said that I was at work in the dream (* I am currently unemployed) and my Ex/their dad got into an accident. He said, the wind was trying to blow them  away and they kept falling down, but he helped her get up. He also said he dreamed about wolves looking for food around the house (my Ex's), when my daughter heard that part she said she had had a dream like that (just the wolf part) a long time ago and her brother "copied" it. He said he dreamed it last night.

Then she told me about a dream (from a day or two ago) about a volcano erupting near my Ex's house. Also about wolves coming after them (my kids), especially a werewolf "king" who followed them as they were riding away on a horse. She found a gun in a saddle pocket and shot it at the wolves but there were no bullets in it. She threw the gun and killed 1 wolf hitting it in the head with it. The werewolf king got the horse and started eating it. It started raining and fleeing got more difficult, but the rain made the horse better. Then they got to the house and thought they would be safe, but there was 1 wolf in the house. They heard scratching in the fridge and bloody foot prints on the ground. Then they looked in the fridge and saw the wolf and they started running in the kids'/guest bathroom at my ex's where there was a hole like a portal and they went inside. It started spinning, then stopped and then they were back home (same home they just left through the portal )and all was normal and safe. Mom and dad were sleeping in their beds and all was good.

I am only posting that because we are trying to see how the Feng Shui I apply affects us... I will also post the dreams in the dream section, just for good measure.
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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:21 pm

Besides, I just checked the mantra links and they don't bring up anything, except the 1st one says "പ്രശ്നം -
Looks like you have a problem here sir/madam. You sure you have the right place? Maybe you got a little lost? Maybe you're looking for something you're not supposed to find? Either way, just go search for it, it can't hurt."

and gives me an option to search...

Sounds like mockery... :smt017
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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:08 pm

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Dreams are also a part in what one needs to investigate to do proper feng shui audit.  In fact, per my experience, you have to have a working knowledge at the very least of most of the subjects discussed in this forum.  This is the effective way to countercheck facts and solve situations.

The dream interpretation for volcanoes is that there is a serious danger in that place (your ex's place) that is being ignored.  Wolves also mean hard financial situations.  Both not good.  As there is a wolf inside the home then that means the danger lies there.  The problem is that your ex- may not be open to full feng shui corrective measures hence you have to use a different approach - cleansing and prayers (for blessing and protection).

Having two people to dream the same things means something is indeed seriously wrong and is coming.  If I were to interpret how events shaped to the way they are now it highlights the need to address the matter ASAP.  I have long checked out this forum from time to time but only recently did I bother to be an active poster and us discussing problems and solutions is no mere coincidence - I do not believe in such as in all my works everything happens for a reason.

Hmmm.  I'm downloading right now the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra from the link I gave you ( ... Times.html).  Something must be playing tricks on you :P  That happens a lot to me when I work on a serious case.  Try to recite the mantra instead and record it so that you can loop it to play 108x.  

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushthi Vardhanam
UrvaRukamiva Bandhanat
Mrytyor Muksheeya Mamritat

The storm bit in your child's dream means that you can only recover from your present hard situation if you master what fate has in store for you.  Could this mean to focus on developing your abilities in feng shui and healing :)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:05 am

Yes it is indeed interesting how I seemingly by coincidence stumble over just the right information and people that are to become important in my life. But if I judge correctly from the attributes associated with my guardian angels and the fact that one attracts what they send out I will automatically receive the answers I need from the messengers my creator selects for me and by helping others, I will be helped as well. by looking for information and learning new stuff all the time I will be given more new information because I am open to it. I always said, the regular person uses less than 10% of their brain capacity, I make sure that I can always give my 2 cent on everything one challenges me with, that brings me up to 10 + 2 per cent =12% hahaha  :smt005

And yes I will never stop learning every bit of feng shui and reiki and energies and anything having to do with the metaphysical realm - people think I am crazy when I talk about life force energy and quantum mechanics in the same sentence, but I seriously find it fascinating! Of course feng shui is able to change the way energy flows, even the word "flow" reminds you of water. Water will take the way of least resistance and so does life force energy. You got something in the way, i.e. an obstacle like a piece of furniture or a wall, of course it's gonna look for a different way to flow. And like a river can become calm and serene and then rapid and deadly, energy can give life and take it. The same counts for light, it can gently warm you and lighten up a room or the soul. Or it can be concentrated into a deadly laser beam. Come to think of it... I can take every single one of the 5 Chinese elements and it follows the same rule. It even applies to sound and thought! It's all very logical to me. Maybe my little analogy helps some other people to understand the energy principle...

BTW I was finally able to download the mantra and listening to it and enjoying it right now! Thank you!  :smt020
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Post by CityHunter » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:40 am

:)  Keep me posted on how the mantra affects you.  Especially on what tracks you are using already.  If you are curious what Track 5 is just play Track 4.  Its the English translation and explanation.

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